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Thursday, August 28, 2008

tomorrow's teacher's day! probably go bach to maris stella and hope to see my ex-classmates! hahaha!
i've seen something new! ohohoh!

man here's the.. (star...) 8:33 PM

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

making this real short. chemistry spa skill A was horrible today! and i remembered freaking out! haii... then i got myself a haircut! and if it's not nice, i'm blaming the weather! cos that's why i went to have one! okay... maybe it's part of an excuse but whatever luh! ohman! i think i have to skip pe elective tmrw again. ):

man here's the.. (star...) 9:35 PM

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

chem spa skill A tmrw... and i haven't started on any revision. perhaps soon, but it's just too tiring for me luh. hahaha! doing pw editing isn't that wise afterall? hmm... but atleast i did contribute! hahaha... okay lets see, slept at 4am this morning, then woke up 2hours later and head for school. unlucky days just continue, ): being caught by this music teacher or smth... for talking during morning assembly, sent to tong, have to find him before 4pm today. fucking diao! becos of talking to him in the morning after assembly, went for pe late. ohwait... marcus and leon was in it with me too. ): hahaha! today pe was quite good actually. my class played soccer together, except there's kaixuan and victor and some other guy who joined us. apart from that, the rest of the ppl are from my class. including two girls xiuhui and audrey! hahaha! my team won! woohoo... anyway, the fun that matters luh. errs... went to bath, managed to be on time for chem lecture. or rather, it started late. had this chinese test thingy durin the last two period, finished quite fast, so release wif lenny, who finished even faster. -.-" chiongster sia... hahaha! then went straight home. ohman! i didn't get my haircut today. hahaha! i should be getting one tmrw! hopefully i can find time to go. and where should i get it cut? hmm... anyway, promos are cmg and i can't wait for it to be over, and that everything good smoothly. after that, i'm gonna rock my life with... lets see... not sure luh. but still...... okay i think i better start on my chem spa! byebye!

man here's the.. (star...) 8:52 PM

Sunday, August 24, 2008

just some of the photos! credits to dyanna. hahaha.. cos i was super lame can! i brought my camera too but realised no batt. ): anyway... celebrated cheng's bday at vivo bakerzin today. hmm... was pretty good! (: 6 ppl altogether cos 4 couldn't make it. hahaha! how 'nice' arh. okayokay just kidding. i know they've got their reasons. lol... ohwell.. those who went were marcus, dyanna, cheng, chuwen, leon and i lor. we spent almost most of the time there actually. then went to starbucks to chill.. played cards and it was fun! hahaha...
so yeah. it's really back to school tmrw. perhaps the thing to look forward to is playing soccer? hahaha! yeah. and tmrw's officially cheng's bday. hmm... and seriously promos are approaching and i've to stop going out! ): i need to start like chionging! and hopefully not drop any subjects man! walau... siansiansian! okayokay.. i guess the manu game later tonight is un-watchable, cos mum won't allow! hahaha.. walau 2nd game only, then i miss it already. sigh boohoohoo! alright i probably go do the leftover math questions first bah.. then it's sleepin time! (: goodnight!

man here's the.. (star...) 11:33 PM

Friday, August 22, 2008

school today was boring... and i think i really need to work hard for economics, if not i will jollywell have to join the h1 group. ): econs teacher scolded the backrow guys and said if we fail our promos, she will not help us by suggesting that we can make it. sian... howhowhow? ): anyway, physics lecture was boring. *yawns* thermal physics is like crap? ohwell... maybe the fun part hasn't arrive. ohwait... school has been ever so boring and it sucks! ): and swimming training wasn't a trg. maybe cos of the rain. yeahyeah... wdv it is, i left early after the cake thingy, with yuxuan. ohman! and neritta was hilarious!! hahahahahahahahaha! really really hilarious!!!!!! and she's lucky in a way!? thanks to yuxuan and that empty place she entered! hmm... i will not mention it here, least i embarrass her. lol!!! omgosh! super funny! cannot stand it. :P met kevin at raffles city, super crowded man!! like really really. ate at esplanade at this humble restaurant, eating chicken rice. not bad luh. lol.. then went hagen diaz to slack our asses off! okay and i spent money like free like that today. crazy! and then cabbing home was a torture cos the queues and external factors were suck-ie. ): but i still made it home before the midnight! oh and there was fireworks at esplanade there... for i don't know what reason. anyone care to share? hahaha! anyway tmrw will probably be a busy day! ): so sian... tuitions! ): hahahaha... nvrmind. i know tmrw will pass quickly too! yup. yeah, life's getting tired! so sleeping soon i guess. heehee.
a miracle for FAMILY'S friend!

