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Friday, October 31, 2008

i can safely say, that today will either be the best or one of the best days i have wif my class CG17/08!!! after the lack of bonding-ness at the start of the year, we have probably savour the best for the last. hahahaha! &&& i shall perhaps begin wif the start of the day. hmm...
yesyes! i was a little annoyed when i saw an sms from ken saying that she sent me her updated slides. errs... which led to some blunders during our op rehearsal and i assure u ppl of the internet, op without scipt is @$@$*&@!. but quekquek says it's a way to train us. ohman! our actual OP is on monday.. after that, PW FUCK OFF!!! hahahaha! (: okay.. so we ended about 1 plus then quekquek says he treat whole class pizza hut! woohoo! okay for ur info i'm not the cheapo type who just becos CT treat then i say best day. hahaha! :P ohwait.. this means that i've eaten pizza hut for 3 consecutive days! ohman! ): hopefully my throat won't go sore, whatsoever. hahaha! (: alright so i was camera man the whole day! errs.. we played the number game and if i nvr remembered wrongly, chuwen, alvin and kendra had to drink the polluted pepsi! ohman! hilarious! hahahaha! (: errs.. sadly, adrian not feeling well, so he didn't join us the entire day! hahahaha! errrs.. then whole class went back. except leon, audrey, cheng, alvin and kendra didn't join us for games! played bball most! it was fun!!! hahaha... though shanmin's team was better : but we all really had fun. capt ball was next. heehee... lots of laughter! errs.. soccer was last but only a few ppl play. ohwait.. arkah joined us late during games. ohman! i think isaac is pro luh.. he's like speedy gonzalez! hahahaha. oh btw our updated video for pw is done.. now what it's left is for merging and kendra's cousin to help wif some animation! heehee.. hopefully it will be funny! :P however, we didn't really have a fairytale ending... cos sendy (hollowshinsands) lost his laptop charger. )): someone must have accidentally took is luh.. unless tj got ghost? nono! we don't have a ghost except an arkah GHOSH! hahahahahaha! okayokay no offence. just cheap joke. (: mum could fetch me back home. so it's good. cos my ankle was a little tired. hahahaha! and guess what? (ISAAC, MAT, ROY) VS (LENNY, ARKAH, TIONGWEI) = NO ENDING SIA!! hahahaha... trying and trying and trying... both teams cannot score. eh i think my class form street soccer team will be not bad leh. not the best, but certainly got standard. hahahahaha!

man here's the.. (star...) 8:15 PM

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

photos from today. hahaha! errs... kinda farewell party? mini mini mini one. cos quek won't be taking us next year anymore. hmm... & oso it's the official last day of my first year in junior college! time really flies!! wow! amazed. >.<>
after school, went to eat wif yuxuan. leon and weiyang came along. hahaha! && i know more stuffs now. heehee! aiya, not that i will remember them. probably forget abt it like... by next week or even tmrw. wdv. the weather's freaking hot today! grrrr... annoying. and i feel sleepy. i wanna organize cage soccer soon! and hopefully it will go through and my ankle too! yay! it's still rather weak at times ): & i'm so not gonna live wif it luh! walau! $$ shortage lately, don't know wassup wif the fast draining from my wallet. haii... so must start monitoring. hahaha! oh today was handing in of i&r... plus the past few months workload of pw shit! say... pi, eom and all luh. so since kc injured his ankle, went to do the admin stuffs.. and i realised i've the least number of pages can! so scary! )): before that we were enjoying some mild nc16/m18 goods in lenny's lappy. ohmygosh! that horny fatty! relax... nothing totally nude. hahaha.. it's just american pie. but watching it in school is dangerous. heehee! actually to be honest, it isn't that we are dead interested in it.. but we wanna just show what lenny store in his lappy, since he stole my handphone! grrrr! so it's pay back time. wahahahaha! *grins* not sure how to start on chinese revision. it's getting way too bored to really study. but heyhey, last day of touching chinese (hopefully&perhaps), then after errs... 11 years of chinese, finally coming to an end! yipeeyaya yipeeyipeeya! oh and i got alot of holiday homework. who knows, i may suddenly have the motivation to complete it by november! hahahaha! chiongster i know. ohwait... can do tgt wif classmates, class bonding. heehee! so cool. anyway i've nothing much left to say. so yup. bye!! enjoy the hotness of the day! ):

