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Friday, February 29, 2008

walao roy!!! again the same thing as yesterday. not bold enough! hmph... sigh. i kinda wan the weekends to be over quickly! though it's not even the beginning of it! oh it's the leap year! hello 29th feb!! i went to school today feeling pretty excited. i dunno why! haha... then met jovian and chit chat. wad else? ooh the first period talk was bullshit! yuck! totally bore me to death. okay then maths was at 9.30am, room302. so played soccer. missed so many chances. WALAO! >.<>.< *winks!* hahaha... cos we had nothing to do and that both are waiting for 12.30pm to come. but in the end, she left first and i went to play tennis. omGOSH! that justin wdv guy is super gay. he came to challenge me! ego but he suck for a tennis player. lol!! no offence and i dun wanna be mean. hahaha! well... i quickly cabbed home and it was costly. but i had no choice. i told myself after i bathed in the morning after soccer that i will not do sports cos i needed to go to mount e to do my blood test. but i betrayed myself. ): so went home to bath then off to town. so boring. after everything met up wif dan and ly to supposedly study. but in the end? it was catching up period. hahaha! and dan's fren came too. so i made one new fren from yjc today. guy luh! haha! i wanted to buy two bags today. not meaning buy both but saw two which i could have bought. one which is brandless to me cost $96. @#$!&^$@~!!!! and the other was from celio. $89. wait izzit my taste good or wad? hahaha... in the end nvr buy. too costly! ): so i came home and took up that bag i bought from hk, giordano. and make-up it. i just attached pins and tags on it. lol? of cos use cheap bag to poke it luh! hahaha... i not crumpler meh? i probably go buy some chain (nice one) and attached to it? shall see. :) i need more badges from ppl from different schools! so yeah ppl if u see this, can sell me urs? hahaha! oooh oso i bought new shades today. hahaha! damn cheap. and simple too. for a simple person like me. (: and chengliang just updated me on the timetable. and it sounds totally sucksucksucksuck! badbadbadbadbad!!! damndamndamndamn!! okayokay nvrmind i shall think positively for now. hahaha! *winks*
i found out more things. she was vice-president prefect sia! haha... and hasn't added me till now! ): it says last login 24hrs. damn! maybe rejected. sobsob! :'( aiya nvrmind. i will wait. : training tmrw so goodnight! ((:

man here's the.. (star...) 9:39 PM

Thursday, February 28, 2008

roy's such a coward! ): he doesn't even dare go talk to people! ): grrr.... i dun like it today! though school's pretty fun. played bball. and scored! yay!!! i thought i could nvr play bball. but then. hmm... however, marcus sprained his ankle. :( take care man! so he's probably not cmg to school tmrw? well... tmrw there's maths, chem and phy lectures. eeee.... so disgusting. hahaha. and chinese test today was! hiphiphooray!! GG! ): hahaha... totally gonna flunk it. it's like so boring can? and i think my hair sucks! ): does it? i'm not trying to say that other days it rocks, but then... lol nvrmind... >.< mr loh spoke to sam and i today. i'm told to consider taking 200IM. gosh! aiya anyway take which ever oso die. lol!! just no 200m breaststroke. actually i dunno wad's the diff between 200m br and im. both is like, WTH!!! aldric is a por kia! hahaha. dun ask me why, just observe him ur self. heehee. ooh and the world's so small. friendster totally rocks! hahaha! it allows me to access to ppl so easily. hoo-lala! and it seems like a heavy downpour is abt to happen. but no sign of raindrops yet! whywhy? HOW WOULD I KNOW? crap. i'm looking forward to school tmrw as usual! hope something new will happen! like today. haha... i went after school wif jovian and cheng liang. and perhaps the OGLs of o2 og2 girls oso? they claimed we stalked them. but i think they followed us? (difference is... errrs... dunno?) we didn't sit together at KFC though. and ohya, fastfood sucks! yuck!suck!tuck! okayokay. we walked together to the businterchange/mrt though. and girls do like gossiping. hmm... i wonder why...? hahaha... but their gossips sound kinda interesting. obviously about guys from tjc? well maybe. haha! i want a new nice bag. not bagpack kind or sling. but those ppl just hang it over their shoulders. not something bulky too. haha.. i just wanna throw notes and shirt into it. any recommendations? terrorist escaped! but caught already right? oh!! no yet! shit!! hmm... so izzit efficient or lousy? both perhaps. haha. the end. <3
one word of magic to start it all? but how?