man here's the.. (star...) 11:06 PM

Thursday, August 21, 2008

and like finally i've normal internet service resumed at home. hahaha! it's been sometime since i last updated this blog yeah? hmm... anyway nothing much but some shit happened during the past few days or wdv... wif phone issue not exactly settled but i don't really wanna get abt shit anymore. errs... also i think some people has an ass up fucking shittie sucky face and attitude. okay wait.. mabe two of these people to be precise, one really short, pathetic fuckup shit! ohwell... i guess i'll start on today, since the thoughts are still vivid. physics spa today on skills C&D, i guess it's pretty alright, yup! before that went to eat blackboard and that lady super bias! hahaha! give leon 25% discount and then cheng and i only 20%. hahaha! okayokay... let leon enjoy his 30cents! heehee... this morning did anything happen? let me recall.. ohyeah, maybe i've changed. lol.. i was super enthu during econs lecture luh, maybe it's the influence of mat? well... perhaps so. okay that's about all for today. boring as usual. school sucks! eeeeyer! ytd was testimonial match for soccer seniors! although i didn't play much, like only last 12mins ): but i managed to assist iqbal and dickson's goals! last two! hahaha! though maybe if i hadn't lag for too long, i could get that glory. anyway it's juniors 4 seniors 2. hahaha! (: soccer's such great joy! yay! ohand ytd was super lame day wif the guys. wahahahaha! we were promoting road courtesy to ourselves actually! ohman! super lame! if i can get the video kenneth sent to work, i will upload it! hahaha... but it was super funny man! ((: tues was my mc day. >.< i ain't no slacker! i stayed home the whole day to do work! hahaha.. and later i gotta do oso. so yeah.. probably end here luh. byebye!

man here's the.. (star...) 6:42 PM

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

To roy,
firstly, u need to know u're not some ironman or wdv! exercising everyday doesn't help in any shit!! argh!! soccer lost today! and the worst thing was we were winning.. )):

man here's the.. (star...) 10:17 PM

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

hmm... perhaps 2.4km today was alright?! what more should i expect? but i shouldn't go on and play soccer after that. what's more, it was on the field. but not like i have had the ball on many occasions. hahaha! okay then the rest of the day was a hot one! ): sweat like some fishhead! okay don't ask me why fishhead. errs... soccer friendly tmrw! woohoo!! although i'm probably not playing, since i'm still neeewww, i hoped that we will win! since it's the first game i'm 'part' of? yeahyeah? hahaha. oohokay... so there's like two tests cmg up this thurs! which awesome suck! ): cos i have no idea which topics are tested and obviously haven't begin any shit revision!? and ohmy ohmy! promos are up and coming already! grrr... test really fly huh? yupyup! anyway i hope that all the lactic and pains will go away after a gooooood sleep tonight! yay!

man here's the.. (star...) 8:46 PM

Monday, August 4, 2008

ohwell... i guess today was pretty good? i hoped i did impress in some way or another luh. and thanks to dinesh for lending me his kit. hahaha! if not i will look like the odd one out. hmm... and i guess it's gotta be work for me now? hopefully i can last as long as possible! ohman! tmrw's 2.4km run. i've a feeling i'm not gonna survive it. cos i think i ran quite alot today? 8 rounds for start then normal trainings. anyway i guess i will just have to be patient for a chance to come by? there's a friendly on wed! and i hope i can feature in some part of wdv. (: but i guess i can't ask for too much, since i'm the most junior atm. hahaha! okayokay i guess it's gonna be short today. byebye!

man here's the.. (star...) 9:30 PM

Friday, August 1, 2008

ohwell... another week of school ended. and we had this really long talk wif mr loh. sherman, nicholas, neritta, yuxuan and i. hmm... i guess talks went quite alright? yup. before that i think today i was quite enthu during the 2 periods of econs tutorial? hahaha! then after that went next door to talk to yuxuan and naresh. he's quite funny? anyway the rest of the school day i guess was pretty alright, except that i think leon and i pissed mr quek off? then he walked out of the class 10mins before time. hmm... aiya then after that went makan wif leon, cheng and dinesh at blackboard! not very tasty though. ): and i couldn't meet kevin up today, AGAIN! lol. and go watch movie wif sherman and nicholas. anyway i'm sure there'll be a next time. yup! (: anyway sherman's nice in wishing me all the best, should i really transfer. but currently, i probably still train? see how luh. i hope that the days in school will become merrier! and since i've gotta go bath now, i shall end short today.

man here's the.. (star...) 8:50 PM

STAR details :P

i'm the coolest for the fact that i live in God's amazing grace
ooh.. && i enjoy teasing people
eheh i'm not some bully luh. look at my size! heehee!
december 1991
seventeen not eighteen, not nineteen
child of God
mugger 55%
slacker 35%
everything else 10%
lame-ness, random-ness
manchester united
cristiano ronaldo
temasek junior college
i don't like closet muggers!!
cos they mug and BOJIO us... boohooloo!
woahsian bojio






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