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Thursday, January 31, 2008

hello blog...
i'm back again for the second time in the same day. cos i'm currently experiencing mix feelings. eeee... emo time again, crap. ooookay, i'm so not the emo type but there's something i feel is amiss. yuck! i feel happy cos chinese new year is here tmrw but not so happy cos i dunno wad's the progamme like in school tmrw. besides maths test, i hope i'll be dismissed early! but i noe i gotta attend the cny carnival. cos i've already paid for coupons. :( hopefully it's not as boring as it seems to me and maybe i can get to noe a few more new ppl. :D i mean, i noe who i really wanna make friends wif but... i will scare ppl off! hahaha! boring boring boring. i'm spending too much time on maths. okay wait too much time attempting to maths sounds better. hahaha! aiya, stupid tests! errs... okay i finally got the song i wanted all thanks wyman! :D but it seems that the song is making me even more emo. woah!! i dun understand the redrewards thingy from singtel. i guess i will jus stick to the bill rebate thingy, instead of vouchers cos my phone is actually good enough to last me for at least 3 years? hahaha! but then again, i'm always on the move when it comes to phone. but but i really need to treasure the current one. gosh! another record, jus the previous one lasted 6 months only. usually it's 1 1/2 years or at least 1 year. hmm... ohya actually i bought one for myself secretly which lasted 2 weeks only and i sold it. :( stupid stupid memories of it. hahahaha! okay forget it, i shall go into details. all these happened last year. long long ago long ago. dang! oh chaiyong finally taught me, or rather reminded me on how to go mobile wif msn. hahaha! how dumb and forgetful can i be? very! okay so tat's settled but my phone lack games. i gotta pay for the Ngage games like ea games and so on. they costs around 8sgd each, but surely there be additional charges etc. so i cant afford to let that appear on my phone bills. i will so screwed... hahahaha! mum will sure blast, cos firstly it's a waste of money spending on games and they all act as one common misfortune = distraction. so no no no! i gotta figure out how to install games into my phone free and easy. most imptly, games which doesn't affect the performance of the phone and vice versa. hahaha! i tested pokemon yellow, but sucks! still lack and slow when playing the game. it will be boring pokemon anyway. -.-" i seriously wanna go out wif sec school friends!!! hopefully i can successfully plan the dinner thing this saturday. as soon as tmrw. obviously-.- cos it's friday tmrw already. finally i come welcome the weekend wif great 'enthu'ness. hahahaha! yeah tat's all, i'm getting lazy to type and gotta do continue mathsing. suck! byebye!

man here's the.. (star...) 6:55 PM

i jus finished exploring deeper into my n95 8gb. i kinda got the maps ready but not sure if it works outside luh. errs... and i guess i go do some maths though i'm stuck at like infinite number of questions. sian... hopefully i'll be able to figure the answers out asap! hahaha. chinese new year is like next week and i think i'm looking forward to it. haha! who doesn't? well maybe the married adults don't. oh manchester united beat portsmouth 2-0 wif ronaldo netting both goals! woahsey!! he's simply unstoppable and the best! woohoo... tmrw maths test and i'll be a much happier person after that. i didn't go to school today oso. i'm freaking tired so yeah, cant bring myself to go all the way to bedok. so no switchfoot concert for me. anyway i wasn't intending of attending it man. lenny said it was boring. hahaha. lucky me. okayokay times precious, gtg now. byebye!

man here's the.. (star...) 2:32 PM

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

crap... i'm not in good spirits today. i guess schooling part was probably alright. and i went for training today. seriously was totally shit. as in me. super slow, super slack and no motivation. ugh! i got scolded wrongly today. but well... nobody is to be blamed. suay, tat's it. maths test is shifted to friday, should i feel relieved? switchfoot concert is on at tjc tmrw. should i go? i wanna study hard but now i cant find anything to spur me on. :( damn i'm emo. okayokay i gtg man! tired tired.

man here's the.. (star...) 9:53 PM

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

the day started alright, except that i stood in the canteen like a loner. :( i supposed isaac and co are at the stage under lt1 but i was too lazy to walk there luh. hahaha! cos the rest like jovian etc are having mass swim. so yeah, loner till morning assembly, that's when the rest started cmg by. i got the notes i needed from recommended by the lecture notes or rather lecturers luh. hahaha! chem and phy settled, now left econs but will borrow from alex. errs... pe sucks! gotta run and sweat. so i bathed after pe, errs... shampooed my head but just wash the body. lol! anyway i didn't stink. :D today there were lots of breaks cos of econs1 and bio2. so yeah slacked. but i used this time to find the textbooks. my day was spoilt when i got scolded by GP tutor. indian teacher. *@#@#^! not really scold luh, he jus made me stayed back and bullshit. hahaha! cos i was too funny for him perhaps. :P he jus cant take jokes. what the two j2 girls said earlier before gp abt this indian man was correct. mood swing. why didn't he scold me when i cracked jokes? and like only 1 joke? -.-" stupid loser teacher. anyway i wont let him spoil the rest of my day. wad subjects should i do? aiya decide after dinner and i cant find a suitable bag for my swimming days. gotta pack clothes, swimming stuffs and slippers etc. books oso! alamak! all the bags not suitable. aiya nvrmind wait for mr loh bring in the arena bags. i think this bag still look the best among others like adiddas, reebok. hmm... but for now, jus try my best. hahahaha! okay tat's all for now man.