man here's the.. (star...) 3:00 PM

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

对 这 个 世 界 如 果 你 有 太 多 的 抱 怨
跌 倒 了 就 不 敢 继 续 往 前 走
为 什 么 人 要 这 么 的 脆 弱 堕 落
请 你 打 开 电 视 看 看
多 少 人 为 生 命 在 努 力 勇 敢 的 走 下 去
我 们 是 不 是 该 知 足
珍 惜 一 切 就 算 没 有 拥 有
还 记 得 你 说 家 是 唯 一 的 城 堡
随 著 稻 香 河 流 继 续 奔 跑
微 微 笑 小 时 候 的 梦 我 知 道
不 要 哭 让 萤 火 虫 带 著 你 逃 跑
乡 间 的 歌 谣 永 远 的 依 靠
回 家 吧 回 到 最 初 的 美 好
不 要 这 么 容 易 就 想 放 弃
就 像 我 说 的
追 不 到 的 梦 想 换 个 梦 不 就 得 了
为 自 己 的 人 生 鲜 艳 上 色
先 把 爱 涂 上 喜 欢 的 颜 色
笑 一 个 吧 功 成 名 就 不 是 目 的
让 自 己 快 乐 快 乐 这 才 叫 做 意 义
童 年 的 纸 飞 机
现 在 终 于 飞 回 我 手 里
所 谓 的 那 快 乐
赤 脚 在 田 里 追 蜻 蜓 追 到 累 了
偷 摘 水 果 被 蜜 蜂 给 叮 到 怕 了
谁 在 偷 笑 呢
我 靠 著 稻 草 人 吹 著 风 唱 著 歌 睡 著 了
哦 哦 午 后 吉 它 在 虫 鸣 中 更 清 脆
哦 哦 阳 光 洒 在 路 上 就 不 怕 心 碎
珍 惜 一 切 就 算 没 有 拥 有
还 记 得 你 说 家 是 唯 一 的 城 堡
随 著 稻 香 河 流 继 续 奔 跑
微 微 笑 小 时 候 的 梦 我 知 道
不 要 哭 让 萤 火 虫 带 著 你 逃 跑
乡 间 的 歌 谣 永 远 的 依 靠
回 家 吧 回 到 最 初 的 美 好

man here's the.. (star...) 9:35 PM

Saturday, October 25, 2008

this is a bad year. everything just isn't going right as it should be. ohman! just as i thought changing to soccer, things will be better, i got a sprained ankle. however, just as i thought i'm recovering already, went to the doctor again, to see x-ray results... no break whatsoever... but doctor said ligament still not fully recovered. so best that i don't do sports for 6weeks! ohmygosh!!! honestly, it was quite a blow at that time. becos that may jeopardised my attempt in trying to have my ass into the school team. ): omgosh! then met za to watch football, manchester united simply suck! like seriously!!! ): the drew wif everton. haii.. disappointment.
i give up already

man here's the.. (star...) 11:54 PM

Friday, October 24, 2008

i jogged! i played a little bit of soccer! & my ankle is feeling alright. and my spirit's good! hahaha! start with today, went to school rather 'early'. printed wr at gonggong's place. then went to school opposite with kahchin after chinese lesson to bind our WRs. yay! and then borrowed a laptop from his friend & copied the file into a disc!! heehee! WR is over! now it's left wif I&R and OP. hopefully all things will go well. (: errs... i tell u, pw during gp was hilarious! lenny's group presented. when adrian finished, everyone clapped like continuously.. hahahaha.. seriously funny man! then overshot time but there wasn't physics! (: so met yuxuan at the stage, then accompanied her opposite. came back, changed went to jog wif mat! hahaha! met dasuki, played soccer. victor, lenny, isaac, mat, das and i. went home after that. ohman! i think i've a boring life.

