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Monday, June 30, 2008

mum's seriously awesome! she bought for me this ferragamo wallet from paris. hahahaha! anyway pw's making me busy tonight, but i kinda like it? since jcts are over and i passed physics and math. LOL! okayokay i said pass but without flying colours. ): anyway swim nats start tmrw! morning will meet wif the team to support neritta! gogogo! hahaha.. it's straight finals btw, so she will win!!! woohoo! then noon will be junhong and aldric i think. so yeah.. gogogo! hahahaha... alright i'm busy. byebye!

man here's the.. (star...) 8:40 PM

Sunday, June 29, 2008

alright... so i passed the the hour and it's already the next day. hmm... i guess i came home a little too late today? hahaha! spent the afternoon at botanical gardens. kinda celebrated dyanna's bday, where marcus, dinesh, cheng and i gave her that ' SUPER BITCH' medal. super funny luh her reaction! anyway it was a pretty cool day except the weather was freaking hot! ): global warming man! world do the smth. : after that went za's place wif darren chiong ps2. hahaha! was kinda fun, cos we played real 'funnily'. ohman! swim nats starting this week, and training's like an on and off thing? gosh! this year's madness! ): wif jcts results cmg out too. walau! real deadshit! plusplus, alevel chinese oral is this week, which clashes wif nats. so gotta find the teacher, so mafan sia. haii... but what to do? anyway it's germany for marcus and i against spain, leon and cheng. the stake? $10 only. to be shared. and our bet's different, it's which team lifting the trophy and not jus that full 90mins. hahaha! so yup! ohand it's gonna be telecast on the preview channel, cooool... (: alright i'm tired. heehee. bedtime.

man here's the.. (star...) 12:41 AM

Thursday, June 26, 2008

grrr... i've lost 5 marks in chem cos of total blindess! free radical substitution! this process i write out at least a million times and i can even write it out with my eyes clothes! walau!! and it's making me feel so bad that, i wanna puke! ): whywhywhy? what if i fail by 5 marks? omgosh! what if i'm 5 marks away from the next grade? omgosh! FULLSTOP! no more crying over splitmilk! wait... but i really wanna take a cloth and clean it and redo! but nah.... but then again... it's really wasted man! i'm feelin the pinch yup!
anyway it's the last paper tmrw! mathematics! i really wanna try do well but then again, i'm like slacking my ass off. ): so sad right? and guess what? alevel chinese oral is like next friday? )): andand pw pilot day is oso next friday? lol! and if i've no mistaken, 100mbreaststroke is next friday. walau! why so coincidence? hmm... ohand rachel ko has my math file. -.- i guess tonight no more practicing, just memorising key stuffs! heehee! and hopefully tmrw's paper wont be that difficult? please... no more failing. i've had enough. hmph!
and btw... fate really sucks! sometimes, it just seemed so close, but yet so far! omgosh! and it sucks! crap! anyway back to 'try-to-do-math' now. byebye!

man here's the.. (star...) 9:25 PM

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

omgosh! the construction downstairs is super noisy!! how to absorb chemistry and especially econs!? haii... sian sia. i already died for two subjects, the remain 4 cannot screw up, though econs is almost close to gg, unless got last minute miracle. hahaha! well... probably stay home the whole day, unless i decide to go somewhere else to mug, but it will all be because of the noise produced downstairs! ): and i've a sleephead today, cannot concentrate well. ): howhowhow? c'mon give me motivation to really study.

man here's the.. (star...) 9:57 AM

Monday, June 23, 2008

hello everyone! introducing to you a tjc nerd though cheng's camera skills really suck! hahaha... maybe dinesh has a better picture. (: hahahahaha... that's marcus yup! he's kinda crazy today? he got this weird string thing from *ahem*, then he decided to act nerd and see whether ppl still find him handsome. hahaha! eh wait a min, so marcus thinks he's handsome! LOL.. well... physics and gp was..... 'i don't wanna comment really'. then after that went makan wif cheng, marcus and dinesh. however, after paper gotta meet mr tong cos apparently, i wore the wrong attire. must be full school uni. -.-" the first question mr tong said to me was, 'soccer or swimming?' and i was like huh? mr i'm holding my swimteam jacket? anyway he's weird and arkah gotta see him cos he needa shave! lol!!! and his excuse for not doing so was that he has this thing which he has been following since secondary school, that he cannot shave durin exams! omgosh! he's seriously weird. anyway off tmrw. but it's all used up for econs! ): so i'm gonna spend the rest of the night slacking my ass off. yay! goodnight.