p.s seize the opportunity!

man here's the.. (star...) 7:35 PM

Monday, January 28, 2008

school started later than normal, 1 period cancelled and it happened to be econs lecture. so yeah, entered maths lecture late cos i thought it was a break. kenneth chew pon school again, but i later saw him attending dance. how funny. as usual, the cg 06/08 is funny. and i dunno wad to do wif tat mortal/immortal thingy. am i supposed to receive anything? but so far nothing. :( hahaha! anyway school was pretty alright, except chem tutorial and physics prac were boring! -.- zzzz... opps! and i went for land trg today, it was fun! we did gym today and stuff... went 3 cyles of it. i'm weak man! :(( but nevertheless i enjoyed it. hahaha! finally i can be part of the tjc, well at least for now? but i definitely remain in it unless i change school. oH! no no wont happen. ran 3 rounds today oso for a start. hopefully i wont get mucle aches tmrw. hahaha! pray hard i wont! hehh... i got alot to catch up on school work i guess? so must chiong or maybe not chiong but try to do as much tonight. :D errs... not sure if i should attend school tmrw? cos it will be boring. wif 2 periods of chinese and later 2 period break then last period GP. gosh! slack slack day. perhaps the only thing which make me go will be chem lecture and pe. cos i dun wanna be questioned again why i'm absent. hahaha! first pe lesson oso nvr attend. gonggong fetched my back from school after land trg, i asked him to and he agreed this morning. cos i dun wanna come home like 8plus 9pm? i hope i will seriously sit down and do work. cos there's maths test this thurs! :( i dun like tests. especially so fast. yuck! but no choice. i'm jus a student. hahaha! sounds emo but, :p. swimming team=funny and cg6-08=jokers. hahahaha!! dandan was funny, tat sss girl. gosh! everyone has to and will agree to that. lol... he actions are super funny and sometimes exxxxxaggggerraaattted. hahahahaha! her hands will go swinging here and there. but she's fast yeah? must be luh. sss wad u expect. :D anyway i probably gotta to take dinner now, so yup bye! ohya manutd 3 spurs 1. hahahaha! ronaldo double. :DD

oso those who i have called for lunch this saturday i will give you all updates again. errs.. soon luh but please throw in more suggestions on places to makan! :D

man here's the.. (star...) 7:48 PM

Sunday, January 27, 2008

today's a crazy day. reached school at abt 8am cos there's newspaper and old clothes collection. together wif the senior, 06/07, we spilt into half as in half of my cg went to the senior's and their half came over. in charged of 3 blocks and we combed it in like 3 hours? slight more but yeah. we oso had to wait for the lorry for another one hour. so jus chatted wif the seniors wif own cg luh. aftert the whole collection, went to makan at pizza hut at bedok interchange there. it sucks! i ordered the wrong food and i think maybe perhaps there were too many ppl, the service sucks to the core. in the end, poor lenny didn't have his food and so we left. mum picked me up cos i wanted to go back to get a shower. dirty. went to fix sister's phone at wheelock and mum fetched me to suntec, cos there was OG dinner. overall it was alright. not boring and semi fun. haha. the photos aren't wif me but wif the 2 girls. errs... and wlao i got whacked for nothing. i was jus trying to be nice to ask him whether he enjoyed wad. haii... kind intentions misjudged. hahaha! :P anyway school's starting later than normal, actually only 1 period. errs... so yeah i'm off to watch football. at the moment, man utd is losing 1nil to spurs. stupid!!! byebye!

man here's the.. (star...) 10:25 PM

Saturday, January 26, 2008

whee!! yesterday was a super super great day. hahaha! i got my new handphone and well... didn't have any plans to upgrade so cost price it will be. i'm not revealing the phone. :P but it's damn cool. errs... tmrw gotta go back to school. how shitty is tat? must go collect newspaper etc. errs... then maybe meeting mel up to pass her some stuff. but tat's not confirmed yet. then after tat i guess i'll be gng for OG dinner? daph says it's at suntec(again?) and fish&co(lol... i thought i wont eat there again). anyway she's done alot of stuff for the OG(things i cant mention yet, not till tmrw night i guess?). hahaha! oso i wanna get a super cool and nice phone cover as in like a leather pouch kinda of stuff for my new precious. but i gotta source for it carefully and quickly.