man here's the.. (star...) 10:30 PM

Thursday, October 23, 2008

WR due tmrw... so kinda rushing wif kahchin to solve content stuffs now. online. hahaha! then after that i will have to continue to edit technical stuffs. pretty boring. *yawns. blaming no one, rest assured. so i had like some last min pw meeting wif quek. till 7plus. really drives me boring not for that good sight i have. heehee! >.< ohwell... & i didn't leave school early today, luckily. if not probably got into some weird shit or wdv. life's really boring. and when people ask me what i wanna be when i grow up? i wondered... yes i have not grown up. yes i have not decided what i wanna do. and time is going so fast but i'm still where i begin my journey on. studying... school's gonna end real soon. 1 year... crazy one i can say. coming to an end real soon. say 2 more months? heehee! and i won't hide but say i'm already waiting for christmas to come! yay! oh tmrw i wanna try jogging. hopefully my ankle feels well enough! (: and i'm gonna go to school late tmrw. cos i think i really need more rest. i don't wannt fall ill. Alevel chinese is next thurs. and not long ago. i just had olevels... this is crazy shit education system. GOOD but yet tiring. tiring but yet efficient. efficient but yet stress. stress but yet fast. ohman! & actually it seemed that my relationship with certain ppl in school improved. although a particular group seemed to have distant away from me. ohwell... i prefer this change though. okay i think i better concentrate on my WR.

man here's the.. (star...) 11:29 PM

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

i know... i can feel it... school's coming to a close like pretty soon. and this excites me. ohwell.. see the extend of how much i prefer not going to school? anyway, op's been fine lately... maybe cos issues in our group are more or less disappearing? heehee! which is good bah. errs.. mat's group op today not bad. can challenge our group. according to quek. hmm... anyway some other groups really must buck up and i sincerely wish them all the best, and of course to my own group! yay! since i've time i shall go into detail what happened today. physics and econs lecture were 'lost in the wilderness'. totally wasted life there. & there's like make-up econs lecture next wed, last day of school which the school gave a halfday! so it's like Nzero to going for econs... >.< currently uploading videos into my handphone as well as nano, although it's like not gonna be watching. heehee! errs... i really wanna start on schoolwork.. but no motivation to do so. which is super sad. everyday it's just wasting time. ohmy! cannot go on like this. heehee! & i'm falling asleep now, although i slept early last night. like 8plus? thought of catching the manutd-celtic game, but didn't. manu won though.. berbatov on the double, though both his goals he was in offside position. hahaha.. rooney shot one from outside the box, not bad! heehee.. he's on fire now! lol. errs... cannot stand it luh! think i get ready to sleep already!
still not online, no adding. walau!

man here's the.. (star...) 10:34 PM

Monday, October 20, 2008

ohgreat!! raining now suddenly. hahaha.. rainy nights are good. so hopefully i can finish pw before the rain stops! hahaha! then it will be a comfortable night. errs... op today was better than the first. so not bad. tmrw final rehearsal already. so must do our best! yay! though today got stupid question from arkah. annoying sia. errs... somehow my ankle beginning to start hurting. went see doctor again. to get mc but then he suggested to go have an x-ray! grrr... today see the soccer team training but cannot join, really damn sian luh! haii... okay i better go rush pw now! c'ya!!

man here's the.. (star...) 8:56 PM

Friday, October 17, 2008

i'm free now... cos my pw group members haven't send me their op slides yet. hahaha! but i will wait, patiently i hope. hahaha! anyway.... i will hope ankle gets well soon. so that i can start playing soccer! yay! today shall be a short post.
& come online luh!!! walau...

