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Saturday, May 31, 2008

today's a rather busy day. hmm... woke up, saw lenard's msg that swimteam's in school. so i went down to make my payment! hahaha! yup got everything. swimjacket rocks! well... but trunks are too small, so probably going down wif sabah to change it next week? hahaha... and shirt's printing is wrong. so not sure what's next. heehee! (: anyway swimteam's left for penang! HAVE FUN PEOPLE!!! though i heard that neritta and dandan did not go. and yup yuxuan too. hmm... bought another shirt today. the formal type. hahaha! on the cheap duh! but i'm waiting for a mood where i will get the higher end stuffs! hahaha. i feel now is still not the time YET! hehh! (:
alright and today's words of the day shall be erm....

man here's the.. (star...) 11:20 PM

Friday, May 30, 2008

i spent my morning at home. the rest of the day outside. hahaha! leon, marcus, cheng and i met up at the airport to mug. hahaha! though it seemed that the three of them we busy talking while i had one table on my own. LOL! kkk i'm not emo yup! then marcus and cheng came latest and left earliest. but leon and i decided to stop too. went to town to chill... though i thought i could do some shopping, wif things in mind to get, but i'm simply too stingy today luh. ): in the end, i didn't buy anything. hahaha! ooh and i'm pretty unsure what's going on tmrw. ): and swimteam is going to penang tmrw already! HAVE FUN PEOPLE!! hahaha. yup, i'm not going. coscos... aiya i don't wanna talk abt it. heehee. alright another boring post luh. ): lack of pictures. shall start being a camwhore soon. LOL!!!

man here's the.. (star...) 11:21 PM

Thursday, May 29, 2008

The word to describe today is really simple. And that is...


man here's the.. (star...) 3:28 PM

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

school hasn't been missed a single bit. wait, i don't mean i've been attending make-ups but i don't miss school. ): in fact, i'm enjoying the luxury i have at home, the time slacking my ass off! hahaha! (: anyway, jcts will begin right after june hols. and it's super irritating luh! crap. and oh... i still don't know when's inter-jc. hahaha! sounds fun but i don't wanna swim. it seems i've lost motivation in doing so. but chill mr loh, i'll still train! >.< i will just try my best. school starts really late today, chem make-up tutorial for my class, 1.30pm. what a weird timing. as in........ okay nvrmind. : honestly, things have been going rather quiet for me, after seeing unwanted stuffs and hearing unwanted things, well... i just not gonna look back after two years there. cos cos it just makes me go, 'huh? why?'. blaming no one for this and hating no asses! hahaha! though it disturbs me once in awhile, like 1 every 3mins? hahaha! kidding. but nothing i can do. so yeah, i just want swim nats to come and go as quickly as the past 16 years did! and that i can enjoy the rest of my 2008 doing things i wanna. honestly, though it's still early, but i cant wait for december to come! not becos my bday falls on that month, just that december's really a month for slaking eh? hahaha! okay maybe not this cmg one, cos cos alevels next year (subject to not being reained!). u noe, it freaks me out thinking of that. hahaha!

man here's the.. (star...) 10:06 AM

Sunday, May 25, 2008

i pray to God to watch over the victims of cyclone nargis and quake in sichuan. amen.

supsup! well... ytd was kinda of a hectic one! hahaha! nvrmind shall not go into details about that. anyway... it's a sunday woohoo! school's out BUT there's still a need to return to it tmrw! and the following, and the following. ): alright luh... shall look on the brighter side of the darker side. okay i ain't got a freaking clue. and there's still an unsolved mystery over a certain issue! grrr... ola! i've taken lots of chill pills over the days, and i suppose i'm better! hahaha! do i sound like i'm on drugs? nono! just kidding luh. (: damn! i wanna go shopping. ): life's been a bore.. boohoo! but again, staying at home just means less money spent. hahaha! i just realised my $$ has dropped by half! :0 so any rich bugger who wanna go out and treat me, all accepted! hahaha! just kidding. (: i need to really start studying. ohman! that seriously suck! cos u noe u needa study, but u just procrastinate. cos there's always a tmrw. i probably regret it when the world comes to an end bah... which probably takes another erm... 70 years? cos i'll be 87 by then... so at that age, i don't think i mind entering the kingdom of heavens! wahahaha! i wonder if angels are pretty. cos they always appear in song lyrics. hahaha! okay random. nvrmind yay! next 4hours will be a boring one! so i must learn to bear wif it! c'mon gogogo! alright... i guess that's all. byebye!