man here's the.. (star...) 9:41 PM

Saturday, June 21, 2008

anyway, life's been rather busy lately, with jcts starting in just 2 days time. ohman! hopefully next week will just fly by! also mum will be away for a week. to the european side of the globe. hmm... and somehow i just cannot study econs and physics! which is the first two papers of the jcts, apart from other h1 subjects. ): these will determine me entire morale for jcts man! walau... and will it just go low after these two papers? ): anyway life's a boredom too... awww... and swim shirts are go their way to us! hahaha! i've seen the designs, not bad, really! (: and i just reformatted my laptop, though i don't really noe why i did that? but at least that kept me away from it like almost the whole day? hahaha! which was not that useful anyway luh. cos today's just slack slack! ): so demoralising. and now i'm thinking if i should buy microsoft office 2008. or is 2007 still the latest? cos the current one i have is only 2003, which totally isn't as grand as the latest one. hahaha! the problem is the money man! ): i've found out, i think it's 200plus for it. omgosh! ): and i think it willl help in pw?! so should i get it or not? and how?? borrow maybe. hahaha! but who has it? argh! so irritating. i've alot of things in mind to get and probably start after jcts. hoolala! but the thought of nationals really make me wanna go. erk! anyway hopefully all these will be over soon luh. i guess i will end here, c'mon roy, lets try out physics! : good luck. >.< hopefully tmrw's a good day.
empty blushes
don't put me back in school. ):

man here's the.. (star...) 10:15 PM

Friday, June 20, 2008

i think tonight's beautiful. 15 1/2 hours more kevin will reach singapore! 3 days and 1 1/2 hours time, jcts will start. ): monday's physics and gp. tues is hol. wed's econs (omgosh! ): sucks) thurs' chem and fri's math! after that it's happy time! alright maybe not really. cos you see, nats are up and returning of results too. what if both suck! damn! ): anyway studied abit outside today only. after tat followed mum to paragon. and she bought a gucci bag for herself. walau! and when i asked for crumpler, she said no. not fair! hahaha... alright i didn't exactly ask just now, but i did like 2 weeks ago? around there. anyway probably better luck next time for me. hahaha! ohwell... it's getting kinda weird lately, cos i really dread going back school. haii... it seems that i'm 1/4 through but it's getting kinda tired. yawns** oh not that type of tiredness, but just uncomfortable maybe. ugh! and i think i will try make myself busy tonight!? bought some books to read. lol! in a long long time already. anyway it's goodnight and i pray for the rain to come tonight! i love rainy nights. (:

man here's the.. (star...) 10:30 PM

Thursday, June 19, 2008

alright. so select which pic is the coolest. hahaha! okayokay this uncle is super cool. i wanted a picture wif the buildings but only managed these. anyway he's like fishing! omgosh! hahaha. and honestly caught quite a number of fishes. errs.. i think i saw him catch.... 1 billion trillion zillion million thousands fishes TIMES 0 plus 4. lol.. in like 5mins? za and i saw him just slightly outside the esplanade. hahaha! went to the library there to mug. met lynn, sam and wh. and honestly there were two weird ppl there? a man and woman. the man went can came back. the woman came when the man wasn't around. how coincidental man! LOL!! okay firstly the man took this blue slips of paper from some place in the library, which allows u to ask questions, and he went to take like alot, threw away alot after scribbling words on it, then write alot of crap and place it in the 'handing-up' slot. hahha! cos za and i went to see what he wrote before we left the libray at like 8plus... omgosh! i remember seeing this 'good government...' and some really crappy stuffs? obviously he isn't right at his mind! but hilarious though. ohoh! he oso enjoy walking to grab a book, and then bringing it to his table. pretended to read it then place on the trolley whereby the librarian will put the books back in their respective shlelves. lol!! he's seriously crazy but quite poor thing i guess? i suppose young guy? errs.. maybe mid 30s? anyway the woman was weirder. she kept holding on to this bell thingy, and it rings whenever she walks. she enjoys walking to and fro from one part of the library to the other! omgosh!! hahaha.. and wh said sherman said ytd that she was a he. lol!! hilarious. but honestly who cares? cos these people really destruct the 'close to peaceful' environment there! hahahaha! well.. i believed the woman walked like 21431728474719593812154 km in the library. lol. kidding kidding. but she really enjoyed walking. hmm... apart from the COLD air in the library, i supposed today was pretty alright? jcts next week. grrr... hate the feeling of pre exams syndrome. hahaha! okay chill i'm not stressed --- (issit a good sign or bad?). anyway za and i almost had a heritage tour man! clark quay (too noisy) pass the supreme court. and many other nice places. then to esplanade. hahaha! it's funniest in the night! next time shoul have outing there, then place 'indian poker' then lose do the forfeit, i will have alot install for them then! hahahahaha! not saying. zzzzzziiiiiiippppp....... anyway gotta go. makan! though i ate dinner outside, but i think there's good food. ciao! (:

man here's the.. (star...) 10:23 PM

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

today's morning trg was exactly productive. at least i managed to pull myself out of bed, travel from on end of s'pore to ther other! then took a freaking long bus journey around half of s'pore, into the heart of the business district then back to weird toapayoh. cos i met my weird swimmate there today, at the library. hahaha! and he's none other than sherman! :P well... i think i will try clarke quay! it's kinda cool. woohoo! andand, there's this pretty big starbucks there? gonna check that place out. maybe tmrw? studying? ohwait, there may be dinner. better luck next time then dude! hahaha. okay so mum's off for business, and honestly i think this sucks! ): though u think i get like, almost total freedom, but i ain't taking my chances well enough?! too bad for whoever feels jealous. hahaha! anyway, i whacked zhuang an's ass flat right down to the boot today. okay not physically man! i'm straight! lol.. but winning11. wahahaha! 5 games to his miserable 2. which isn't really fair, to combine the last time we played wif today's cos last time i lost 5-1. and today 5-2, we played an extra game. so at most, we are quits! hahaha! but still... i told u i will thrash the shit out of u. wooho! :P :P mum fetched me back, cos she finished work slightly earlier to come home to pack. yay! thanks mum! oh and i came home and immediately head for the pool. swam wif my cousins. hahaha! something which i haven't done for like............ no idea man! freaking long time ago that is. and sadly, tonight will be another long night for me, with an early 'good morning' to expect. haii... hopefully jct ends real soon! yay! and i cant help but stressing, kevin's coming back on friday! hahahaha! ((: and that we can rock town upside down after my exams! okayokay not so great to be able to rock town. butbut! kinda of. (: ohwait. there's still school nats to tackle! grrr... nvmind i've seen the event schedule. i hope i won't feel that stress up on the actual day. heehee! anyway bye! :

man here's the.. (star...) 10:46 PM

Monday, June 16, 2008

i think the clouds kinda nice? it's like exams are exactly in 1 week time and honestly, revision's not even halfway through yet. what i fear are econs and physics man! ): i think life this period really suck ass! jcts and competition respectively. argh!! i cannot stand it! ohman! it's now really down to me? but simply nothing seems to be working out. damn it! how i tried so hard to study but multiple distractions just come and go! walau... not nice! i thought not watching the euro08 was good, but it ain't any better to be honest! oh andand, holland's gonna own asses! and villa wont go to liverpool!! no torres-villa pairing please........... omgosh, i spent the entire day at home, eating and sleeping away! pig! gosh! and this is the last week of the holidays already. to be honest, i still cannot believe that half a year had just gone by so bloody freaking quickly! and i've yet to achieve anything yet this year. wait that's so not gonna happen oso. poor thing, but who cares? nope i'm not missing school a single bit but i don't wanna get stuck at home all day long!! it's terrible ohlala! ): nvrmind i'll just be patient and see how things go. maybe i should really really train super hard, get myself tired at the end of the day, so that i can sleep early and then the cycle repeats again the very next day! but then again, my studies will be neglected. ): solutions please...

man here's the.. (star...) 6:44 PM

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Iphone and Imac air!!

man here's the.. (star...) 8:59 PM

Q: How many RJC students does it take to change a light bulb?
A: 4 whole faculties. One to design the new bulb, one to manufacture and test it out, one to write a proposal on it and one to market it.