man here's the.. (star...) 9:55 PM

Thursday, October 16, 2008

i swear this week has been a bad week for playing soccer. argh!!! and i sprained my ankle, this time it's quite serious. but all the sinsehs close! hmm... it's swollen now! alittle pain. the worst part was, i injure it not during playing soccer, but when i went to collect the ball! lol! maybe i should think on the bright side of life, that i am not destined to be a ball picker! hmm.. anyway i think i need some early rest tonight. goodnight! ):

man here's the.. (star...) 8:17 PM

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

hmm... lets see. attending physics lecture today is an ultimate failure? and stupid alvin nvr come school. so slack. ohwait... yuxuan oso. hahaha! econs lecture was ponned! heehee. ohwait... is there? or whatever. then gp lecture was considering to pon wif some others, but ended up gng. but then got some teacher outside kp. but who cares... then stupid duck, act say my name.. he boring, i sleep, it's nature.. then act say the AQ is mine.. fucking diao sia! & my ogl interview is monday. hmm... leon is withdrawing, cos he said he can't get pass tong. LOL!! oh speaking abt tong, i've let he signed the paper already. so now left mr sim to authorise it. heehee! quite happy? aiya.. got physics tutorial to do! tmrw got 2 periods of practical but will be used for tutorial sia. sian... then at least got pe tmrw. hopefully can play nice game. had to stay back for pw today. wif quek and of cos my group luh. -.- discuss till almost 6 then finish. hmm.. at least i did finish my part on op. quite happy again. hahaha! so no need burn midnight oil. okay i need to go fill up ogl thingy liao.. byebye!

man here's the.. (star...) 10:08 PM

ultimate slack day in school today. lets see... corhort meeting? some award presentation cos the school don't know achieve what thing luh. then was pe.. started 10mins late as a result. but it was pt for awhile and remaining time was games.. played soccer into chem lect though. like 9.30am then we stopped. ohman! off-form like mad! seriously. ): then went to bath, then chem tutorial. leon goh didn't school today. slack sia! heehee! >.< econs teacher nvr come, so almost free period but i did the work she assigned shanmin to give us okay!? dilligent i. then pw was op presentation, mat's group. that teacher leave the impression like good good sia. but then later sendy told me quek -.- told them that he teacher say they suck, smth along that line. walau! sucks eh... then pw got major changes, as in my pw. so must stay back tmrw but lucky today no need burn oil. hahaha! but still awake at this hour cos waiting for my phone to charge... grr.. battery used up like so fast man! cannot stand it. maybe must either buy spare phone or spare battery already. heehee... oh went shopping today. bought new pencil box. so no more sendy poser alr... as in sendy posed me! hahaha! and a new bag. no yak pak, no dickies, no jansport. but nike it is.. hahaha.. think cheaper than yp oso. so not luh. went wif za. lol.. wonder if tmrw will be a busy day. ohya! today.. 12.30pm went to meet mr loh. talk abt joining soccer. so now just need mr tong to sign the form then officially in soccer alreay... happy or sad? hmm... more towards the happy bah?? aiya... nvrmind. look ahead! winnning games! yay!! well.. i guess i will go sleep soon le. and yuck! not fun. now got issues. eeeeyer! matmatmatmat! lol!

man here's the.. (star...) 12:15 AM

Monday, October 13, 2008

&&& i learn to become wiser. hahaha! nvr blog things which are secretive. i mean not that i used to not do that, but i guess i will just have to say that? hmm... who cares. anyway... today's been a really weird day? ohlalala! i know the girls had sleepover at xh's house last night, so they were all late today. funny sia! errs... had a really bad headache to start the day actually. ohman! sucks! ): then my phone was running low on batt today. crap which died towards the end of school. i think i really need a spare one man! haii... so i'm gonna start sourcing for cheap and presentable phone. hahaha! perhaps those they offer at 7-11? but abit lame sia.. heehee! anyway... i'm tired and i don't intend to do tutorial.. gonna say more on the other side. >.<

man here's the.. (star...) 10:21 PM

Friday, October 10, 2008

pw oral presentation today was a total disaster! and i know my results already. there are shit! like seriously and totally. but it's already over, so who cares? u don't? me too actually. hahaha! oh i don't mind saying my result cos not like many ppl will see this anyway, english(s), chem(d), math(c), physics(d), econs(e) and chinese(b). sigh... & my fifa09 on ps2 got no colour! so annoying. heehee... quite loser sia. i think it's ps prob leh... like fifa all cannot have colour? my 07version oso.. but last time got this old chunky tv in my room, that one then got colour. LCD tv no colour. strange sia... thought supposed to be the other way? hmm... oh but one thing i must say is that it's the first time i pass econs. hahaha! and i don't think i need to drop any subject, which is the only satisfying thing so far. oh& ytd soccer before and during pe was great. although arkah kinda was more of a pain in the ass?! heehee. yes he certainly was. okay and i've 2 new Es. yay! econs! and.......