when u're lonely, don't think of drinking or popping pills. cos u end up raping urself.

man here's the.. (star...) 10:43 AM

Friday, May 23, 2008

heyo! let me ask u two simple questions.
what will you do if you see things you don't wanna see?
what will you do if you hear things you don't wanna hear?
hahaha... well.... i've no idea why i'm asking that.
anyway, i gave school a miss today. honestly, at the end of my 2-year jc life, i wonder what i will remember most? miss most? hate most? well, that may be alot! hahaha.. just kidding. however, i met marcus up and went shopping. lol!! he had an 100% make-over, while i've got 50%. try figure that out urself. ooh... wanna noe abt the bugis street story? lol! i got permission from marcus to spread it. hahaha! it's super funny, cool and moral boosting(for marcus). left there abt 7plus to meet cheng at bedok interchange. we were for mardi gras, which i thought was pretty average. hmm... the whole event, i got myself just a drink and this flower thingy wif a choco. and honestly ppl, it ain't for anyone. : didn't see cheryl chew dance, but jas and nigel came! hahaha... and ppl thought nigel was cheryl' bf. don't freak out cheryl. see! i'm clarifying things for u on my blogg... yup! he's not. we are just all good friends yay! anyway the taxi driver who drove me back from school tonight was poor thing leh! that stupid malay mother freako! moronic asshole! he told the driver that he was gonna go two places, and when reached the first, he said he needed to put his things upstairs first. then... disappeared luh! walau... taxi driver oso wanna cheat. so idiotic! curse him to the max luh! )): okayokay taxi driver uncle oso partly to blame for being gullable. but please... he's old man leh! haii... stupid malay passenger. hope he falls of the chair and land on his ass. and get x1232134218314 bruises on his ass. so he cannot stand, sit or sleep. loser! okayokay anyway that's it. byebye!

man here's the.. (star...) 11:59 PM

Monday, May 19, 2008

omgosh! i just realised that i didn't really notice the time throughout. hmm... nvrmind at least i made it back by 1! went to meet up wif the parker ppl! cool... and seriously, although we haven't been talking, but when we met, it all seemed like things happened just yesterday! hahaha! went to support jasmine at her choir concert. not bad yup! (: cheryl chew, debby, nigel and 2 of deb's friends were all there. hahaha! oh of cos jas' friends were there. so yeah... beginning met nigel up first to chill by the riverside. hahahaha! romantic sia! (: relax i'm totally straight. cool... then cheryl chew and debby all came and yup. after concert supper was at chomps. okay we were kinda funny. we bought food from chomps but brought it to the other hawker. cos there were no seats! ): cheryl left earliest. and i just realised, although we are in the same school, we are like 'hi-bye' type of friends? which totally shouldn't be the case. hahahaha! (: well... and she just survived her hc camp, which by the look of it, seemed tough. hmm.... : mat must suffer quite abit too huh? hehh... remaining ppl were jas, deb, nigel and i. ananda came for awhile though... ey! i suspect something! muhahahahaha! alright shall not go into it. then we walked from chomps to like the main road area? chatted along the way blah blah... and i'm so jealous of deb's height. ): although she blamed her heels for contributing to it. but hello! without it u're still tall. not fair!!! hahaha. (: woohoo... vesek day errs alright since past midnight, so today! finally a break without having to skip school. hahahaha! okayokay not like i skip school like always, but at least a longer weekend. and an additional boost, tues is off day for tjcians too.. unless u've ur own stuffs in school. cos cos, teachers must go some weird thing? so students like me off day! ohwait, probably meeting swim team to go down to arena! woah! according to nard, 50% off! damn it! should have waited and maybe buy trunks then. nevertheless, i expect a new goggles and maybe errm.... shirt? yeah, shall see abt it luh. whee! feeling real tired now actually. sigh...