Q: How many HCJC students does it take to change a light bulb?
A: The whole school. To compete with RJC.

Q: How many VJC students does it take to change a light bulb?
A: The whole school. One student to screw it in and the rest to cheer and wave flags and banners to give him/her support.

Q: How many NJC students does it take to change a light bulb?
A: None. They can study without light.

Q: How many AJC students does it take to change a light bulb?
A: They're too busy trying to be one of the top 5 JCs.

Q: How many ACJC students does it take to change a light bulb?
A: None. They'll rather use all their money to employ YJC to do it for them.

Q: How many YJC students does it take to change a light bulb?
A: None. Only one teacher to tell them what a light bulb is in the first place and to demonstrate how to change the light bulb. (So how do you think they're able to change it for ACJC?)

Q: How many CJC students does it take to change a light bulb?
A: They'll prefer it to be darker. (Hmmmm?*raises eye-brows* )

Q: How many JJC students does it take to change a light bulb?
A: None. Their physics is so bad that they made their macho male physics teacher cry.

Q: How many TPJC students does it take to change a light bulb?
A: None. Would they even bother?

Q: How many SAJC students does it take to change a light bulb?
A: None. They believe in praying for it.

Q: How many NYJC students does it take to change a light bulb?
A: None. They are still using oil lamps.

Q: How many SRJC students does it take to change a light bulb?
A: Huh, what litebarb?

Q: How many PJC students does it take to change a light bulb?
A: Heck the light bulb lah, the principal would do something about the rightbarbs. Let's do 300 jumping jacks for not wearing the proper school attire

Q: How many MJC students does it take to change a light bulb?
A: None. They are too busy trying to get promoted.

Q: How many IJC students does it take to change a light bulb?
A: None. They are Innovians. They'll find ways out of the dark.

Q: Who wrote all this?
A: A TJCian.

Q: How many TJC students does it take to change a light bulb?
A: None. They think they are already very bright.

man here's the.. (star...) 1:44 AM

Saturday, June 14, 2008

i watched jay chou's 2007 world tour concert this morning! it was good! hahaha... and now i'm hearing piano tunes of his songs! really nice. (: and hopefully i makes me wanna re-learn the piano! hmm... though life has been really busy, but i do see a little positive result from interjc, but cannot be contented wif it though. haii... nvrmind hopefully exams and nats will come and go asap! (: and yup kevin's cmg back next friday from uk!! wheeholayay! and he's staying like 2-3 months. which is really long! (: then i can really go shop till i drop! hahaha! yup and i've reserved two iphones! really hope to get it man! yay! mum has allowed! (: though i still love my n95 but mum said she doesn't mind using it. and tmrw we're most likely gonna see if our internet broadband is ready for upgrading!! yoyoyup! and then i noe there's this offer for imac air...... wahahahaha! imagine i get that! i be freaking overjoyed man! imac air's the sexiest laptop on earth to me atm!! (: okay so hopefully tmrw i wont be too tired to really study! cos today studying was an ultimate failure. ): how demoralising. and pw hasn't been really updated! gonna try out the recipe! hahahaha! okayokay i guess i will end here! i wanna listen to songs in peace! doing nothing but just sitting back and listen! life's gonna taste good tonight. okay that sounded all so wrong! lol! (:

man here's the.. (star...) 10:35 PM

Friday, June 13, 2008

hahaha! thanks to xiaoxuan's camera did we managed to take some underwater shots! (: anyway inter-jc today was pretty awesome! (: well... though first event lost to ziheng by 0.04sec, i guess the rest weren't pretty bad. of cos 200m br was a disaster! hahaha...i totally just 'tried' swimming my way through. but i guess it's worth taking over lenard and skipping 200im. hahaha! (: errs... did 50m, 100m, 200m, breaststroke and 50m butterfly, which was super last minute cos i thought i didn't wanna swim this event but got persuaded. hahaha! weird me yeah... ohwell... then i oso swam the fly 8x50m. hahaha. another cool event!! 4 guys and 4 girls! (: errs... junhong, sherman, aldric, yuxuan, neritta, tawan, jerene and i!! woohoo! we totally pawned ass! hahaha. though only 3 schools took in this event part! (: oh and i think the interjc shirt's nice too! (: oh the funny part came. after everything, packing of lane ropes etc etc, we decided to push ppl into the water! hahaha... firstly was neritta and yuxuan, both settled to jump in together. however, at the very last moment, yuxuan stopped and neritta plunged in alone! wahahahaha! 'princess' treatment neritta?? :P but in the end yuxuan oso went in. hmm... oh then next was mr loh. hahaha. but he was quite prepared for it luh. (: aiya.. i wanna jump to the funniest part. the target was changed to samuel. and he decided to make his 'great' escape!! forgot who but i think it's either sherman/dodo, tried chasing him to throw him into the pool. cos he was already changed out. okay so anyone guessed where he went to make his escape?? hahahahahahahaha! he actually jumpeed in to the pool. like omgosh!!! this really got everyone laughing man!! wahahhahahahaha. anyway... i wonder what i should do now... it's either sleep/work. hmm.. ohwait! food first!! hahaha. cos i didn't eat much just now. ): and yay! i won cjc swimmers in tai di. hahaha. then we played asshole-taidi, i won then sherman! lol... the other 4 were cjc ppl. merrill and glenn among them! wahahahaha! super funny can! alright i guess i will end here. probably more photos next time or i will get and store in my laptop. (: hmm... hopefully can get tat photographer (mr loh's friend) to give us the photos!! i think he should bah...?! if not he keep for what? hahaha.. alright that's all. (:

just as when i thought it will soon be over, it never seemed to be. why?! :

man here's the.. (star...) 5:08 PM

Thursday, June 12, 2008

went for school's training today. hmm... was just preparing for tmrw's interjc meet. and honestly, i have this feeling i will underperform tmrw. i tried doing 50m br, and only managed 40sec. like what the hell!! and this is like making me feel so... argh! i cant explain it. ): anyway i think i've over signed up for events. and probably need to skip some! ): well... i'm tired. so i shall have an early night. hope tmrw just go about well enough for me to come home feeling please.... :

man here's the.. (star...) 10:17 PM

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

ohwell... rain started like 5mins ago? 10.21pm now currently. why cant it just come like 2hours later when i'm prepared to go to sleep or smth? anyway the rain's mad. cos it keeps splashing onto my window pane like a beating pattern? it comes and goes. quite irritating actually. hahaha! but but it's pouring really heavily now, and making me all but tired...... well i went morning trg today and it really didn't work out too well luh. ): cos i cant manage fly well. and i got a cramp at my ankle and it was the first time i tasted it at there. seriously, it can be regarded as the worst cramp, though i managed to take it quite cool-lie by just resting for a few laps. ): whywhywhy? i'm like a cramp-shit-king during trg can! and 20x50m was rather killing. imagine having to swim breast for everything. omgosh! hahaha! butbut the last one was sprint wif plunge. though i only managed a 40sec and somehow this year i cant just drop to the 30+++ sec zone. i really wonder how i managed a 36-37 during time trials like 1-2 years back? ohohoh! i noe! meng jiao lian! hahaha. he's the one who really trained me luh. : but all lost now. and it's an jl who isn't that bad actually. just a little too fierce and LOUD! okay i today i got pawned ass when playing winning11 against za. though the last own goal which led to a pk shootout which i lost was really not needed!! i passed back to keeper and za accidentally/purposely - i dunno which word to use, pressed the start button, so the game paused. and i really didn't think much thought he wanted to make changes or wdv, but then he immediately pressed 'start' again and the game resumed. blurr me didn't control and the ball entered my net. walau!!!! and pk shootout i lost! haii... and it was like arsenal vs reggina! seriously sucks man! wait the worst part, he's like 2 men down due to red cards. )): hahaha! kkk i admit i suck at this but wait, it's my first time playing w11 ver13. remember za that time at ger's place i thrashed ur ass flat. 5 goals to 1 or smth. whee! okayokay anyway back to business, pw makes ppl busier! ): and and i haven't started on econs! omgosh! super duber irritating and scary. everynight, i cant sleep cos i think of swimming and jct. how cool is that? i went to bed 10plus last night. the last time before i really slept, i looked at my phone and it says 12.34am. ..................... and i noe after a long time after, did i manage to sleep! so hopefully rain last till like 3-5am tmrw morning!!! hahahaha! so i can enjoy the coolness yup!! goodnight! (: wait rainy nights are emo nights for me. ): but not for today i guess. (:

man here's the.. (star...) 10:17 PM

Monday, June 9, 2008

i just took a look at my calender of events and realised that jcts are exactly 2 weeks away! and that's awesomely scary! ): obviously i'm not prepared for anything subjects especially econs and maybe physics. crap! and still i'm slacking my ass off in town today. getting a haircut which really really cut short my hair and catching a movie wif mer. ): okayokay and tmrw i will be heading down to parkway early in the morning! ): and i think i better call grandpa to give me a lift for trg early tmrw morning, so that i wont go back on my plans! hahaha! however, after trg i shall head directly down to parkway for pw meeting. gosh! pw really take up lots of my time man! and really really hope i can settle down and really study till i drop. ): of cos besides jcts, it's interjc this friday which i totally hope to see a gimmer of hope, ahead of nationals man! lol!! it's really morale dropping period of me now! i cannot take the stress to be honest. that's why i tried escaping by going out. but at the end of the day, regrets really were too late. )): i hate it. why cant nats be earlier in the year? like before hols? hahahaha! and it has become a problem when i concentrate too much on a particular subject, neglecting the others. cos the feeling of knowing u're way behind revision for it really really sucks! ): ohwell... i guess i need to work out a perfect plan and promise myself, after tmrw's pw 'outing', no more going out till end of jcts AT LEAST!! hahahaha! hmm... however, i still want that berms and spending at isetan is a must! hahaha! coscos........ nvrmind. i save time and head back to work now i guess. ohshit! pw work sia. ))):

man here's the.. (star...) 6:43 PM

Saturday, June 7, 2008

almost out the whole day, but all for good reasons! hahaha! anyway i guess i'll have to waste resources by burning midnight oil ): i really hate nights like these, though once i lie on bed, that's it. morning come just as soon... hahaha! alright so hopefully tmrw's par will be good yup! and that nobody ps or wdv. hahaha! okayokay in order to save on some oil, i shall go continue wif work! byebye!

man here's the.. (star...) 9:14 PM

Friday, June 6, 2008

Let everything be over as soon as possible! hahaha!

man here's the.. (star...) 11:39 PM

Thursday, June 5, 2008

nope i didn't get them. mum did for me when she went overseas. aww... ((: anyway still looking for a fantastic white top and i think i need a hair cut. hmm... but should i cut it real short? wahahaha! bet ppl will start laughing. i shall see how, now gonna go out settle some money issue! hopefully it is successful! yay! byebye.

man here's the.. (star...) 10:14 AM

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

yup... this is the construction site taking place below my house, next to the condo. hahaha! and obviously, it's a big piece of land! woolalala! and for ur info, it's a building of a house. hopefully it's gorgeous! (: and not another montessori. cos there's like 3 here already. almost next to each other. omgosh! hahaha! well... today has been a mugging day, like almost the whole day. whether or not productive, i'm not too sure about it actually. ): just hope that it will be luh. hahaha! errs... giving leon and alvin's belated bday celebrations a miss. weiyang planned this. well... just thought of staying indoors today. (: and life's been quiet lately and honestly, i hope i can push myself to go for trg tmrw morning at 7am! wow! really really hope i can. cos i'm honestly a noob there now. wif fitness really off track and it's demoralising. haii... pray hard for a mircle. i hope to continue shopping by the end of this week. hahaha! maybe friday? woohoo! (: and i noe where to next. suntec area! whee! yupyup! i noe there are stuffs there to see, but hadn't really got the time to travel all the way there. actually that's one of the nicest part of singapore. with the flyer in sight and blahblahblah... i do think of going up there one fine day! hmm... other than that. i guess nothing else about today already. yayaya! boring i noe. too bad for me. hahaha! bye! ciao!