man here's the.. (star...) 5:08 PM

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

i'm liking school at the moment. :D well... i pon physics lecture today cos i followed kenneth to find hod of maths. he wanted to change class which he managed to. haha! dinesh oso followed marcus so we ended up together, ponning physics. hmm... but kenneth told me our clique is 'notorious'! argh!!! must be a good boy. (: we are wad. hehh... anyway physics didn't talk abt watage of paper but went on for lecture. shit! i shouldn't have ponned! :( anyway it's over luh. haha... i went for econs though. but hell!! it was crap. there was simply no space? and i sat the back stoning. yuckyuck! econs is hated! :( the teacher was behind us so we couldn't leave :( oh and i noe tat girl's name. faye right? haha.. i dun have a older brother. whywhywhy? oh not impt anyway. hmm... eyy, i slacked till civics today. oh weepeng sweared at me ): i dun like it! hope she's just joking. hehh!! ppl joking luh. oh and we went to talk to the netballers. haha... we kinda accidentally ps them? cos they thought we were gonna join them for netball. okayokay tmrw i wanna play netball. (: hahaha! surprised? no no! dun be. :D oh marcus keep ur mouth shhhh.... lol. dinesh dun spread the good words. :) shanmin's still best. she zips hers tightly. yay!! good friend. (: ooh civics is loved! serious! my civics tutor simply rocks! though she's chinese teacher. but she spoke english to us. except for like some parts! she seems not to have any temper. okayokay... just to assure myself, mrs chong izzit? j2s, is she nice? (: and the ppl in cg17/08 are cool! hello people. we shall communicate more! hahaha... oh welcome the pae 06/08. cos many of us were former 17cians. hahahaha! wad a crap word to use, but who cares. bleah!! oh and i met cheryl chew on the bus. 38. haha. yeah i was lazy to walk myself. i mean... hello i was alone! wouldn't it be pathetic? ): the journey back home suck! ): a long one and freaking bus 119 took so long again! wtf... 2 buses 87 went by me u noe!! SBS do something for ur nice singaporean here! lol. *ego. in the end i met darren up. we went to cut hair at centrepoint. hahaha... he got a mohawk! looks pretty good on him. serious! *no poring luh!* (: and i look errs... no comments. short short short. long at the front? hahaha! i'm gonna comb nerd tmrw? shall see! :D i wanted to look for a nice bag. oh dun be mistaken. i mean paper bag. hahahaha! dun ask me why. cos i just wanna use it? but i didn't manage to. cant expect me to spend $$ on non-wanted stuffs just for a bag yeah? and of cos without buying anything go ask for one. haha... tat's a little cheapo yeah? hmm... okay i'm gonna try do some revision later. i'm full... but i'm still gonna squeeze in dinner. hahaha. glutton me :) >.< byebye!

man here's the.. (star...) 7:19 PM

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

i spent most of my time in the school library is that. haha! but not mostly on studying. hehh... we played psp in the library. tennis vs mood and i still suck in winning11. i can only play fifa. :( anyway i bought subway, it was just average. -.-" i only attended the chem lecture but it was totally a waste of time. tutors will repeat it right? sian... so i decided to pon gp lecture. hahaha! i didn't get tempted to play soccer! since i didn't bring extra clothes and was in full uni. i bought another tj polo tee. guess everything is done! hahaha... settled! errs... oh we forgot to settle the tickets payment! grrr.. my 6bucks! lol. anyway i need to go get some stationery. oh hoped dan and za are doing good in yjc! :D though they probably still are emo. hmmm... okayokay stop here. byebye!

pretty pretty pretty. :D

man here's the.. (star...) 4:40 PM

Monday, February 25, 2008

it's better to have one extra friend than one extra enemy. and perhaps, since i totally agree wif that, i shall spare no hatred wif whoever. :D practice wad you preach. yay!! okayokay so everything is settled. come to think abt it. it's some kind of taboo. yeeeeww..... :(

anyway tjc swimming (gym) is super cool! though it may be tiring, but seriously it's the only time swimmers bond together. hahaha! ooh yuxuan joined us today. haha... she's not as quiet as she looked on her first day at tjc. haha.. tat's better of cos. :) well... anyway school ended at 9.30am and i played soccer. though it was boring. haha... oh i think netball before that was cool!! hahaha. that girl in vs shirt is pretty. haha! no other thoughts (seriously!!). well.. the girls are good! my team lost! :( hahaha! but we had fun, i hopeed?! anyway tmrw's slack day. eeeew... 2 periods again but this time they are spread out! okayokay tat's all. goodnight!

p.s spurs beat chelsea to the carling cup!! yay!! woodgate baik!!

man here's the.. (star...) 8:25 PM

Sunday, February 24, 2008

oh.. what's the point to dye ur hair, but deep down, u still need people to back u up since u're a sissy? hmm... that's pathetic. and wad's the point of claiming u have alot of "friends" but deep down, u noe u only have ONE which really suck up to you? haha! and ooh.. who's the dickhead who cried like a wanky bitch (oh no sounds like alex, but he was close to that), when his classmates didn't call him out when they went out? lol... poor shit. despo! and when they did, who used the temple as an excuse to go out wif his 2 friends? i mean, why lie? maybe cos they are 25pointer and beyond? poor shit! and now u think i'm being petty? c'mon dun get influenced by ur good 'friends' they think they are big shot? but c'mon afterall u still gotta suck up to the right ppl man! feeling so sorry for people who are being used, yet even if they noe, they enjoy it. haii..