anyway i just realise something, june's coming! means kev's coming back soon too. rightright? or did u like cancel wdv plans u had? well.... hopefully u come back at the day when i end jcts. if not cannot meet up. ): hahahaha! totally miss him man! my midnight chatmate! woohoo... kkk again, i'm always straight. yupyup! ooh and my sister's bday is cmg. ohwait, shanmin's too! hahahaha... kkk shhhhh.... must see whether i'm doing anything. LOL!! and i told myself something. later, which is real soon, when i sleep, and wake up the next errs... cant really say day, but hours later, i need to study!!!! grrr.... studystudystudy! yup! like my saying goes... 'strive to be a nerd'. though it seems rather unhealthy to me. hahahaha! okayokay enough excuse! ooh and fullerton hotel is the sex! muhahahahawahahaha! nigel and i went into it, pretending to be waiting for someone, but we used the washroom instead. heehee! and nigel has an emo hairstyle. oh btw ppl of the public, nigel's my childhood best friend! hahaha! though we may not be as close as before, i tell u smth, he's my midnight jogging mate cum talker! hahahaha! cool yeah? and oh for ur info, kev didn't sub him. he's just my teenage chatter! okayokay i'm sounding real gay-ish which totally didn't rock! oh and nigel and cheryl are like freaking popular yeah?! sobsob to me. ): okayokay i'm really tired. and OMGOSH! SO MANY OUTSTANDING TIMES MAG NOT READ YET!! oh and joke for the night, nigel it's gross and not gross. okay figure that out urself ppl, non parkers i mean. (:

man here's the.. (star...) 1:03 AM

Saturday, May 17, 2008

so that's the definition of my life huh?

man here's the.. (star...) 1:01 PM

Friday, May 16, 2008

ohmy! things just have to turn out this way. but i'm still puzzled. dang! like why?

anyway... it has been a really weird and speechless end to the week. weekends are coming but i totally don't want it to happen. because it doesn't last forever and that it makes me feel so trap at home. hearing unpleasant things really make people feel "shit". but i guess it's just all about hiding it up somewhere. do i seem like i don't care? well... hopefully, if that will put to a stop, people asking me if i'm alright. which i think i am. not dying just yet. however, there will surely be weird imaginative thoughts yeah? hmm... ooh and tjc bball lost to ajc. jiahong grrr... hahaha! okayokay. pretty entertaining game though. ajc's no.6 scoring 3-pointer like forever! omgosh! pro shit!

man here's the.. (star...) 6:28 PM

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

arh... i don't know what to do.

man here's the.. (star...) 7:32 PM

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

为你写诗 (吴克群)
爱情 是一种怪事 我开始全身不受控制
爱情 是一种本事 我开始连自己都不是
为你 我做了太多的傻事
第一件就是 为你写诗
为你写诗 为你静止 为你作不可能的事
为你 我学会弹琴写词 为你失去理智
为你写诗 为你静止 为你作不可能的事
为你 弹奏所有的情歌句子
我忘了说 最美的事你的名字
爱情 是一种怪事 你的笑容是唯一宗旨
爱情 是一种本事 我在你心里什么位子
为你 我做了太多傻事
第一件就是 为你写诗
我什都能忘记 但唯一不能忘记的是你的名字
我什都能忘记 但唯一不能忘记的是你的样子

man here's the.. (star...) 10:32 PM

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Teddy Gieger - For You I Will (Confidence)

man here's the.. (star...) 11:14 PM

The All-American Rejects - It ends tonight.

man here's the.. (star...) 12:45 AM

Saturday, May 10, 2008


indeed i feel so jealous, like
there's ever no more light.
would you say it wasn't fate
that allowed us to meet on that date.

your ever so beautiful eyes
the inner beauty in you which, tie
my heart to yours, and after
so long this feelings nvr alter.

i simply enjoyed your presence,
silent it may be, but filled with love essence.
oh... maybe i wish upon a shooting star
that you just be mine without being so far.

