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Sunday, March 30, 2008

i seriously cannot stand friendster!! damn! it cant load all the time! even when using my sister's laptop. -.-" irritating irritating! well... life's a bore... ): and i don't wanna go to school tmrw. maybe just for tmrw. haha! cos cos, there's chem prac. sian... i'm puzzled abt smth. really. but i do not noe how to say it? gosh! what the heck! hmm... hopefully tmrw's a good day and tat liverpool loses to everton! haha... well cos arsenal sucks! they bloody were 10 men and overcame the odds to beat bolton 3-2?!??!!?!!?!?! relegate bolton man! hahahaha! so to all liverpool fans, the manchester united win over liverpool isn't due to the fact that liverpool was a man down. hahaha! :P anyway i guess i'll probably end here. nothing else to write. ): byebye.
life's a sunshine talking to you. yay!

man here's the.. (star...) 9:47 PM

Saturday, March 29, 2008

had tuition early in the morning today! after that free! yay! i kinda slept after lunch (so piggish) till abt 2plus? went compasspoint to meet zza to mug! hehh... starbucks rock! (: i had two drinks actually. java chip and ice mocha. errs... i guess studying was pretty alright? just that we had to sit outside cos it was full inside. ): the weather's like so screwed up luh! one moment so sunny, the next moment cloudy. hmm... i wanna get a new wallet for myself!! yay!! and i need to go queensway and probably bugis (for wallet)! hahaha... okay that's all actually. goodbye!

man here's the.. (star...) 9:10 PM

Friday, March 28, 2008

kevin has returned to UK! )): i will mist be bestfriend man! haha. okay that sounded soooo... nvrmind. -.-" anyway it's friday morning! but i expect a very busy day ahead and weekend too! ): audrey thinks i like yuxuan. hahahaha!! she's super funny and really believed it. gosh! anyway audrey, i don't like yuxuan man! she's just a friend! c'mon she has a boyfriend! lol... nvrmind... i hate physics! i hate physics! argh!!! i cant stand tutorials! they're killing me. )): i really wonder what time i can sleep. ):

man here's the.. (star...) 12:16 AM

Thursday, March 27, 2008

school group pe sucks! serious! we really couldn't see there was only 1 person at the incline pull up bar. and the few of is gotta pump 500. well obviously we couldn't hit that number but we had to just keep pumping untill that ass is happy. what the hell. "you wanna come for my pe training, you follow my rules and instructions" gosh! given a CHOICE i wont wanna join ur pe! dang! ): and now my palms are rough cos of pumping on the track! suck! it was extrememly hot today! especially during physics prac which i totally kept sweating like non stop! disgusting! glad i'm all back and bathed! ((: though i gotta go off for tuition like soon?! hmm... guess nothing majoy happened today bah? :
i really wanna talk!
i really wanna know!
wow! so nice!
saw that! cool... (:

man here's the.. (star...) 6:25 PM

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

i really gotta rush my PI tonight! grrr... met up wif kevin but didn't really buy anythin today at town. ): ooh he's returning to UK tmrw! well... good luck bro! ((:
school was okay today. but i nvr pay attention for most lessons. shit! ):
and many ppl were emo in school, or seemed as if. whywhy? :
sometimes i really wonder, if i'm really really contented with what i've got or achieved so far? ): whether i need to return back to a few years back to make up for things i didn't do or incomplete. well... argh!! i always wanted to leave mshs but now, it seems life was so much peaceful and less stressful then. (: friends which i haven't really talk to nowadays, laughters we once shared seem so far away! gosh! i need a cheerful pill. :

man here's the.. (star...) 7:57 PM

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

went for mass swim instead of land pe!
many swimmers went! yay!!
after that went to kfc at bedok with sherman and nicholas. food sucks! ):
late for school.. very! 9.40am reached. lol! byebye chem lecture for today
during chem tutorial, teacher was super funny! she say she saw me talking to arkah during lecture. the problem is i didn't even attend lecture! hahaha! i didn't tell her that obviously. but just laughed! ((:
school was kinda boring becos.... ):
nvrmind gotta go do work! >.<

man here's the.. (star...) 6:57 PM

Monday, March 24, 2008

i'm super busy so today's post will be short.
-land trg rocks but it was super tiring.
-school overall was alright but i hate physics. ):
-i have mario on my gc. haha!
-i gotta go for mass swim tmrw! yay! land pe sucks! :P
-i saw twice in school!