man here's the.. (star...) 2:16 PM

Saturday, February 23, 2008

well.. came home late so gotta push back today's post to earlier. haha... 1 min before midnight. hmm... probably the 'happening' thing of the day was gng to the esplanade wif family to watch dim sum dollies? haha... it was funny. the 'tuna' part was funny! for canton ppl. hmm...
anyway i cannot stand ppl who lie! fuckers! i cant stand ppl who gets 26 points for l1r5 and brags abt his 18 points for l1r4. omgosh! this ppl derseve a place in the ITE worst course. wad's more, this particulat bastard after every paper, claim that it was easy. oh wad a knn, mother fucker, ccb, jiao bin kia bastard... ooh wait he think he gets a girl friend by going on blind dates. wahahaha! and that person turns out to be a prank played by his classmates. how sad... get a life idiot!

man here's the.. (star...) 11:49 PM

Friday, February 22, 2008

yay!! i ponned school today. and i supposed it was as usual boring if i had went there? haha. no offence. (: i went out obviously. finally watched the ahlong pte ltd. errs.. it wasn't as good actually. jh and dan said it was hilarious? oh isaac too. some parts were sick! stupid movie at times. ): okay. went to play pool oso. damn! super unlucky! yuckyuck! ): after that i went to make my way to suntec. met audrey who was ushering. hahaha. poor thing. gotta stand there so long. see i'm so nice to accompany her for 10 minutes or so. :D then eunice came. and after that when my og2 came, we both walked wif them. hmm... then went to find kenneth and dinesh. off to mass dance at fountain of wealth. taken some pictures. but not sent over yet. haha! mass dance was good. probably the best part of orientation 2. haha. victoria came back oso. errs... ruoyu i seriously do not have anything for vic. so stop teasing. (: but i noe who i saw which made me go "wahahahaha! at least u came" i'm not telling. ohoh shanmin knows. so if u see this u better not say it out! :) congrats to marcus for appealing through to tjc! yay!! oh!! this bloody someone, who's such an ass. idiot irritating pest. let me tell u.
yesterday night i was so nice to call ppl out. and this bastard said can at first. only to interupt my sleep (and i slept real early last night, damn tired) to tell me he cant cos HE HAS TO ACCOMPANY HIS MOTHER TO THE TEMPLE TO GET 'PING AN FU' wdv u call that. so while i alighted the train at dhoby, i saw this muh-te phcker wif his supposedly good friend. wth... seriously dun have to tell a lie to go out wif ur other 'clique'. still act tell zza tat we dun call u out when we organised one. ohh! fuck! wad an 'alex teoh' he is. yuck! pest!! *sprayspray* (pesticide). DISUGUSTING!! ): anyway i'm tired and of cos this thing doesn't bother me. cos this kind of ppl. lots of them! get a life! eeee....

okay tat's it. i wanna be nice so nobody hates me! (:

man here's the.. (star...) 11:41 PM

Thursday, February 21, 2008

i left early from orientation 2 again. cos i'm visiting popo soon. well.. today was as usual boring. except i managed to mingle more wif the people of my new og. okay tmrw is mass dance at suntec. i probably go for that part only. hmm... omgosh! i was just talkint to amanda about yuxuan (her friend) cmg to tjc. and today she turned up. i recognised her but she doesn't. wlao... i'm the one u saw while helping out at the cocoa trees stall at suntec one day man! hmph... anyway she's in swimming and called up for some relay this saturday at acs i. all the best swim team! :) though i'm not chosen cos too slow which actually may sound like a criticise but i heave a sign of relief. hahaha! :) okayokay i just did my subject combie thingy, should be getting the same as my former one, pcme h2. oso did cca. haha... though i chose swimming as 1st choice. soccer as 2nd. dance, tennis oso in my 5 choices. actually, i'm just wasting my time cos i noe i'll end up in swimming. unless... okay, i'm feeling weird now. something unknown is bothering me and i dun like this feeling. crap. :(

man here's the.. (star...) 3:30 PM

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Little children, their toys signal their wealth.

Teenagers, handphones signal their wealth.

Young adults, cars signal their wealth.