man here's the.. (star...) 9:17 PM

Friday, May 9, 2008

Admit that you're just lousy dude.
Because things just don't seem to happen the way you want i to.
Can you say to yourself, you're not wrong?
Damn it!
Everyday's like this, you're gonna breakdown real soon, i swear!
Freaking get a life out of yourself! woolalalalala!
Gosh! Lets say who?
Hell noob you can be! blahblahblah. )):
Ice... yeah it felt real cold. cannot stand it.
Just now, things were simply weird.
Knife your heart yourself dude. to affect others.
Must tmrw be like today? you will die like seriously man dude!
No need for anymore excuses.
Opposite things are happening! scary! ):
Peace out whhooosh!
Quit this job! it sucks! c'mon!
Roy roy roy roy roy roy. haii...
Suck! Really really suck! hehh!
Teach yourself by learning from others. smart alec wont work. trust me dude!
Underneath each line, there's a hidden meaning. so obvious that it breaks! ):
Very very very sad indeed, yo dude!
Wash away all your sad thoughts by tonight! it ends tonight (the all-american rejects).
Xcept if you really cant. then too bad. stuck with it for as long as it stays.
Yesterday was as bad as today. tmrw shall be the same. you'll die!
ZzzzZZzzzZZZzzz... time for bed. yay!

man here's the.. (star...) 11:59 PM

Thursday, May 8, 2008

It must end somewhere, somewhat, sometime, soon.
Get back to business dude!
Get back to your old boring lifestyle.
You ain't the type which has 'life'.
C'mon! Stop procrastination.
C'mon! No more facade.
In the end... It shall be a happier ending probably. wow.... -.-

sorry. but just some random post for today. i needed to be.

man here's the.. (star...) 10:59 PM

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

i must master math!! i don't care! i'm freaking scared! but i'm not doing anything about it.
well... today's a fun day. and i mean during swim in the morning! hahaha... we had this 'scissors, paper, stone' craze in the pool. and we played the sps game! boys vs girls and obviously boys won! hahahaha! basically we each stayed at one end. then raced across and when we met each other, sps lor. sherman and i made it across. the rest didn't! hahahaha! and i left my swim stuffs in the locker. damn! gonna stinked up tmrw. ): anyway back to my point. chinese oral was the sex! i had like all 优 (you) for the reading part! how cool is that man! yay!! (: erm... then i rushed back for physics today. and mainly asking questions today lor. hmm... i cant stand it! i'm like suppose to do math and i'm slacking away infront of my laptop! grrr... and i think i'm gonna get the bag luh! too attractive already. hahahaha! ((: ooh and leon oso thinks that guy has a qian bian face!! omgosh! really cannot stand it leh. ): irritating to the core! yuckyuck! ooh and chelsea just have to beat newcastle. -.- why cant they just leave the last game for manu as a warm up for their champions league final game against chelsea (the world's lousiest team) heehee! wdv it is... i'm gng back to math. so yup! byebye!
HC VOTING TMRW!! woohoo... gogogo mat! (:

man here's the.. (star...) 11:18 PM

Sunday, May 4, 2008

misery. ):

man here's the.. (star...) 9:25 PM

Saturday, May 3, 2008

i've got a hair cut! a short one. : well today was another average average day. went back to school in the morning for a movie screening. it was a pretty good movie! hahaha! some parts were funny too. (: then had some discussion thingy. after the whole thing, swimteam went for lunch! yay!!! errs... 10 of us. junhong, sabah, dodo, lenard, royce, chaiyong, eileen, tawan and jiamin. hmm... went to parkway for lunch. after that went town met up wif darren. cos we arranged haircut tgt? yup... and i'm seriously broke. ): and i hate the feeling of spending money and feeling bad after. haii... hahaha! nvrmind... we will see how the days continue to pass. hmm... oh and i'm feeling awful today. ): as in... i cant explain it myself. loserloser. alright... that's all. byebye. LOSERLOSERLOSER ROY! )):

man here's the.. (star...) 9:46 PM

Friday, May 2, 2008

yay!! i survived two periods of econs tutorials today. hahaha! (: and wait let me think... oh i didn't get scolded at all in school. cool... though i was late, but nvrmind. nothing happened. oh wait! two sad stuffs. )): physics test was the ultimate dead! it was seriously suck-y sia! don't like don't like! )): ohwell... what can i do? i pay the price for not revising which i totally regretted. )): next week got some math test which i've totally 0% confidence. wlao eh... anyway physics tutorial was like super fast! means i gotta start doing the next chapter's. ): wlao... teacher said the present topic was easy. make me feel happy for nothing, cos i thought i could do. hahaha! well... study study study... is that what jc life is all about?! maybe my fun hasn't arrive? will it ever? ): okayokay... on the brighter look, i met up wif weiyang after school to go support netball team. yup! they won! hahahaha... though the coach was like @@&#*!#$@*$*!$ almost throughout? which is totally madness! hahahaha! well... wait she didn't swear luh. just scoldings. : okayokay what shall i do for tonight? hmm... and oh nobody is replying regarding tmrw!! i'm sooo confused luh. kkk the song i'm listening now is nice for today! hahaha! tata! dang! (: bye!