man here's the.. (star...) 9:28 PM

Sunday, March 23, 2008

busy with tutorials
should have done them early!
puzzled with certain moves,
should have observed much better!


man here's the.. (star...) 1:33 PM

Saturday, March 22, 2008


dance concert was interesting! hahaha.. i think my sec4 formteacher will like it? cos miss menon liks hiphop dance or dance rather. (: see so thoughtful! >.< anyway some pictures taken after the concert. ooh i've small eyes today. : *randomrandom* errs... nothing else really happened. i really got nothin to say and yup, goodnight.

man here's the.. (star...) 11:55 PM


alright... today was basically chinese in the morning then lunch, still at home, then out! went to town to meet merrill, KEVINKOH and nicholas. hahaha... we went shopping but kevin probably spent the most! yup! he's back for 1 week only, so yeah... (: we went to eat spageddies at paragon and met this really weird waitress? so we fancied our chances! hahaha. "and oso one jug of beer please". and we got it. lol! weird but she actually believed us. hmm... naughty ppl but we were just wanting to go a little high! yay!! (: and i was red! actually i get red very easily, probably becos i've good blood circulation! hahaha! well.. then that's abt all luh. nothing much. it rained super heavily about 5pm can? wlao... we parted and i headed for bugis to meet the clique. Temasek JC Modern Dance Club present(s) REVERIE IV... .... ....

man here's the.. (star...) 11:43 PM

Friday, March 21, 2008

i'm blogging early today cos there simply don't seem to have any time for doing so later. though i most probably remain online the whole day, but... hahaha! nvrmind nvrmind. errs... kevin's cmg back this evening for 1 week! yay!!! 6pm 6pm! probably go out wif the rest on sunday. (: wlao... i think i've no life. ): but from a point of view, isn't that good actually? cos i will have the time to study. well... actually i've no life cos of school yeah? hahaha! (: but nvrmind, school has been pretty good. yay!! (: however, it's boring to carry out the same cycle everyday and when a break comes, u dunno whether to slack or work even harder to make up for loss time. : i'll just play along wif wdv i can... hahaha! (: anyway i think my room really needs a makeover leh. howhowhow? haii... i wanna get a good sofa bed so i can have more precious space when not sleeping. yup sounds like a good idea! i wanna get more aeroplane models but then... no space available. ): not that i already have got alot but it's just no space!!! grrr... i wanna get school swim shirt asap and jacket! hahaha! i wan the jacket. (: cos it's nice! yay! and i guess i've got back my energy though i slept late last night. hmm... math tuition was cancelled and i felt really relieved cos i hadn't completed my assignments. -.-" i ain't no slacker yo! yet again at least i can rest longer and stuff. hahaha! championship manager 2008 on hp is fun! hahaha... friendster is giving me problems as usual and it really irritates me can! haha... ohoh ytd there was this stupid guy who drove so slowly infront of us (mum and i) and so mum started flashing at him. his stupid father sitting behind turned and sweared at us by pointing the finger! omgosh! that totally suck cos he was really slow and his dad actually admitted by pointing his pathetic old and wrinkled finger. hahaha! cos if he dun think his son is driving so slowly (noobshit), he wont think that we are flashing at him cos of that. hahahaha! loserloserloser! that's all i can say. ((: argh!! i wanna start driving yeah... hahahaha! but there's still a long long way to go. ): life's boring. -.-" okay i guess that's about all. >.<