Married people, houses signal their wealth.

there's never a stop to that ain't there? hmm... but remains the same is that everyone wants the best of the best. so what exactly is the best of the best? well... don't ask me.

anyway, orientation 2 started today. i guarantee ultra boredom. :( oh and swim team found a husky ytd i think? nice dog. haha! wonder what they will do with it. errs... i left orientation early cos popo was admitted to hospital. :( and i think i'm gonna visit her tonight! hope she gets well. God bless her.

i'm not sure if i'm gng to school tmrw though. should I? -.-

man here's the.. (star...) 7:08 PM

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

MOE: Congrats ROY PEK JUN JIE, you are posted to TEMASEK JC, SCIENCE (32S) under 2008 JAE. PL report to JC/MI on 20 Feb 08 at 7.30am.

okay that's settled. i'm officially a TJCian. only thing left now is to really confirm subject combie. i wanna remain in the current one i'm taking. (: though not in a triple science class. haha! cos the timetable will bo so screwed up. :( also uniform is still yet to be bought. haha! must go alter etc, a comfortable uniform! yay!! :) hmm... however, i may be awoken this morning at 8.21am and not so good news for me, or rather 'them'.

dingchao got into ths poly course he wants. so yup congrats dc. though dan got into a poly! damn!! he applied for nyjc and cjc first two choices, both oso cannot. so hope his appeals are successful! wan he be a jc kia, so still can have 'starbuck's together. hahaha! zhuang an posted to innova. LOL!! and well... he wants either nyjc or cjc too. and he's an eleven pointer! aiyo... how to stay in ijc? he deserves to be in a better one! yay! (: so again i wish both of them all the best and good luck in appealing! :D went to mshs today to accompany dan and zza to supposedly collect their testimonials. but the school system super screw up. so didn't get. luckily i brought my laptop along and za did his nyjc appeal! (good luck) errs... then timothy goh came oso for i dunno wad? and weilong too. hahaha. anyway tim.goh and weilong followed dan to his house while i follwed za back to his. met up in the mrt train itself and set off for orchard. hahaha... dan wanted to get his crumpler shoulder rest, but it cost a freaking $26! wth... it's seriously damn ex. can already buy another back (not crumpler though). haha!! then i changed my bermudas too. not all the way at vivo duh! but at far east. there's a freshbox outlet there too. and i saw sarah chia at far east. but didn't call out for her. :) she's wif her cjc clique. hmm... then went to play lan cos movie or shopping no time. so played abt 1hr 15mins of lan. cs only. hahaha! weilong owns!! most of us. hehh... okay then after that went to hougang mall to meet up wif miss png and miss menon. oh gerald see joined us for the orchard part.

menon's treat was for za, ly, dan, jh and i. hmm... ate ice-cream at gelare. yup! was nice. thanks teachers! :) we chatted while eating and stuff. and there was 2 bunks sitting behind us but one of her 'girlfriend' look quite pretty. lol. next after them were some sluts. yuck! they may look pretty but then.... eeeeee.... hahaha! after that went makan wif the guys lor. teachers left. well.. i guess that's about all for today. hmm.. orientation 2 starts tmrw. jiahong will be in tjc! haha. though he's transferring back to ajc. so lame! anyway i'll still be meeting him (99%) tmrw in school. so okayokay. goodnight! :D

man here's the.. (star...) 10:10 PM

Monday, February 18, 2008

okay... today was a pretty good day. (: econs tutorial was as usual boring. then i pon maths tutorial to play soccer. well... played wif the j2s for awhile only. hmm... then the rest of the lessons i went for them. see!! good boy! haha... then ended physics prac well. haha. though i was super lazy to do the osciallation prac at first. but patience helped me through! yay!! i'm in tjc already. i checked the student portal. so tmrw i shall take a good break at home and change my pants at vivo too. yup! (: errs... i went for gym training today. paired up wif dandan for first set and remaining two wif dodo. hmm.. time passed really fast and today, we had lo hei yu sheng!!! as a swim team! hahaha! many ppl went and each of us contributed $2. haha.. oh speaking of money, i've paid my $15 for the sportsexcel t-shirt! hahaha... well.. i guess tat's all today. gonna finish TIMES magazine. dun wannna pile all up. goodnight! (:

man here's the.. (star...) 10:36 PM

Sunday, February 17, 2008

okay... i'm feeling emo suddenly and lying on my bed. supposedly too tired to do anything else except sleeping. then i decided to blog using my phone. how cool. :) i seriously feel not so good? i dunno why but i'm dreading school. yuck! its 12plus am now. so i dun wan this to occupy tmrw's post, if any. so i shall change the timings. well... i guess i'm not in the mood to post anymore. nothing happened. i'm jus sad for fun. Goodnight.

man here's the.. (star...) 11:59 PM

Saturday, February 16, 2008

went for gp tuition today. gosh! the teacher owns man! he knows like everything? hahaha! time passed quickly. soob i found myself in vivo wif friends. :) though the movie was average and we got the front seats! damn damn! two couples sitting next to us. hahaha! the one on the right was smooshing away throughout the movie. oh btw the movie was the jumper. hmm... anyway the food at terra suck big time!! hell man! $18 gone just like that. i didn't finish everything. :( i bought a new bermudas from freshbox. though i think i should have gotten medium? cos small fits just right at my waist. should i get a change? aiya heck! $40. i probably buy more from there and maybe at medium. anyway there's a game later! manchester united vs arsenal! FA CUP!! hahaha... must must watch. :) hopefully no disappointment today. : erm... okay that's abt all. byebye!