man here's the.. (star...) 6:29 PM

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

i really cannot stand the amount of noise made by the construction works just below and next to my condo. ): i tried sleeping, which i did, for a rather long period but had to wake up at intervals. lol! cos cos... there's simply just too much noise. ): anyway slacked alot today, hopefully i can really get my ass down and study. hahaha! and and... i didn't train, boohoo )): anyway... HAPPY BIRTHDAY LEON AND ALVIN! hahahaha! (: okayokay i guess i have a short today. i wanna shop!!! heehee! i've combed far east, shaw, wisma, taka, paragon, cine, bugis, vivo. where next? hmm... well... i would try ps cos i wanna check out that creative player, the video taking one. looks and sounds cool! hahahaha! and ohoh... heeren! (: and perhaps, some repeated places! GSS c'mon don't make it look like a scam! freak that croc berms )): hahaha! alright gtg. bye!

man here's the.. (star...) 6:19 PM

Monday, June 2, 2008

and i finall collected my olevel cert after along wait. hahaha! well... it's kinda nice the way moe put it. hmm... not bad not bad. but menon, should it be a marist since 1998? hahaha! omgosh. i just realised something. most marist just need 4-6 years to become an alumni member, but i took a miracle 10years! okayokay back to today. errs... i went vivo wif zza to mug first. okay we really did mug! hooray! at harbourfront. not really vivo city. hmm... we settled at macs. yup! where i drank 1 medium sized green tea and iced milo. freaking got a tummyache. hahaha! loser sia. ): hmm... then we went or rather tried shopping. honestly, it doesn't seem like GSS period. wth... regular items not on sale. wahahaha! poor za couldn't get his flower-y shirt which he thought was super-duber nice. but i thought it was just okay... especially the price. $89.90 for that.... eh, BIG NzerO! hahaha! and i got myself this shirt at espirt. on the cheap. hahaha! totally owned the $89.90. cos it's like 70bucks cheaper! hahahaha! but the item top of my shoplist was a really nice white berms. however, i couldn't find one that's good. hahaha! the one at zara was not bad, except quite long. well... honestly it's not really cos i'm short. hahaha! so i was thinking, if i have to alter it, what for man?! ): and i tried looking for the one at crocodile. eh! it was there but it doesn't say 50% off! hahahaha! too bad roy. ): hmm... armani was really good. but not today. perhaps wait for kev to come back from uk! wahahahahahaha! he's the armani boy. no need to consider, just BUY! sex sia! (: well... but honestly, the armani berms were ex. ): i think $126? okayokay ex to me luh. happy!? hahaha! and i just thought of a plan, i noe how much balance i have in my bank, so why not i just make it a nice whole number by withdrawing what i think makes it nice! whee!!!! good idea. hmm... i think no more crumpler dream. ): cos i alr just got the arena bag, bought during swim package and yeah.... too many bags give one headache. (: what's up tmrw? i just realised inter-jc is next week. hahaha! according to merrill (who's in cjc. crap tjc's like the host and i don't even noe when issit). my mp3 hanged today. sucks leh! and issit true that if my mp3 (nano 3rd gen) the back has lots of scratches, i can go apple and change the entire thing? and the best part, FOR FREE? alright... i do sound like a cheapo yeah? hahaha! and actually za & i tried warming up at shops like freshbox, but the designs were so crappy. YUCK! MAX! hahaha... alright i guess i will end here. BYEBYE! folksmates! (:

man here's the.. (star...) 11:10 PM

Sunday, June 1, 2008

argh! i'm super pissed this morning! ):
and i was at crocodile when i saw this bermudas not bad. the best part was it's on 50% discount! omgosh! butbutbut... ): don't have my size. ): hahahaha!
anyway... singapore game tmrw, anyone game for it yup! (:

man here's the.. (star...) 10:32 PM

STAR details :P

i'm the coolest for the fact that i live in God's amazing grace
ooh.. && i enjoy teasing people
eheh i'm not some bully luh. look at my size! heehee!
december 1991
seventeen not eighteen, not nineteen
child of God
mugger 55%
slacker 35%
everything else 10%
lame-ness, random-ness
manchester united
cristiano ronaldo
temasek junior college
i don't like closet muggers!!
cos they mug and BOJIO us... boohooloo!
woahsian bojio






  • January 2008
  • February 2008
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