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Tuesday, April 29, 2008

PW sucks!

man here's the.. (star...) 8:50 PM

Monday, April 28, 2008

chem mock spa was seriously the ass! and econs test first thing in the morning was the freaking shit! other than that... everything seemed perfectly fine. a normal normal school outing for me. yup! however, various pdps didn't do well today? so i hope everyone's good! hahaha! though badminton lost 3-2 to ajc. bball lost by a point to vjc i think. (omgosh! 1 point is the ass). hmm... netball thrashed ijc though. but but soccer girls only managed a goaless game against them. i attended make-up lecture for econs from 5.30-6.30. ultimate boredom! ): i spent almost the entire time talking to thaddeus. hahaha... and we talked abt dearest kevin koh!!! super funny luh! omgosh! ((: i attended trg. abt 20mins plus of it remaining. did some sprinting thingy. quite slack! hahaha! and oso one more crap thing. i gotta do pi draft 5. )): ultimate sadness sia. haii... poor shit! super super sian luh!! nvrmind. at least somemore i have this pushed in me tonight. to really complete most of what i need to complete! hahaha! so yup... :

give me the right answer please. (:

man here's the.. (star...) 8:45 PM

Saturday, April 26, 2008

okay that's the new bag i really want now! hahaha... THE COMPLETE SEED version! hmm... probably wait for the right time to get it. hehh... anyway sports day yesterday, was alright... spent almost the entire time with lenard, samuel and royce. lol!! super funny luh we all. hmm... played soccer after that too. but seriously couldn't score alot. ): anyway today's football game is the sex! woohoo! manu's gonna own chelsea's ass. i dunno how but they will!! and i wanna go out and watch wif friends!! hahahaha... shall see shall see. cos got dinner in the night. hmm... alright, i guess that's abt all. byebye!

man here's the.. (star...) 10:37 AM

Thursday, April 24, 2008


man here's the.. (star...) 10:53 PM

Thursday, April 17, 2008

i know i've got alot to reflect on at the convo with mr loh. along wif audrey and eunice. hmm... went to meet him yup. whole convo for the 4 of us lasted over 1 1/2 hrs. hahaha! tat's long. hmm... i cant stand the feeling of having low confidence level. yuck! and i think mat rocks in finding out blogs. hahaha! he's so funny luh. and pw suck to the core!! i seriously hate it. i gotta start on draft 3 for pi, and here i am still blogging away, wasting my life. crap! ): i really have no idea what to do. i'm suppose to switch to modernisation i guess... stupid! wasting time sia!! thank god it's only 1 year worth of project work to do man! hahaha! alright... i guess i gotta go start doing whatever i need to do by tonight. )): and tat's all. bye...

man here's the.. (star...) 10:25 PM

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

well... i'm feeling kinda down wif wdv has been happening lately perhaps? hmmm... well tat's not the point anyway. who cares. -.- erm... i'm listening to jj's songs. haha... yup they bring back lotsa memories man! cos for tat year, these were the songs i'm getting hooked on. young n cheerful days! i hate my current life. :( maybe cos i'm too coward to face the stress of jc life. i wanna go back to just maybe 2-3years back? well nothing in life so far has made me really happy. but yeah... i'm still contented. :/ i'm sentimental! haha... okay tat was random. i don't exactly hate school, but i prefer to gng. ): ubber crappy nonsense. hmmm... wad can i do? no choice but to get on wif life! oh had class photo taking today. i managed a smile or two. :) hopefully it really will bring back fond memories when i look at it... maybe 10years down the road? haha... i need a chill pill cos i'm freaking out wif wdv i'm thinking. ppl say i think too much, n i think it's true. tat's cos i don't have confidence in myself? yeah... probably. so sad man! okay since i'm pretty free today, i shall sleep now! goodnight whoever. :&

man here's the.. (star...) 11:38 PM

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

someone's sad. cheer up! I know you probably wont see this but yeah... i'll just try my luck? errs... think positive and get a good rest maybe? i know i'm like 'who the heck' am i kinda thing now, but still... right right! so just hope things go well! :)

man here's the.. (star...) 9:39 PM

Monday, April 14, 2008

hmm... supposedly everything settle except for words. haii... that's probably the most difficult part. crap! it's so late now and i haven started on any hw! and it's hw btw! no revision! my life's so screwed! -.-"
well.. school was alright i guess? except that classmate and i didn't talk the whole day. petty huh? wlao... who cares anyway. omgosh! training was the sex man! hahaha! firstly track was being used so our run was to east coast park then back to school! yay! so fun. then we went to do pull-ups. (: after that suppose to do some drills wif medicine ball.. ended up pumping for 40mins! gosh! damn tiring. that's becos we were not serious during training. ): hmm... anyway arms are super tired now, but fingers still available for typing! yay!! reluctant to go mass swim tmrw. but yet still wanna go. hahaha... no idea why leh. cos land pe suck? probably. LOL!!
tmrw's tues, and seriously time flies!! except for the period of time we gotta do pumping! i wanna succeed in life! yay! who doesn't anyway? -.-" but i wanna start driving soon!! grr... kkk i guess that's abt all. gtg now. byebye!