p.s posting result out on tuesday. :)

man here's the.. (star...) 11:16 PM

Friday, February 15, 2008

i wonder what's the true definition of fairness? is it to gain something but losing something as well? or is it to just simply gain something people themselves' wanna get? wait, that's more like selfishness. :( so what truely is the meaning? anyway it was an alright school day i guess. except for marcus. poor guy. though i really hope he will stay on in tjc! hopefully his appeal goes through. :) then i finished school at 3pm today. mum could fetch me home first cos she sent her car for servicing. then i slacked at home and went out after that. hahaha! weilong, zhuang an, darren and dan, we met at gerald's place. hmm... obviously we played what we are not supposed to? and i think i'm the biggest winner? hehh... ohya, my application for syfc didn't make it. i'm not exactly disappointed cos i've mentally prepared myself for this unfortunate outcome. okay so where am i heading next in life? what can i strive for? dang! :( anyway i think i wanna go bath and sleep. it's been a semi coaster ride day. tired. >.< so goodnight! :)

man here's the.. (star...) 10:57 PM

Thursday, February 14, 2008

HAPPY VDAY everyone! alright... so today tjc allowed us to wear home clothes to school. obviously i took this chance to. haha! met up wif my class. and of cos everyone was giving away presents. anyway thank you kenneth for the chocolates and gummi bears (yumyum!), victoria for the balloon. :D daphne and dyanna for the rose and card :)) vidhya for that wrist thingy! :)mr loh for the rose. hahaha! weird yeah... and shermin for the chocolates. hmm... however, chem teacher suck today! she blamed us for cmg late. :( whole class came together except for that two indian girls. anyway who cares. the rest of the lessons were pretty alright i guess? though i pon pe but marcus, kenneth and i stayed at the side till like 6pm? lol!! might as well gone for pe yeah? hopefully we dun get into trouble! : dang! i'm bored... i cant wait for next tues whereby i will pon school AGAIN! cos posting results will be out! hahaha! and i will buy my uniforms too!! get them altered to the right size etc. *cross fingers* really dun expect myself to be posted to another school at the moment. heehee! wad else? oh while slacking wif marcus and kenneth, i met the syfc guy who was posted to TPJC at tjc! i think he came for trials. hahaha! well.. he said he failed ear test oso. but still haven get rejected. good sign for both of us! yipee!! i'm feeling guilty. i didn't buy anything for those who gave me stuffs and to those whom i feel deserved one. :( okayokay i will try to make it up! hahahaha! anyway i gtg now. bored. so yeah byebye! jay chou rocks!

man here's the.. (star...) 9:15 PM

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

my posb bank book really really needs a change. it's finished! as in the pages are all used up. hahaha!! probably go tmrw or smth. hmm... i didn't go to school today. :) cos i'm seriously too tired. :( i have had a simple day today. errs... woke up used comp, tried to do the video thingy for grandpa. videos he took last year while travelling i think? well... and then my laptop's memory just have to die on me! hmph... so i stopped doing the last tape! :( later uncle jeff asked me to go wif him to sell his laptop. a really old one. LOL!! i called some guy which i came across through the newpaper ads. and went went uncle to sell lor. $280 nia!!! damn little sia. cant even buy a psp slim. oh can actually. but just the psp slim console. so little money! then he fetched me to sim lim square. YAY!! i bought my 160gb external hard disk. $135. haha! i noe it's ex! :( but i really cannot trust some stores until i chance upon the one i bought it from. and the hard disk casing so funny! it looks like my vaio laptop but then it's just a fake! as in there's a vaio word on it but it's somewhat different. anyway no diff.. the momory space in it matters most. :) and wad's more the cover colour is almost the same as my laptop. so why not man? oh and i was too lazy to train today. :( i'm guilty. hahaha! okayokay i guess that's all i've for posting. byebye!

