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Thursday, July 31, 2008

ohlalala! today's been a pretty alright day? like the dark clouds looming already started clearing and all... though though, it's still decision making period! muhahahaha! wed has been good, as in near the end part, after aston! heehee! okay so today school's basically just 2 lectures in the morning, swimming pool wif taiwanese. then macs wif them. errs... missed chinese and gp. opps! >.< then errs... physics prac for 1 periods which really is sweating period for me, cos cos that place i'm seated is soooooo freaking HOT! hahaha... maybe it's my own error? lol! kidding kidding. hmm... i supposed i really have to start on work now? hahaha! cos past two days were slacking days opps! ): and it's also decision making time. so i shall go round asking for suggestions! (: only close friends! yay!! hahaha! okayokay byebye.

and lets see... errs.. 3 people made my day today! yohohoho! (:

man here's the.. (star...) 8:01 PM

Monday, July 28, 2008

i'm calling it a day already. like seriously... if i will have to continue it, it will be against my will and perhaps for this person. my noms weren't selected! okay part were but again... it all happened for a freaking unuseful reason! necholis is fucking deserving of a place!! and honestly i can see the way necholis felt! ): i'm not gonna say myself cos i know i wont get anything out of shit! like honestly... and perhaps on wed if everything goes good on the other side, u will see where my heart truely lies... grrr... if ppl wanna say i'm jealous, it's so wdv cos i don't intend to do anything about it!! anyway... next issue, my phone... hasn't been settled and things seemed worst! )): it's freaking irritating to get bothered by it but i hope it doesn't ruin anything or wdv luh.. sibei sian! i'm making it short! but seriously... like what the M's saying.... FOLLOW YOUR HEART <3

man here's the.. (star...) 8:55 PM

Sunday, July 27, 2008

i won't say i hate my life, but i just dislike it. it's only like the first year of jc and i'm getting loads of bullshit stress from schoolwork! and i haven't finish! so perhaps i'll have to turn off my laptop and really concentrate! sigh... whywhywhy? why can't i just be as smart as those out there? who effortlessly just breeze through exams? why must i face all this crap, studying but to no avail? plus more issues regarding other stuffs really make me wanna just hide at home, and not do anything! too bad for me, maybe...

man here's the.. (star...) 10:08 PM

Friday, July 25, 2008

omgosh... today's a worrying day. becausebecause, i'm feeling super duber lazy! i cannot get myself to do any work! )): and now, there's a freaking problem with my laptop's charger!? but perhaps it's good, so that i will not get hooked up at the computer. heehee!! (: then probably chiong my work till super late? hmm... alright i've nothing much to say. byebye!

man here's the.. (star...) 9:17 PM

Thursday, July 24, 2008

it really sucks... (GP+CHINESE)(E-Learning)=SUCKS TO THE CORE simplifying your answer, YUCKS! (LIFE) - (GP+CHINESE)=(LIFE'S ALOT MERRIER). simplifying your answer, HELL GO AWAY! : though i'm seriously enjoying the type of weird enjoyment, not having to go to school but staying at home, slacking my ass off! heehee... i'm done with math and chemistry. but chem there's still like weekend hw, awaiting for it be uploaded on matrix2. sian... while physics supposedly all quizes done, except... some video. chinese i'm totally lost as to where to begin. ): and gp cos i cant load those videos! grrr... annoying! heehee. econs still tonnes left, but they are all printed, just awaiting for the blue pen to signal the green light! and my printing ink is fast running out, due to constant printing! hahaha! nvrmind somehow the ink cartridges are cheaper, like 50% of the 'last time price'? hmm... maybe cos laser-printer's the in thing now. ohwell... i remember last time when i've got this 'desk-jet' printer, this really sucky one, but grand at the time, i always have this issue that the ink dries up even before i used like 38% of it? i know the number's weird, but i like issueing weird numbers! heehee.. but this is not made up! it's true. and now, i use ink like as though it's free. hmm... and i withdrew money today. ate ya kun wif cheng after pw pilot. hahaha.. yeah it's our group's 2nd. seriously the pilot was huge success! maybe cos the burgers were free? but still... we ended like super fast and have about... 90+ survey forms completed? yipee yaya yipee yipee ya! (: however, my personal economy is gonna encounter a financial crisis! and i've warn myself that it will be worst than the 1997 asian financial crisis. haii... of cos funds are needed and welcomed! ((: investments anyone? heehee.. though if u're stupid enough to do so, it'll definitely be a failed investment. hmmm... and i wish i can finish all my work by tonight, but i simply cannot! grrrr... so annoying. okayokay i better go do more impt stuffs! hahaha! (: goodnight!