man here's the.. (star...) 10:56 AM

Thursday, March 20, 2008

i dun exactly enjoyed school today! cos everything just went wrong! hmph... i was super duber tired! well... maybe cos i woke up early to watch football, but towards the end of the day, i dun think that's a good reason! hahaha! (: chem lec and math lec was alright... though i managed to concentrate during chem lec but as for math, i forgot to bring my notes. ): so i did some work during the lec. hahaha! break was boring... gp skit was a disaster. i totally became embarrassed abt it! cos i didn't noe what was the moral of my cg's skit. hahaha! anyway we had some laughter, so not so bad. (: lunch i was alone again. and chinese was boring. -.-" maybe cos i was super tired. and not EMO! lol... history which i don't take occupy to slots today and so 2 free periods! i didn't really do work. physics prac was boring. tat was the worst part. probably becos my level of 'awakeness' is running out. hahaha! pe sucks too! yuck! simply waste time sia! it's like worst then swimteam's land trg. -.-" goshgosh!! after that went for school trg for like 40mins or so? hahaha... longbang mr loh's car. eileen, yuxuan, dandan, peckyi, wenhui and zhongyao (who had the comfort of sitting infront). hahaha! (: trg was fun. then we to have teamdinner at kfc. (: teejayswimteam is loved! yay!!! though now i'm beginning to feel tired. maybe a tall java chips doesn't work! ): nvrmind i still have tasks to complete! and it begins now. byebye! (:
p.s feel it! (:

man here's the.. (star...) 10:51 PM

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

i really don't know how to describe school. -.-" lectures were boring. and i didn't study for mo xie. go must copy the 6 sentences 20times! gosh! i'm not that free can!? haii... anyway i just couldn't pay attention during math tutorial today. and now lagging by 3 questions. so irritating. ): then contact time was funny! and arkash probably thought i was the one who shot that question at him but bloody hell NO!!!!! our swimteam's qn nvr say. cos no time. ): hahaha... anyway the rain sucks today and i went aps for trg. but in the end. crap. mgs had swim carnival. ): so didn't exactly train. disgusing. ooh i met a few ppl today at acjc. hahaha... firstly was dawn chik. ooh! nvr seen her in a really really long time! hahaha. and she finds ac sucky? lol! then i met sherlynn. ooh! and honestly, she's not more chubby! hahaha!! nice to see her again! i remember the wonderful times! right sherlynn? ((: anyway i had a really long journey back home. and it sucks. i felt cold... i gotta start my work soon. though i dread it! i wanna wake up tmrw morning early! so as to watch manu game. yay! okay byebye! (:
p.s i'm stickin to the number ONE!

man here's the.. (star...) 9:20 PM

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

pe today sucks! i really dislike pe can!? gosh! firstly, i went to the toilet and luckily after pe shanmin told me the teacher cancelled my name in the attandance list cos she thought i pon pe. -.-" so i had to go back sports com to inform the teacher. ): anyway i got pumping twice! firstly cos we were slow in walking towards the OAC climbing area. then after that during the run, cheng and i slacked like, really really badly? then teacher saw. suay luh! grrr... ): i bathed after pe but then starting sweating cos i had to walk over to the sports com. -.-" lessons today was alright, but pe really made me feel that time passed super duber slowly! went makan lunch wif cg, kinda of luh. haha! then during KI period went library study wif yuxuan. i'm happy cos for the first time i had my math tutorial ready during tutorial! hahaha! and i volunteered. chinese was a bore... haii. though we had some laughter and stuff. came home straight after school and had physics. wow! i feel smarter. lol! but gotta revise again but honestly, i'm tired today. ): nvrmind. anyway that's all. should be training at aps tmrw! have been a slacker. (: bye!
p.s. to call or not to call? :