man here's the.. (star...) 7:02 PM

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

i was pretty reluctant to go to school today and not only after pe did i not regret that decision to come to school. cos today's pe simply suck the shit out of a mountain full of shit! yuck! pe teachers in tjc suck, except for some. :) hmm... we ran today but obviously i slacked. not only! >.< wif dinesh and lenny. hahaha. well... after pe we had abit of time till chem lec, so played soccer wif TA students. score 2-2. sian! we were leading 2 goals luh. haha... lenny blocked a goalkick which went into opponents' goal. wahahahaha! and i scored the second thanks to that unknown TA student. :) but happiness was kinda shortlifted. :( that justin aka camper scored two. lol!! okayokay... anyway went into chem lec late, but the teacher only taught a bit. hmmm... 1 period went by quickly, then it was econs 1 which meant break for me. and the econs 1 ppl like kenneth, dinesh and arkah ponned. :D i ate chicken rice, again. :) during that supposedly break, i quickly complete, or rather try to complete physics tutorials. in the end, i managed to do question 8 and 9!! yay!!! hahahaha! physics tutorial was obviously alright, since i did hw. haha! but poor marcus gotta do qn10, which none of us could do. :( outcome iskandar did it. hehh... then it was lunch break. we didn't eat anything did we? errs... yeah, doubt so. haha... wad did we do then? lol... forgot. anyway chinese lesson, which was 1hr 40mins (2periods) wasn't bored at all! wheee!! cos we watch bu neng shuo de mi mi. one of my fave show. i've no idea why the teachers made those having chinese lessons at that time go to LT4 to watch, but it was a brilliant idea. first time i support chinese teachers! hahaha!! :)) okay then after that was bio. which isaac, marcus and i went opposite to eat. i ate alot. 1 bowl of wanton noodles and 2 chicken wings. bbqed! hmm... then went back library to witness something i cant mention in public. only those present noe abt it. it's nothing serious or wdv... funny actually! hahaha! okay then went off for GP where we watched video again. -.- BBC news, i was like @#!#^!& what!!!! anyway gonggong picked me up cos i gotta meet sec school friends at j8 at like 5pm. to kinda of celebrate zza's bday. hahaha! went to fetch sis from badminton at scgs first then sent me there. obviously i didn't meet them up cos i was incharge of buying the present again. hehh... we bought him a billabong wallet. (zza hope u like it. :)) hmm... then went to watch movie. hahaha! kungfu dunk. honestly it is not bad becos of jay chou. if it was to be some other unknown or less famour singer or actor, it will be a bad movie. cos the moves are pretty faked. hehhh... no offence zza. anyway, darren, dan, weilong, leongyi and zza came! yay!! and i ate 2 cheesy hotdog, 3 chicken and 1 chicken skin sticks from yaki tori while watching. i'm sure a glutton today! hahaha... :) but food is one of the best luxury from god yeah? hmm... for dinner, we ate at pastamania, which i totally regretted. cos everything sucked!! clam chowder tasted like shit. no that i've tasted shit before but still.. yuck! linguni sucks! eeee.... hmm... anyway after that went straight home. :) errs... that's about all for today. gotta go see if i've got any last minute assigments to do. hehh!! goodnight!

man here's the.. (star...) 10:36 PM

Monday, February 11, 2008

okay... i seriously cannot do chemistry, econs, physics and maths! crapcrap! i've returned everything i've learnt during upper sec back to my teachers. no like if they are impt, but i dun seem to be able to understand a single shit of lectures and tutorials. the only part i understand now is sports. :( who wouldn't? anyway i really need to buck up! grrr... and of cos i dun like going to school anymore. :( hahaha! though the *spend time wif friends* part is fun! hahaha! today we kinda pranked a girl who wanted to prank isaac? errs... we dun really noe who she is but still... :) okay we apologised and she said nvrmind and lol. so yup! peace :D wad else? hmm... i went for land training today! did 3 cycles and i really have no strength. :( but yeah that's my problem then. gonggong picked me back cos i noe if i come home myself, i'll be home super duber late. i'm lucky! :D well... tmrw there's pe, wonder if i should skip school. cos cos, i hate the ending part. 2 periods of free bio periods (cos i dun take bio) then last period GP. eeeee.... 4.40pm end school, again! like today just that cos got land trg. yuck! :( okay i think i gotta go back to do my work now. hmm... i'll just try my best to see what i can do lor. : oh and i left my orange nike water bottle outside the gym area today. :( i dun seem to have a thing for water bottles. they always ps me before 3 months of ownership! well... hopefully i can go back tmrw in time to retrieve it. hahaha!! oh and i got one bad news! miz didn't make it for syfc. not that i've passed it, but he probably failed some parts of the medical? :( whywhywhy??! and i should be getting a letter if i fail sometime around, cos i have a review 2 weeks when we had ours together! i wanna get in! i wanna get in! :( dang! i checked the letterbox today and no letters from them to me. still there's a gimmer of hope! hehh.. :) hopefully this smile last forever! yay!! okayokay... sounded childish. byebye!
mood today, errrs.... :O

man here's the.. (star...) 8:52 PM

Sunday, February 10, 2008

well... manchester united lost 2-1 to manchester city. how great was that. :( anyway i started off the day wif visiting to paternal side. hmm... not bad, quite a few red packets! hahaha! then came home abt dinner time. had dinner wif grandma and oso uncle kevin's parents. not long later, went over to aunty joyce's place to visit. hehh... 1 more red packet. then zza, ly and wl came over to watch football. manu seriously suck! :(( hmm... played blackjack and i was banker since it's my house. lol! ended up wif zero winnings and zero loses. not so bad. zza probably biggest loser. hahahaha! anyway no more time to post. gtg sleep. and oh, should i go to school tmrw? >.<