man here's the.. (star...) 11:55 PM

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

went back to school today, again!! to meet miss tng wif isaac. cos she's teaching me skill 2 for chem prac. cos i miss lessons. ohwell... then after that went to tamp mall, samsung. so see what's wrong wif my omnia and realised that there's some software error which they gotta upgrade it. so i spent 3 hours there. luckily i brought work and finished chem prac outside and did some math questions... cos it wasn't exactly a condusive environment. and i think having the same uniform as some school sucks eh!? especially when their students are like so... okayokay nvrmind. don't wanna offend ppl. errs.. the jap couple beside me at mac was super noisy!! and they mum next to me was irritating! walau! sian... and it seriously sucks! cos mac has no socket, and starbucks too!! ): then what for have wireless? stupid. errs.. pilot tmrw! ): probably gotta wake up early to do the burgers! hmm.. hopefully we'all have some sorta fun lor. guess that's about it!

man here's the.. (star...) 7:47 PM

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

I've nothing to post about today. Just that there are pro and con of elearning. Pro: staying at home, not having to be in school! yay!! too bad it's only 1 week. Con: the lectures online are dead boring and quizes suck shit! ): cos when u do badly. u thought u just wasted hell lot of precious, forever begone time reading the online lectures. ): anyway anyway... today's post shall be on random shit! heehee! >.<
errs... lets see how i should write ? feel like writing.

10 Friends I shouldn't have regrets over knowing them! not in order:

1. Kevin Koh! (:
2. Yuxuan! (:
3. Sherlynn Teo! (:
4. Amanda Chew! (:
5. Zhuang An! (:
6. Sim Ding Chao! (:
7. Dan Ho! (:
8. Cheng Liang! (:
9. Dinesh! (:
10. Nigel Wee! (:

hahahaha! alright, i'm seriously bored doing math! and mat finished all the elearning for math! M=mat=mugger! dang! and mat+mugger=china/indian scholar! :P hahahaha! okayokay no offence here. and i think the song 'xiao shi hou' by nan quan mama is really meaningful yup! (: okayokay i continue my random-ness now... hee!!

15 Friends which I will treasure in TJC! not in order again! (:

1. Lenard! (:
2. Junhong! (:
3. Marcus Ong! (:
4. Leon Goh! (:
5. ChengLiang! (:
6. Dinesh! (:
7. Muhammad! (:
8. Isaac! (:
9. Nicholas Goh! (:
10. Sherman! (:
11. Yuxuan! (:
12. Shanmin! (:
13. Dyanna! (:
14. Lynn! (:
15. Chuwen! (:

10 freaking marist i won't forget!!! not in order again again! :P

1. Zhuang An! (:
2. Dan Ho! (:
3. Ding Chao! (:
4. Daniel Cheong! (:
5. Darren Koh! (:
6. Merrill Tan! (:
7. Wyman Yeo! (:
8. Gerald See! (:
9. JiaHong! (:
10. WeiLong! (:

last one probably! 5 family members i cherish the mostt.... (: probably in order!? (:

1. Sister! <3
2. Mummy! <3
3. Daddy! <3
4. Grandpa! <3
5. Relatives! (heehee! immediate ones!) <3 x20

man here's the.. (star...) 10:26 PM

Monday, July 21, 2008

woke up early today, especially when i'm allowed to sleep till later? cos it's elearning! hahaha! to be honest, it was bored going through the online lectures, with the 'lecturers' monotone voices ): i seriously can fall asleep and i'm doing my online assessments badly. better luck tmrw man! ohand it rained really heavily today afternoon also. wet day! : met yuxuan earlier in school to mug, but she was late. hahaha! for 1 hour! but nvrmind, she got biscuits. heehee! then at 4.45pm walked over to the leadership centre for swimteam interview. choosing of exco members. and it seriously is obvious who's gonna get captaincy eh? okayokay wdv... ohman! and i seriously still have problems using my phone and stuffs. i cant make it just vibrate and have the alarm activated. alright i shall continue to experiment it lor. hmm... today's a pretty average day i guess?

man here's the.. (star...) 10:11 PM

Sunday, July 20, 2008

alright... elearning week starts tmrw and seriously, i've no idea where to begin. tmrw will be a busy week still. so yup! that's all.

man here's the.. (star...) 10:26 PM

Friday, July 18, 2008

this is a post for my beloved. who died on me on the 16 July 2008. Just a few months after it's arrival! )):
yeah.. and it's really really annoying and i don't really blame the person for the cause of it? but still... the money issue is giving me a real headache. mum's angry there's no denial. well... so i'm like really not sure what to do? anyway thanks yuxuan for accompanying me! (: well.. even though cos u're waiting for ur fren.. but still........ and becos my principle still stands, 'money hurts friendship' so i don't really wanna see that 'person' and i fall apart? haii... so someone tell me what to do? what to do? what to do? and there will be exco blahblahblah nomination for swimteam next monday. so yeah... just seeing what will happen lor. anyway... it's quiet quiet,silent emo night for the rest of it. so yup!

man here's the.. (star...) 10:19 PM

Thursday, July 17, 2008

it's been a bad week. especially when my phone drowned last yesterday. fortunately, the user of the phone didn't! but yeah...

man here's the.. (star...) 8:29 PM

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

school's on as usual, sitting right at the back for lecture theatre, really make me wanna doze off. so i shall post! hahaha... tapping on tjcwirelesslan. pe just now was seriously disgusting. wif 'physical' trg and running, really put me off. cos i will perspire and stuff, and even after bathing, the heat still caught up. but all's cool now. so yup. comfortable. hahaha... although i still think swimming land trg's the best, and yup. wonder when it'll be resumed. :) chem lecture now, then chem tutorial. and i actually wonder if the school's tracking my post now? hahaha... maybe i shall not type anyone n pay attention. lol. probably swimming later oso.

man here's the.. (star...) 9:51 AM

Sunday, July 13, 2008


man here's the.. (star...) 10:25 PM

finally done wif EoM. seriously think it cannot make it? hahaha! but who cares luh. damn! i've still got like gp essay to write, due tmrw! -.- and chem hw too. and it's been staying all day long at home. life seriously cannot get any better than this? another week of school starts tmrw, but i will leave halfway to go back to maris tmrw. great escape for me though i think i would have to make up for chem pract. grr... which i totally disliked it? hahaha! i guess i'll make it short today? cos i've lots of work to complete. ): oh! and physics prac which i missed. walau! bored to the max!

man here's the.. (star...) 5:29 PM

Friday, July 11, 2008

i guess i didn't exactly regretted going to school today? but that doesn't make it an awesome school today. but i guess gp was funny. and meeting lenard during lunch was LOL! cos i could disturb him wif.... :P anyway i'm attempting my math tutorial, cos i'm bored, if not u won't be seeing me do that. i've physics like soon and wonder how i would spend my night today. guess it will just be another boring one! haii... and i seriously wanna go out tmrw! cos staying at home all day isn't cool and oh! i've got pw still yet to be completed! grrr... it's due on monday! and totally sucks luh! but i'm going back to mshs for some prize thingy on monday, so mon will be a short day yup! actually i was thinking i might as well not go? hahaha! but for the sake of that attendace, i guess i have no choice.. and yuxuan will start calling me a slacker if i miss school. hahaha! she seems hardworking. :P wonder if it's really true >.< and too bad she doesn't noe my blog so she's not gonna see this! hahaha! and ohohoh i'm already suffering from post nats syndrome! nah it's a weird feeling, maybe cos i thought that i wasn't fun way before it but realised i found it not bad leh! and i've decided! i wan alot of stuffs! which i don't think i will be getting any of them!? say itouch 16gb and samsung omnia! hahahaha! well mum if u see this, i'm just kidding! heehee! and i withdrew money again today. gosh! the numbers are decreasing and it's scary! yuck! weekends ahead, let me have some fun hopefully! (:

man here's the.. (star...) 5:39 PM

Thursday, July 10, 2008

this are some pictures take during victory dinner. swim nationals are officially over for everyone, with the j2s 'retiring' and j1s taking a break from training and all. though i honestly feel that swimming is something which training cannot be stopped for too long, if not everyone will end up like me, not achieving anything. hahaha! well though not everyone will really de-proved? cheerings and all by OTHER schools were good. especially raffles and acs. hahaha! and of cos jer and jiamin head stuffs in the toilet which were so annoying!! ): but we decided not to pursue anything. and school's definitely back, though i gave it a miss today and feeling guilty! argh! cos there's physics prac. anyway today's post will be more on ytd. and i got dunked into the pool by... i think it was sherman? grrrr.... mr loh too got dunked! hahahaha! then went to get bath and left for royal plaza by hired bus. food there was really good and i think we spent abt, say 3hours there? from cold dishes all the way to the chocolate fondue thingy. yuxuan left earliest though, which seemed a good move at the end, cos she could wake up today and go to school. hahaha! after dinner, a few of us chilled out at starbucks, the one near wheelock, where we talked abt 'amoeba' which really sparked off serious laughters! hahahaha! lenard as usual, leading the 'joke'. and i seriously felt poor last night! i didn't withdraw money and had to go round looking for an dbs/posb atm machine!! i walked to forum, but to no avail. in the end i remembered that near the underpass from shaw to wheelock, there's one and quickly hurried there! and in the end, i board the taxi at 12am and realised that cab accepts nets! how loser-ish i can get! hahaha! anyway i guess from yesterday night onwards, no more swim outing wif the j2s, and hopefully i soon become a senior to the new swimmers next year! hahahaha! (: anyway i guess that's about all, more pictures were taken by at least 5 other cameras? omgosh! tjcswimteam=camwhores? hahaha! kidding, but we certainly were a bunch of high photo-takers last night that other diners complained about our noise, but as usual... DO YOU THINK WE CARED? nah... :P if possible i wll see whether i can upload pictures taken during nats cos lenard took some and aloy's mum was the key photographer yup! till then, goodbye! (:
and amandachew i want those photos! grrr... u better come online soon! :P

man here's the.. (star...) 1:55 PM

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

CONGRATS TO TJC SWIM TEAM RELAY GIRLS! IM RELAY THEY CLINCHED THIRD PLACE YUP! AND OSO TO YUXUAN WHO WON BRONZE FOR 50M FLY! someone still said this to me before her race. 'confirm cannot win luh. i swam wif them before, i'm slower' hahaha! anyway good job! and guys too! 4th for relay! and ohoh! very impt! NICHOLAS GOH GOT SILVER FOR 50M FREE!! hahaha.. congrats and i guess things become better? ohwell.. tired tired. school's in tmrw! ): bye!