man here's the.. (star...) 10:14 PM

Sunday, April 13, 2008

i went studying at sengkang cc wif za.
i bought my pink trunks! hahahaha!
i bought that towel thingy!
i wasted money on these! ):
i am gng broke!
i am studying till like now. but it's all not productive. ):
i am waiting for manu vs arsenal to start!
PINK is hot! hahaha. kiddingkidding. i'm sure dude. (:

man here's the.. (star...) 9:53 PM

Saturday, April 12, 2008

went for the party at dyanna's house. hmm... it was good! hahaha. quite alot of ppl turned up and i made lenny angry. ): wlao... seriously, it's like anyone even bother who he likes right? crap. wdv man! ohman! as in me luh. ): anyway i'm super tired. gotta meet up wif za and darren to pass them smth. hahaha. kkk brought backward this post. cos i came home late. yup. goodnight.!

man here's the.. (star...) 11:59 PM

Friday, April 11, 2008

school was alright today i guess. hahaha. had last period cancelled cos physics tutor not in school. (: no scoldings and drama for once. opps! well.. i think today's funny! cos i tricked lenny and that was super duber idiotic of me, but i admitted in the end what?! hahaha! kkk i'm funny. (: then i pissed kenneth off... well... i suspect smth. lol.. kidding. >.< oso isaac didn't win 5000m. sigh... but he came in 4th. ching kai is like imba crap! he sprinted the last 200m like some bullet travelling without air resistance. hahahaha! marist talent. LOL!! (: played soccer after the whole sports day (extra) event, quite a few j2s and ta2s lor. yay!! scored 4 goals i think! hahaha... it was fun! played till abt 7.30pm then quickly rush off to meet zza. in the end both of us realised we were in the same train. so he didn't reach earlier and vice versa. hehh.. (: anyway... i guess that's about all. tired tired. -.- bye!

man here's the.. (star...) 11:59 PM

Thursday, April 10, 2008

it seems that, i'm beginning to hate school. ):
like what i told those closer friends, at home after communicating, confidence level boosted to 70%. back in school, looking at things which are happening, confidence level dropped to a low 19%. ooh how cool... -.-"
school work is a torture and it toally suck to the core! damnit! ):
i went training today, but swam for abt 1hr 15mins, cos there was lightning and stuff. begin pouring at 6.30pm, so got trapped in acjc. ): well... left for the bus stop at 7pm. and it wasn't until 9pm that i got home. how fun life can be. freak it!
life's a boredom! : is studying everything? we still live to die one day. crap i'm being pessimistic which is soo unlikely of me. yuck! ): well... i really have no idea what have gotten into me. probably fatigue. -.-" i wanna try finish physics and chemistry tutorial!! but then again... my eye lids are coming downwards. grrr... not fun not fun!
ooh saturday most probably gng for bbq, hopefully nothing major crops up for whoever luh. not training tmrw, hopefully i can find myself where i'm supposed to be. gotta buy impt things!
well... nothing left to comment about today, just that it has been a tired one. -.-"zzz

man here's the.. (star...) 10:05 PM

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

econs test suck!
school sucks!
training rocks!
8.37pm rocks! yay!

man here's the.. (star...) 9:01 PM

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

mass swim this morning was fun! hahaha... we were super lame but yeah. errs... missed chem lecture cos went to makan wif swimmates at mac. hehh.. TA students all oso slack sia. so many ppl there. well... i supposed school was pretty alright. just that there's econs test and PI draft2 submission tmrw! sian...