man here's the.. (star...) 8:13 PM

Monday, March 17, 2008

THINK POSITIVE! THINK POSITIVE! THINK POSITIVE! hahaha... i made this using the postcards in the library? as in it is meant to be like this luh. hmm... cute right? yup! anyway honestly while i was doing this and seeing the 'think positive' thing, it reminded of someone! maybe i shall not mention name! errs... so stop thinking of dying young! not good not good! (: stay positive and happy! yay!! roy's soooo nice. anyway i mugged in the library today. shocking news! o.O
half day today cos tjc did well for alevels or smth like that yeah... went for tjcswimteam lunch, well mostly the j1s/ta3s luh. j2s didn't come ): but we had land trg brought forward today! hahaha! it was fun?! and pretty slack today cos there was new routine and 3 circuits each 30secs only! but running sucks! hahaha... 5 rounds and last two rounds did caterpillar! it was the sun which made it bad bad! ): after land trg went opposite for dessert. sher, nic, sam and aldric left earliest, cos probably got smth on? hmm.. then tim toh, lenard, peckyi, jiamin, jerene, xiaoxuan and i remained for a mini gossiping session? hahaha! not really gossiping luh, just talking nonsense and having fun! hahahaha! then that's about all lor. hmm... pretty average day only. : hopefully tmrw will be a good day. no half day already i guess. LOL! not everyday that lucky. well... gotta read TIMES mag. lagging behind by 3 issues! omgosh! ): and try to start on whichever subject tutorials which requires completion! yay! hardworking hardworkin! ooh and i nvr go check which locker i'm given. ): means tmrw gotta bring loads of stuffs cos bathing after pe! hahahaha! well, that's all i guess. bye! :D

man here's the.. (star...) 8:10 PM

Sunday, March 16, 2008

woke up late today! went for math tuition and hopefully got something out of it? hahaha! tmrw's the start of a new school term! how time really flies! whee! oh! boring timetable tmrw. 2periods of chem prac at the end. ugh! anyway i wasted time at kallang leisure park today. hahaha... maybe becos u weren't into cheerleading. ): so the journey home was even longer than the journey i spent there! hahaha! : i ate foot long subway! what a glutton! hahaha... >.< okayokay i wanna start doing my tutorials! must complete! must complete! yay! byebye!

man here's the.. (star...) 7:52 PM

Friday, March 14, 2008

yay!! i finally got my A380 aeroplane model. hmm... i had the 1:400 one but this is the 1:200. it's definitely and obviously much bigger. (: and i got it up in abt 13minutes? cool... :P
anyway i went back to school today, but kinda wasted time there? cos the gp project wasn't completed! hahahaha... many people didn't turn up anyway. -.-" and supposedly a cg17/08 outing turned out to be only 6ppl including me. how entertaining. well... but the 6 of us did make good use of time. hahaha! it was lenny, mat, shanmin and i studying at tamp starbucks first. i did chem! yay! i'm happy. lol (: errs... then xiu hui and chuwen came and we went to watch step up 2. it was nice. really. hahaha! hmm... then after that went to do smth interesting together. wahahaha! tat was funny. okay i guess that's abt all luh. gtg do work now. bye!

man here's the.. (star...) 9:02 PM

Thursday, March 13, 2008

man here's the.. (star...) 11:59 PM

camp has officially ended. lets say 12pm today? though i didn't join the team for lunch. hahaha! no luh i'm tired and i live in sengkang. the sky then was cloudy. ): and started pouring like crazy can? so i stopped at sengkang compasspoint to eat ya kun, yumyum! before heading home by bus 119. anyway nicgoh and sherman didn't go either. hahaha! neritta didn't join us for the night and today. so wad we basically did was tat, ytd morning i had to cabbed down to ite simei for trg. it was tiring, wad's more i'm sick. hahaha. had polo too! my team was unbeaten! whee!! 3wins and 1 draw. how pro! kiddingkidding. ooh yuxuan fell sick after tat. ): hope she's alright now. (: then ate at the food court at the ite. ooh ytd was rainy too. haii... we bowled in the noon time. haha... i seriously sucked durin the first game? gosh! last out of the 5. but 2nd game won everyone! yay!! hahaha... okay anyway we all had fun! hmm... due to the rain, bbq was cancelled and mr low did everything using his oven at home. there were alot of food and lotsa ribenia. hmm... then we played the 'name' game till 12am. hahaha! movie screening was 'enchanted'. i didn't watch and tried sleeping but couldn't. cos the movie was rather loud and bright! lol! (: lenerd lent me his sleeping bag cos he brought two which he wanted to share wif sherman. but somehow that stupid ass aldric went to sleep next to sherman? aiyo! he no place to sleep then go sleep lenerd's place. make lenard had to sleep somewhere else. poor guy. ): then this morning was basically discussing abt swim carnival which the swimteam is trying to organise. hahaha! (: hopefully everything will go on smoothly and peckyi and i are incharge of logistic! (: so yeah, and oso hope tat response will be goooooood. ((: i guess that's all. gotta go catch up on work. after seeing those people mugging during the 'am' hours of last night. i'm scared... hahahaha! i guess pictures will be up next post or smth. (: lenerd has everything actually. cos i didn't really use my camera! hahaha. byebye!
p.s rain rain go away!