man here's the.. (star...) 11:40 PM

Saturday, February 9, 2008

opps.. gotta push backwards this post, cos came back late today. lol... 12.14am to be exact. so just in case i've things to write abt sunday, supposedly today. well... stayed at home mostly today except 6pm where i left for ger's house. haha... zza and i met on the bus to go there, weifeng earliest though. then weilong and wyman came. started off playing ps2, winning eleven, last year's version. wahahah! beat za twice and wl once. heehee! hmm... had kfc for dinner, thanks to ger's parents. haha! received red packets too. :D $10. haha! anyway we left his place abt 11pm to go rivervale plaza eat macs. hmm... then i got a bloody stomache and took 2mins cab home which cost up to $5.40. damn it! luckily i made quite a pile at ger's place. wahahaha! anyway just to remind myself, dingchao, darren, timogoh and jiahong still owe me $11 dollars for dan's bag. haha! jus in case i forgot who has paid me. cos wyman did today. :) argh... i'm tired so yeah goodnight~!

man here's the.. (star...) 11:59 PM

Friday, February 8, 2008

chinese new year is boring... i rather just stay at home and rest. and perhaps study, which is something i gotta start by tmrw! sian... went to johor today to see my uncle's newly opened massage parlour. okay tat sounded sleazy but it was super duber classy. i swear! the best i've seen. errs.. i did had foot reflexology and it was pretty good? as in i cant figure out between good and bad when it comes to this thing. then we oso went to his condo in jb, it was good. beautiful surroundings. haha! we reachered back singapore abt 6plus. and not many guests turned up. so yeah boring... anyway some pictures from ytd.

man here's the.. (star...) 11:08 PM

Thursday, February 7, 2008

i woke up at abt 9plus and started listening to songs on my ipod. hmm... still not change up, i decided to use my laptop oso. haha! cos i supposed i wont be leaving my house anytime yet. the routine for the new year is always the same. so yeah, i probably expect red packets to flow in. more please this year! i still got a target to hit. *giggles* well... i've spent my time this morning on soccernet, did some updates on friendster and facebook. of cos most of the time i spent, were reading blogs. hahaha! tat's wad i usually do. so yeah reading ppl's blog doesn't mean stalking(alright victoria?) :P certain ppl bring back memories of the past, and i told myself, nvr to broad over anything i did in the past and anticipate the new year!
well... what do i wanna acheive this year? basically, i need more money planning. haha! cos i'm way using money too quickly, though i still have some left at the end of each month. errs... i should try to switch from restaurants to food courts (i'm sure ly and zza will agree wif me too). :D errs... i need to study hard! i cant afford to retain. argh! i hope i wont! after 2 years of disturbing jamie ryann, i hope that it wont happen on me. *not regretful though* >.< then i really gotta start training well... haii... was joining swimming AGAIN a mistake? i noe i will nvr make it to the top, no even in the middle but yes at the bottom :( okay tat's so pessimitic. damn! oso i wanna make some really good friends in tjc! yay!! and i think i've great ones now too. yup! i dun wanna enter politics in tjc. hahaha! and i need to learn to get along wif teachers. so far, i've gotten into trouble wif every tutors of mine. o... i guess that's abt all? and i hope everyone around me will live happily and healthily. hmm... i guess that's all for now, probably go wake up family up and see wad's the timing for the plans to begin. bye and have a prosperous new year!

p.s my songs on iTunes are gone (@*&@!($&)

man here's the.. (star...) 10:11 AM

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

finally back home, showered and feeling clean. :D well... i didn't go to tjc today, opps. and actually i wanted to go back to mshs but i woke up at 11plus. so yeah... haha. anyway i met up wif leong yi, zhuang an and weilong at amk hub to pass dan his present(crumpler bag)! it's from 9 of us. hahaha! me, weilong, leongyi, wyman, jiahong, timo.goh, ding chao, darren and zhuang an. hahaha! so hopefully u like the present dan! and it's brown too! :) okay so i met up wif them and went to eak new york new york. errs... then went to watch movie. CJ7. it was a funny movie and at certain point of the movie, there were some cold jokes. hahahaha!! anyway we had a great time, i guess? :D went to grandparents' place at abt 5plus. stoned there till whole family came. haha! had reunion dinner, obviously. then i met up wif nigel for like 15mins or so. errs... while the rest watched a video of my childhood times. hahaha! so funny. okay and i took pretty long for this post as i realised i jus missed up on fireworks at sengkang again. hmph... though i got it videoed down cos i could get a clear view from here. hahaha! so not so bad. :P errs... i guess tat's abt all. must rest liao, tmrw go celebrate cny!! hopefully i be much much richer after tmrw and of cos for the next few days! yay!!! so yeah, happy cny to all... byebye!