man here's the.. (star...) 9:39 PM

Friday, July 4, 2008

nats are officially over for me. wif really poor expected results and things which really just have to go the fuck up way. though i get so affected by such stuffs, perhaps i shouldn't be listening or saying anything. just stay dumb and loser-ish forever and ever roy. ): honestly, i nvr had a single enjoyment in my life, at That Jumbo Ordinary level of life and it's so so so so sad... it's nvr peaceful?! though i would safely say i'm happy to see these ppl at nats! mengjiaolian! sherlynnteo! amandachew! narellekheng!(though i didn't talk to her). rachellee!(although i just saw a glimpse of her) but well... old friends old friends... (: other than that, this year still suck and i wish i nvr ever have to go back to school. cos now i have no mood to pick up the pen and starting writing on lines or whatsoever! it's getting annoying and fucking shitty! ): early mornings aren't just for school bitch! what's the point of studying hard, and at the fucking end u don't know which fucking route u're heading to, which fucking life u are gonna lead in the future. argh! perhaps i'm just going crazy! tmrw's gonna be a busy day and yes i totally disliked it. ): sad balls shit! and then it's gonna be a long weekend, wif monday being a holiday, it's youth day. oh what a fucking loser-ish youth blogging here huh? argh! i'll just go get a long sleep after eating and bathing luh. and to be honest, i'm not mad wif anyone. just something's gotten into me today, which really worked me up! but the fault probably lies wif me luh. again again again... at fault. ohwell.... my life's fucking cool isn't it!

man here's the.. (star...) 9:08 PM

Thursday, July 3, 2008

it really is difficult being tied down in the middle of two ppl or groups, wdv... but nevertheless i guess my mouth be zipped but there's still an urge to say it to ur goodfriend! haii... what should i do? anyway i think 200m breaststroke seriously suck balls, and fucking sadded! ): i hope no more next year! probably another event which may be of better..... luck? hahaha! congrats to those who made it to the finals! really really feel happy for you all! yay!!! andand, today's team outing after nats was seriously imba!!! laughters really overcame us man!!! wahahahahaha... wif all the fats and stuffs. omgosh... seriously hilarious, lenard, junhong, sabah, kheng and i were like joking till... omgosh seriously cracking me up! ohand i bought my white berms from top man!? pure white one! hahahaha... tmrw's 100m breaststroke! and seriously i wish nats last forever cos i don't wanna go back to school. the feeling of entering school and leaving in that mini bus to sss was seriously nice! hahahahaha! anyway i hope that everything will go on smoothly and my trunks not become loose tmrw! if not i'm gonna seriously be irritated!!! grrr... hahaha. and i met chew, saw narelle and rachel. disturbed lenard abt CPF! hahahaha! and oh that rgs girl is pretty! okay no offence and despo-ness.... hahahaha... unlike samuel. say so many names! aiyo... and he told mr loh about.... errs... hahahahahaha!

man here's the.. (star...) 10:56 PM

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

there will be mixed of feelings in this post today! hahahaha! alright lets start off wif the shit stuffs and savour the BEST!! to the last. hmm... school today was an awesome,beautiful shit and boring day! how cool can it be! though i was really nice to write out the swimteam's names on the board thingy! hahaha!! since i've all the names wif me and i found this really nice portion of the board to write on yup! then chinese oral was seriously a freaking, loser-ish nightmare which i really wan a 2nd chance, which i hope not next year?! hahaha! okayokay time for the good stuffs!
firstly, ytd i wanna congratulate neritta for clinching 3rd in 800m freestyle event! she brought home wif her the bronze medal! woohoo!!! *CLAPSCLAPSCLAPS* then today was even better!! peckyi got silver for 400m freestyle!! Woohoo!!! *CLAPSCLAPSCLAPS* plusplus we have got more girls in the finals man! hahahahaha! yuxuan, jiamin and tawan!!! all the best for next week's finals!!! YAY!!! alright a twist of mood again, i've calculated that it's impossible for me to get below 3mins for 200m breaststroke tmrw! ): seriously gg-ness! and please please i need this miracle pill!!! dang!! i wanna hope it will be done and over wif soon!! and now dq-ing pleaseeeee... till then byebye! (:

man here's the.. (star...) 8:11 PM

STAR details :P

i'm the coolest for the fact that i live in God's amazing grace
ooh.. && i enjoy teasing people
eheh i'm not some bully luh. look at my size! heehee!
december 1991
seventeen not eighteen, not nineteen
child of God
mugger 55%
slacker 35%
everything else 10%
lame-ness, random-ness
manchester united
cristiano ronaldo
temasek junior college
i don't like closet muggers!!
cos they mug and BOJIO us... boohooloo!
woahsian bojio






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