man here's the.. (star...) 7:18 PM

Monday, October 6, 2008

my results suck! that's bad.

man here's the.. (star...) 7:45 PM

Sunday, October 5, 2008

hellohellohello... today was just simply ps2 day man. hahaha. though it's starting to get bored! ): perhaps i should fifa09! hahahaha... well shall go source for it tmrw i guess. hmm... i probably start pw. as in soon! after posting? hahaha! cos I&R's like due on tues for 1st draft. and i don't wanna be burning midnight oil tmrw, trying to chiong through I&R. eyebags are out and it's not worth it for pw yeah? i guess there will be op presentation for my group tmrw? hmm... cos there's 1 period pw tmrw and apparently it is sufficient time for 1 group's presentation. heehee! oh and there's still wr to edit but i will probably start once i noe what the others have edited? if not there will be duplicate work which is a total waste of time. hahaha! no 'economies of scale'. LOL! i'm bullshitting! ): cos cos i guess results will be out tmrw? cos there's like the 3 periods in a row, same classroom. and then 2 chem prac. sheessh!!!! hopefully i won't be a bad day tmrw man! if not it's totally waste of time trying to mug! ohman! normal lessons resume tmrw, so hopefully it won't be a boring and hot day. and that means there will be pe on tues, which totally suck to the core. cos tj pe cannot make it! some pe teachers apparently think they are very smart and all... aiya wdv. oh and manchester united woop blackburn's asses last night. hahaha! though i'm yet to see really fantastic goals, but i thought rooney's was good assist by ronaldo. errs... i guess that's about all? and loser arsenal drew wif rockers sunderland. hahahaha! okay good luck tmrw roy. (:

man here's the.. (star...) 7:55 PM

Thursday, October 2, 2008

almost forgot that this isn't my pb. hahaha! anyway.... school today was ultimate bore. pw was fucked up! and honestly, fucking jc life is screwing me luh. and i really don't understand after spending nights editing shit! being a fuck up moron doing shit work! and not get recognised. i'm not blaming everyone. it's just my luck. honestly. i'm gonna fucking swear, i'm gonna leave this school at the end of those stupid major shit exams, and not return. except for the fact taking results. honestly, i will minimize my fucking attendance as much as i can at school. oh but to think of it.... who cares anyway. anyway got my hair cut today. and yeah gotta see what i can do for my EoM which is due tmrw. so that's about it! ohand i'm dying to play soccer! heehee!

man here's the.. (star...) 7:31 PM

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

slept freaking late last night so as to catch the manchester united game. hahaha! yup they won 3nil! against danish side aalborg but then lose 3 players to injury. scholes (most serious of all), rooney and rafael. heehee! and berbatov scored two! though the first one was a gift! but 2nd one was rather cool. (: oh and i think nani is freaking solo! stupid! poser! every cross finds the goalkeeper and he kept attempting to shoot. and of course, didn't score shit! rafael's good... hahaha! maybe even better than brown/neville in terms of dribbling? and for a right back and someone of his age. hahaha! maybe i can say i wanna see his twin play on the left some day wif him! but then, it will be difficult to take evra's place away? heehee! okay and i ended up not doing pw in the end? cos real's game started early at the stroke of midnight. and then i watched till manutd game then obviously went to sleep. hahahaha! so that means i woke up really late this morning and now gottas start doing pw.... ): so annoying.

man here's the.. (star...) 3:20 PM

STAR details :P

i'm the coolest for the fact that i live in God's amazing grace
ooh.. && i enjoy teasing people
eheh i'm not some bully luh. look at my size! heehee!
december 1991
seventeen not eighteen, not nineteen
child of God
mugger 55%
slacker 35%
everything else 10%
lame-ness, random-ness
manchester united
cristiano ronaldo
temasek junior college
i don't like closet muggers!!
cos they mug and BOJIO us... boohooloo!
woahsian bojio






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