man here's the.. (star...) 1:41 PM

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

i was super dumb today can?

man here's the.. (star...) 7:51 PM

Monday, March 10, 2008

first day of march holidays. spend 9/10 of the day at home. how slack! how 'no-life' i've got. ): well... that's what sick ppl get i guess? physics in the morning was good. i supposed i noe more stuff now. haha. (: only on the kinematics part. yup! then i math almost all the way till now? lets say... 3hours? well.. around there. yay! is this the start of studying in 2008? i certainly hope so. there's chemistry later and hope i get something of it. (: hmm.. i think my flu and cough are slightly better? but not sure if i should train tmrw. howhowhow? ooh and most probably i'm gng back to school tmrw. >.<>.< ooh! i've got no sleeping bag for camp! where the hell is it? ): mustfindmustfindmustfind! hahaha. (wyman and dingchao)'s bdays are cmg. wonder if i can create a celebration. hahaha... it's part of our clique's style yeah? though i can safely say that, the best present must be what dan received? correctcorrect? hahahahaha! well.. i've nothing left to post already. ((: so yup byebye! heh..
p.s mat today's post is pretty long yeah? yay!! :P

man here's the.. (star...) 5:04 PM

Sunday, March 9, 2008

my nose is like a burst tap. and it sucks! no plumber can stop it at once. except tissue paper absorbing all of the fluid. YUCK! ): weekends are ending but it's the march holidays here! hahaha! 11 more days to kevin's short return to singapore from uk. so i guess that will be slacking time for me. haha... okayokay i admit i'm slacking away now. ): no work or any sort of assignments complete )): i'm guilty. bleah. oh! throat doesn't hurt anymore except for the coughs. *coughcough* ): it's bad! hmm... chelsea got knocked out of the fa cup too. so this year's cup is for the noobs to get it. damn! and the joke is that liverpool won newcastle cos for a moment, i hoped that newcastle will win and owen the scorer! hahaha!! too bad. : but everyone's hot fave (i mean most girls) torres scored! hahaha... who cares? they are out of the title race anyway. :P monday tmrw!! not sure what i will do. probably rest more!! haha.. just woke up not very long ago actually. then went to get a shower. but whenever i on the fan, i start sneezing. when i off it, i feel hot. argh!! hot as in the sweating type luh. (: okay i guess that's all. byebye!

man here's the.. (star...) 6:15 PM

Saturday, March 8, 2008

manchester united 0 portsmouth 1
dangdangdang! crap sia! grrr... what a stupid way to lose! who's to blame? wdv wdv.
okayokay i'm tired.
one major thing i'd today??... breathing. (: what a joy. -.-"

man here's the.. (star...) 10:59 PM

Friday, March 7, 2008

I'm sick. Didn't really enjoy school. Except...
dang! bye. :

some pictures from angpengsiong's talk.

man here's the.. (star...) 5:43 PM

Thursday, March 6, 2008

today's a bad bad day.
nothing seemed right from the start.

firstly, i forgot to bring my wallet to school. and i hate to borrow $5. i hate borrowing money. )):
secondly, my throat was soar, till now. and this feeling sucks! )):
thirdly, i failed bad bad bad bad bad bad real badly for my physics test. i'm dumb! )):
fourthly, i suck at soccer today and sherman scratched me while chasing me. though he didn't get me. >.<
lastly, i didn't talk to her again. not for the first time. i'm such a useless faggot.