Wondering the streets, in a world underneath it all
Nothing seems to be, nothing tastes as sweet
As what I can't have
Like you and the way that you're twisting your hair
round your finger
Tonight I'm not afraid to tell you
What I feel about you.
I'm gonna muster every ounce of confidence I have
and cannon ball into the water
I'm gonna muster every ounce of confidence I have
For you I will
For you I will
Forgive me if I stutter
From all of the clutter in my head
Cuz I could fall asleep in those eyes
Like a water bed
Do I seem familiar, i've crossed you in hallways
a thousand times, no more camouflage
I want to be exposed, and not be afraid to fall.
I'm gonna muster every ounce of confidence I have
And cannon ball into the water
I'm gonna muster every ounce of confidence I have
For you I will
You always want what you can't have
But I've got to try
I'm gonna muster every ounce of confidence I have
For you I will
For you I will
For you I will
For you
If I could dim the lights in the mall
And create a mood I would
Shout out your name so it echos in every room
I would
That's what I'd do, That's what I'd do to get through to you
I'm gonna muster every ounce of confidence I have
And cannon ball into the water
I'm gonna muster every ounce of confidence I have
For you I will
You always want what you can't have
But I've got to try
I'm gonna muster every ounce of confidence I have
For you I will
For you I will
For you I will
For you I will

man here's the.. (star...) 8:43 PM

Thursday, May 1, 2008

yay!! it's a new month! means allowance time. hahahaha! it's a day when i feel richest. anyway PI submission (FINAL ONE) is due tmrw. ): i tell u, it has given me so much headache that... okay nvrmind. hahaha! physics test tmrw and seriously, who likes test? not even when i studied for it can! ): ohmygosh! i just got reminded by my time table. first two periods for the day, ECONOMICS TUTORIALS! crazy crazy friday! grr... nvrmind, i'm likely to go support netball. they are playing a pretty crucial game. gogogo! hmm... ooh and i'm eating butter cookies. rocks! ((: pig me (oh i learnt smth, pig can be use in almost all scenarios) hahaha! omgosh! i wan the complete seed black and green stripes crumpler bag!! and i'm now considering whether to ask mummy for permission to get it!! though i will kinda expect her answer and her excuses. -.-" whywhywhy? what's more... swimming will be buying that arena bag. then i will have too many bags to find a good excuse to get this crumpler bag! )): somebody suggest something for me now!! oh and i need a hair cut! (: my hair is like wire! gosh! ): i oso wanted the mercurial vapour street boots! hahaha... but i'll probably get that if i cant get my hands on the crumpler. hmm... i'm so bored, i'm so bored! i cant concentrate on studying. i need another day off like the other day whereby i really studied! hahahaha! but tmrw's a big NO to ponning school. ): yay!!! champions league final in moscow sees man utd take on chelsea!!! so cool luh! premier league games, manu take first position becos of goal difference but level on points with chelsea! so it's like 3 big games left for manu and chelsea! woohoo!! though if chelsea loses this weekend and manu wins! they can wave the bpl trophy byebye! hahahaha! cant wait to see that happen though. ((: well... i guess i've nothing left to post about. yup! byebye! (:

man here's the.. (star...) 9:17 PM

STAR details :P

i'm the coolest for the fact that i live in God's amazing grace
ooh.. && i enjoy teasing people
eheh i'm not some bully luh. look at my size! heehee!
december 1991
seventeen not eighteen, not nineteen
child of God
mugger 55%
slacker 35%
everything else 10%
lame-ness, random-ness
manchester united
cristiano ronaldo
temasek junior college
i don't like closet muggers!!
cos they mug and BOJIO us... boohooloo!
woahsian bojio






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