man here's the.. (star...) 11:54 PM

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

alright... today's pe was slack. so i didn't really regret gng to school afterall. hahaha! cos we jus ran like less than 1km? hmm... not bad. :D played soccer after that, wif TA students. i think? should be luh. hahaha. i remembered we got beated 3 nil last week. but today 2-1. still lose but the game lasted very long. probably a draw actually. cos their winning goal we weren't exactly ready. anyway not impt. wad is impt is tat we all had fun... i hope? (marcus especially) hahaha! jkjk... then had lessons, one lecture today only. i played soccer again, during econs. hahaha! as in i didn't have econs1 wad. but for fun only. cg6 played only. as in the few of us. the fun was during my free 2 periods of bio. haha! mixed wif the j2s. errs.. not sure abt the score. but we lost by 1 goal thanks to an own goal. hahaha! it was a funny goal. serious. :) but i scored 2. yay!! then had 2 dinners today. lol... i'm surely an eater. okay tat's it. i guess that's abt all.. gotta go change and probably rest... damn tired. anyway tmrw i'm gng back to mshs. most probably. so yeah, byebye!

man here's the.. (star...) 10:54 PM

Monday, February 4, 2008

i had no troubles wif any teachers in school today. :) but then GP teacher still suck big time and PW teacher is sick! yuck! anyway i didn't go for land trg today. hahaha! cos i was tired. serious. errs.. anyway i cant seem to understand lectures. :( so yeah gotta do some self studying. i hope that it will be a good day tmrw, talking more on the weather cos j1s, tmrw we be playing soccer. so those interested please join. :D

man here's the.. (star...) 6:44 PM

Saturday, February 2, 2008

went out wif leongyi, darren and zhuang an in the end. hahaha. dan and weilong couldn't make it. at least they told us some time before meeting up. so i guess it's not tat fault. (oh roy's so nice). vivo city was the destination and bakerzin it will be. though we walked around at first to see if we could get anything for *you know who*'s birthday. hahaha! in the end, we settled on something which money will be collected first. hahaha... if not maybe we will change to something else. :D okay i noe this is a belated post and the timing is fake. but manchester united was super, idiotic, crazy, stupid, shiitttty when playing against spurs. carrick damn! nani damn! yuck yuck! and fergie jus gotta sub in anderson and nani for scholes and giggs. jus wanna try telling the whole who their succeessorrrrssss are! stupid! haha! anyway back to the outing, we watched the jesses james show. which he got assasinated by his fan or smth. errs... it was a long movie. quite boring actually. maybe becos i didn't really understood it. so if there's a book on that show or smth, i probably get it. hmmm... anyway tat's all i guess... ohoh, the ear test earlier i really dunno wad's gonna happened. so just hope for the best lor. :( bye!

man here's the.. (star...) 11:59 PM

Friday, February 1, 2008

okay just some random pictures taken and obviously, i've been sweating. will noe in a while why. haha! cny celebration today was alright i guess? but i enjoyed the 'smash cream' part best! hahaha! lets see, samuel was hit by me... who else? kahkee too. hahaha! funny luh. however, today in school lenny aka running man was scolded by chinese teacher. LOL... marcus and i jus laughed non stop. or rather me luh. cos it was the first time the teacher became so fierece and oso becos the victim was running man! hahaha!! i spend like half the time of the cny celebration which started at 4.18pm playing soccer. i love the goals i scored! :D oh going back to curriculum time, maths test was not a total disaster afterall. hahaha! but then whether i can pass or not, i really really dunno. hmm... and there's like chem test the week after cny. shit! tmrw morning will not be very pleasant for me. cos i've got that ear review test at ST. cut short, it's for youth flying club. chances of me passing it is like..... i dunno man! but but... hopefully everything goes well. :/ oh! dinner tmrw at vivo. errs.. only za, weilong, ly, dan and darren said they are cmg. so lets see tmrw's post if there's extra ppl who came, extra as in last min they could or i called them. or if these ppl i mentioned early ps. hahaha! wyman and merrill cannot already. :( okay nothing much left to post. as usual, lazy.

man here's the.. (star...) 10:48 PM

STAR details :P

i'm the coolest for the fact that i live in God's amazing grace
ooh.. && i enjoy teasing people
eheh i'm not some bully luh. look at my size! heehee!
december 1991
seventeen not eighteen, not nineteen
child of God
mugger 55%
slacker 35%
everything else 10%
lame-ness, random-ness
manchester united
cristiano ronaldo
temasek junior college
i don't like closet muggers!!
cos they mug and BOJIO us... boohooloo!
woahsian bojio






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