hmmm... i shall go bath and plan for my rest of the day, till sleeping time. one warning for myself. tmrw's the last day of school before the 1 week break. haii... what can i do?? ):

man here's the.. (star...) 6:35 PM

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

physics test was again like chemistry, SO SO DEAD! )): i gotta buck up man! grr... then it was break, ate chicken rice. actually if u observed, i always eat the SAME thing. hmm... no life. ): econs lecture was alright? was chewing away my clorets sweets. haha... mint! yumyum! (: hiphiphooray! gp/pw lecture was cancelled. means free period. yay!! haha... but it ended quickly and it was chinese. i spoke abt my relationship wif bestfriend kevin koh and everyone thought i was gay. -.-" hahaha! maybe all except shanmin bah! hahahaha! i told some lies duh! (: maths tutorial was okay oso then lessons ended fast! civics was changed to mass civics? as in whole corhort went to the audi. uncle siong came to give a talk. ((: camwhored wif him? lol... as a team luh. ooh he remembers me! ((: lunch wif swim team. not everyone though. especially that certain someone. wahahaha!! then went back to library to study wif samuel, nic and yuxuan. well... i didn't really do alot? okay very little. ): 3.16pm came and we left for audi for TJC SPORTS IGNITE! it was kinda boring actually. hahaha... but got shirt! haha... i left earlier, as in during the food reception for ap. so yuxuan kept my shirt for me i guess. ooh trg today was fun! after so long of absence, i'm pretty satisfiied for today. ((: errs... and dang! i must remind myself to bring my earpiece or mp3 player. cos the journey back home is serious, dingdangdong! damn boring!! haha... oh i met this david fong guy from my school. he's studying in yjc now and i heard tales abt him... from?? i shalln't mention names. wahahahaha! he was wif this ij girl who was christy sec classmate. and she doesn't like christy too. LMAO! who the hell ask ppl to vote for her to be monitor? dang! thickskin sia. errs... i bought myself a new bag. ((: it's not expensive, tat's exactly why i bought it. haha... though i will keep the price all to myself. cant wait for school tmrw. ooh! got group pe tmrw! walao eh... i hate pe to the core. yuckyuckyuck! well... no choice i guess. hahaha... okayokay ohwait! there's physics prac too. omGOSH! dangdang! bad day tmrw. hopefully got good things happening to me. *winks* okay gtg now. c'ya! :D

p.s she's so pretty, she's so pretty, alamak! she's so pretty. hahahaha! :P

man here's the.. (star...) 8:49 PM

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

pe today in school totally suck! i hated it! grr... oh and i just cam back from gym, which i totally sweat it out and it rocks so much better than pe! haha!! chemistry test today was like super super 'i cannot do and surely fail'! )): i'm damn sad becos of that! and i guess i was rather down the entire day today. though some parts were fun. hmm... chemistry tutorial right after the lecture test was kinda boring too. hahaha! shanmin felt bored too!! correct! well... i was sitting directly opposite her so i can tell. :P econs was oso slack. lenny and i were the only two mixed breed bird. hahaha! eagle and dove yeah? it was kinda lame but yup. : and i slacked for pw. last 10mins or so went to canteen find nice people to talk to. ooh and sorry kenneth for returning ur physics file late. :( lunch was boring... i spent the whole time in the library attempting questions. see!! unusual self, but... cheng liang came but he slept through. hahaha... cos there was KI which was our free period. actually it was the entire cg17/08's free period except 1 guy i think? hahaha! dirt! maths tutorial was boring. i was simply copying away so that makes me even more on the sad side of life. haii.... ))): i shall try again later. chinese was pretty amusing though. but still... life's sad and borin for today. i wasted life in school till like 6 pus? yeah... gonggong came to fetch me cos i was simply too tired to take a bus home! long journey luh. oh apsc called. i'm officially gng back tmrw!! haha.. i hope i can find time to? anyway... tat's all gotta go take my dinner. byebye!! :/