man here's the.. (star...) 8:47 PM

Monday, April 7, 2008

well... i think today's a bad day. emotionally perhaps. ): errs... i had this serious weird dream this morning which had an emo impact on me? hahaha! i dreamt about two good buddies can! stupid i know but... basically i dreamt that kev went overseas, which he did, to study and nvr ever contacted each other. so sad. and they other one was merr. hahaha! weird i noe. he was the same case too, i think? if i hadn't remembered wrongly. LOL! and like at 4.58am this morning, i heard ambulance siren. i woke up, looked out of the window, saw no sign of an ambulance. probably dreaming or maybe it drove pass. argh! i hate the sound! ): at school.. it was alright i guess? lectures were fine... erm... it was a normal day for me luh. but slightly worst then normal. okay go figure out what i just said, cos i'm confusing myself. hahaha! : i was deciding whether to go for land training, cos i was quite tired. i went in the end and guess i had some fun. so little yay! (: many ppl left early though, so i paired up wif xiaoxuan. she came halfway throught the 2nd set i think? hmm... and mr loh was nice today! hahaha.. he changed the last cycle to smth fun. (: it was definitely slacker but train apes sia! cool... sigh... i've got lots of work to finish all by tonight. and honestly, i'm the type who wont give up my sleep for such work! ): it's not slacker but just... i don't wanna suffer the next day. hahaha! feeling tired in school and ppl start calling you emo. -.-" well but i do make exceptions for certain stuffs to sleep really really late. hahaha! hmm... and i'm still here blogging away, wasting life. ):
i belive good things don't come by tat easily! and i find it super unfair that certain ppl get what they wanna, but somehow, it just wouldn't work out for me. crap! probably cos the problem lies wif me huh? ): errs... and when ppl tell me i wont lose, deep down in me, i still think as if i'm already losing. why?? suck! let me perhaps hang on for another 2 weeks! yup! and see how things do. cos today, i got back math results, failed. i hated that feeling. i always get back bad results on bad days. which made that day worst worst worst!! ): and lenard just have to shout something sooooo *not at the right time to say* words!!! grrr... hahaha! but nvrmind, he's a funny guy. (: so for today, i feel that coffee don't work. so i shall just sleep when i really need to. (: bye folks. and i'm really considering making this site private, like soon. so only i can remind myself of great or bad times. wahahahahaha!!! (:
you didn't give me a chance to start, just by planning the ending.
(i've noo idea why this sentence came into my mind. just plain randomness)

man here's the.. (star...) 9:06 PM

Sunday, April 6, 2008

uhhuh! i got a new haircut YESTERDAY! hahahaha... well sunday today. wonder whether to be happy or sad? cos i wont get such good rest over the weekdays but i find it a joy going to school actually. LOL!

man here's the.. (star...) 4:44 PM

Saturday, April 5, 2008

went out wif these two buggers today! hahaha... purpose was to go register for the math tuition but closed. ): anyway went bugis, bought 2 tees from topman. errs... oh i bought for myself a new wallet and pencil case. hahaha! from walletshop - myuk. well... it's pretty funny luh. anyway arsenal drew wif liverpool and pompey is through to the FA cup finals! omgosh!! tat's becos no more top epl clubs! so pompey sure win. tyco! lol... well.. tmrw's sunday. yay!

man here's the.. (star...) 10:22 PM

man here's the.. (star...) 11:18 AM

Friday, April 4, 2008

man here's the.. (star...) 10:01 PM

Thursday, April 3, 2008

i really really hope i can pass math test. haha... anyway after first two lectures, went to take the cakes from the malay stall aunty. she kindly allowed of to borrow some space in her fridge! yay! we pranked marcus! we started off wif a small cake, like one slice, n candle. haha... then after singing a bday song, i told marcus to make a wish n while he closed his eyes, i took the cake and smashed it into his face. wahahahahaha... it was super funny. but the actual bigger cake was then brought into the scene. hmmm... abt 18-20 ppl present. n dinesh n marcus ganged up to smash a piece of cake at me luh. wlao... luckily my uniform was clean still. :) okay we had fun. pictures probably post another day once kenneth n dyanna send them to me. :) okay gtg for chem. bye...

man here's the.. (star...) 7:14 PM

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

hold each other for a picture completion!
hold each other for a picture completion!
hold each other for a picture completion!
hold each other for a picture completion!
hold each other for a picture completion!
hold each other for a picture completion!
hold each other for a picture completion!
hold each other for a picture completion!
hold each other for a picture completion!
hold each other for a picture completion!
hold each other for a picture completion!
hold each other for a picture completion!

hold each other for a picture completion!

man here's the.. (star...) 9:42 PM

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

i've got a love story in mind!
i've got a love story in mind!
i've got a love story in mind!
i've got a love story in mind!

i've got a love story in mind!
i've got a love story in mind!
i've got a love story in mind!
i've got a love story in mind!
i've got a love story in mind!
i've got a love story in mind!
i've got a love story in mind!
i've got a love story in mind!
i've got a love story in mind!

i've got a love story in mind!
i've got a love story in mind!
i've got a love story in mind!
i've got a love story in mind!
i've got a love story in mind!

man here's the.. (star...) 10:15 PM

STAR details :P

i'm the coolest for the fact that i live in God's amazing grace
ooh.. && i enjoy teasing people
eheh i'm not some bully luh. look at my size! heehee!
december 1991
seventeen not eighteen, not nineteen
child of God
mugger 55%
slacker 35%
everything else 10%
lame-ness, random-ness
manchester united
cristiano ronaldo
temasek junior college
i don't like closet muggers!!
cos they mug and BOJIO us... boohooloo!
woahsian bojio






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