man here's the.. (star...) 8:13 PM

Monday, March 3, 2008

i reached home 10.18pm. bathed 10.32pm. sian... okayokay i noe i bathed really fast but i made sure i'm clean! (: of cos i am. hahaha... well, there are reasons for me being home late and it would have been worst if i didn't cab home. errs... there's chem test tmrw, tat's why i had to save time and try get back asap. but i tell u, i probably still fail it. )): school was a scorcher today! cant stand the timetable. urgh!!!! practical is sooo boring. and i only playe dodgeball for that few minutes and i totally suck! well... sorry. >.< anyway before that there was econs, maths, then gp. gp teacher looks rather cool. super young chap. haha! then physics tutorial was boring... awesomely boring!! ): went lunch wif yuxuan, we bitched about a common someone. first time i do that in tjc hor. and he probably be the only one. hahaha! no names mention in here, just to cover up that person's identity. heh... and my cg just had to tease me infront of her. super embarrassing luh. okayokay gym was fun! 4 sets today but only 30sec! whee!! yuxuan and dandan left after one. hmm... no comments. haha!! (: then discussed abt the carnival thingy after that. sat mr loh's van cos he fetched us by the back gate to the hawker centre opposits. omgOSH! mr loh says he's eating durian for dinner. lol!! it's like? errs... okayokay.. fine. chit chat wif lenard, jiamin (oh i promise i wont say anything luh. haha), eileen, jon and peckyi. lol... wonder if it's a mini-gossip session? lmao! okayokay marcus told me tong asked abt me. well... maybe cos i put soccer as 2nd cca. and he told marcus that 2nd choice may not get in? i'm like.... errs.. i'm attached to swimming? lol! okayokay must try go study for chem. byebye! goodnight rather, hope tmrw will be a better day!

p.s will it be better if i dun noe her at all? then she be the perfect person forever! but... i don't really want that. haha! roy's a joke! :P

man here's the.. (star...) 10:37 PM

Sunday, March 2, 2008

okay now i'm seriously in doubt about friendster. hmm... i cancelled the request yesterday and erm... today i checked my profile views. dang! )): so i'm not very sure what's gng on. anyway i got things to do today. i need to get my graphic calculator and start playing around wif it. oh when can i add games? nvrmind. out of the point. >.< eeee.... i wanna go to town later. and i've doubts on bring that stupid bag tmrw. gagagaga! okayokay i did it up so it isn't stupid. hmm... anyway short post for the time being while i go think abt wad's gng on in the friendster world. hehh..

man here's the.. (star...) 1:32 PM

Saturday, March 1, 2008

diediedie... tat's so embarrassing luh! dun wanna go to school already! )):

man here's the.. (star...) 7:24 PM

ooh i'm hearing the chinese song 'wo men de gu shi' thanks to connie for sending me. ((: anyway i woke up early today to go swim wif merrill. hahaha! we catched up wif each other as in regarding our daily lives. hmm... i've got gp tuition later. lol!! i'm excited should the swimming carnival proposal go through. hehh... i wanna be organiser!! yay! ((: alright i hope i can go shopping today. obviously wif mum if not i will end buying nothing. hahaha! and she hasn't added me. )): so long already. argh.... so sian. hahaha! wait my bag is still not completed. it looks kinda ugly actually but aiya, who cares. i will probably bring it to school or smth. hahaha! i think tat's all for this post. maybe update again later. BYE! :D

man here's the.. (star...) 12:24 PM

STAR details :P

i'm the coolest for the fact that i live in God's amazing grace
ooh.. && i enjoy teasing people
eheh i'm not some bully luh. look at my size! heehee!
december 1991
seventeen not eighteen, not nineteen
child of God
mugger 55%
slacker 35%
everything else 10%
lame-ness, random-ness
manchester united
cristiano ronaldo
temasek junior college
i don't like closet muggers!!
cos they mug and BOJIO us... boohooloo!
woahsian bojio






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