man here's the.. (star...) 12:25 PM

Friday, January 25, 2008

went back to temasek junior college in the morning to report our results and first two choices for JAE. i think i have a big chance to remain in tjc luh. hahaha! left school abt 8.50am, took 1 hour bus ride from bedok interchange to amk interchange. i slept like half of the journey. heehee! cos i went to meet up wif dan to go back to maris stella to thank my teachers. cos didn't ytd, as i gotta rush to collect mum's new car. obviously wif her. -.-" errs... miss menon gave us permission to enter the staffroom. met all the teachers i know, and thanked them obviously. hahaha! i only didn't manage to meet mdm lim and mr low. i may be meeting up wif some ex classmates to go out later. cos i wanna buy my new shoes. and i still dunno wad reward i should claim from my mum. hahaha! afterall it's single digit results. YAY!! and oso first in class. wahahahaha! okayokay enough, can be better though. aiya tat's all. i wan a new handphone but cant stand the prices and dunno which model. sobsob! any suggestions? :D

man here's the.. (star...) 12:28 PM

Thursday, January 24, 2008

sleepless nights, stupid dreams. all these can be washed away forever and ever. hahaha! i got 9points for olevels. well... not satisfied wif freaking english, b3. shit! but overall at least i got single digit. hahaha!! okay tat's the main thing for today. congrats jiahong, DAN!!, LEONGYI!, zhuang an and many many more. gosh! 4h did good actually.
mum's new car rocks too!! gtg do JAE> bye!

man here's the.. (star...) 10:08 PM

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

tired. tat's how i'm feeling now. plus tmrw's the release of the olevel results. maybe i should console myself by saying that whatever results, doesn't matter. :) becos afterall, i noe i've tried my best, or attempted to. haha! i didn't go for trg today, cos i felt that wdv i do today, wont jus work up. so i headed straight home today. damn! during maths, gotta stand up as punishment for the whole period. cos i didn't do tutorial 2. how could i have missed out on that? hmph... strange. well.. that's over, all i noe is that i've got marked down by tat teacher. sigh. i wanted to go down to queensway to get either my sports shoes or street soccer boots or both, but didn't have the energy to. maybe some other day. hahaha! all shall depend on results. actually what i'm afraid is that, if results doesn't allow me to enter tjc after JAE, i cant see myself going back during that pre posting period. howhowhow? i'm scared. nervous. semi excited. :/ my life seems gloomer this days? perhaps i've yet to really understand jc life. been in the school for 3 and a 1/2 weeks already. oh nearly a month. how time flies. :( luckily i didn't really miss upper sec as much as i expected to, so i dun feel that emo. hahaha! okay i'm bullshitting AGAIN. :0 hope to see my mshs buddies tmrw and sec4 people out there, good luck for results-getting-back. errs.. and i', surprised arsenal lost 5-1 away to spurs. hahaha! so they're out of the carling cup. YAY!!!! :P should i do maths or wdv hw i gotta do now? hmm... i shall see abt it. i gotta do the nose rinsing thing today. and i jus did it for the 2nd time in a day. before bathing. it feels super duber weird. no pain though. heng... it's not tat i'm scared of pain, but who feels comfortable wif pain? haha... ooh i was a good boy during chinese lesson today. hahaha! contact time was sorta waste of time. :x i forgot to pass mr alex loh tat doctor letter thiny. how forgetful can i get. hahaha! wait, maybe it's a lucky thing. cos he will ask if i'm gng for trg and if i say no. he probably may say wdv stuffs. so safe now. haii... i wonder if i can get any sleep tonight. maybe i can cos i'm fatigue. but well there's a bigger possibility that i cannot cos i be thinking abt wad's gonna happened tmrw, 2pm. *shivers* *screams* *grabs his head* *shakes his head* chill... okayokay i guess i probably end here now. it's getting boring. byebye!

man here's the.. (star...) 6:48 PM

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

i left tjc early today. just to come home and get a bit of rest and change. cos i've got to go to mount e for some checks. i cabbed down and hell, taxi fares aren't cheap anymore. no wait, they aren't in the first place. crap. alright so doctor said i should stop sniffing my nose? lol! i sounded like a dog. and i've got abnormal ears. :( i may fail my test wif syfc. :(
wad am i gonna do? no more pilot ambition? wad am i gonna do? well... i supposed since last december, i haven't really encountered something really pleasant? firstly the appeal thingy in to tjc kept me busy and stressed out. then muscle injury. now ears. serious problem here. dang! errs... olevel results are gonna be out this thurs. haha!(facade). i gotta report to maris stella by 2pm i guess? but i probably be going to school in the morning oso. school as in temasek junior college. whether or not i stay, depends on results man! hopefully the school will still accept me if i'm off a little bit? please please please... i do wanna remain in tjc. i hope things will change for the better and yeah, just gotta wait and see now. tired now. wonder izzit becos of ear test results which affected my mood and resulted in fatigue. hahaha! sounds stupid but aiya, i dunno wad i'm talking oso. i guess i end here then. bye.

p.s God give me the strength i need. <33

man here's the.. (star...) 7:10 PM

Monday, January 21, 2008

jus taken my dinner. managed to come home before 8pm today cos mummy fetched my after land training today. speaking of it, land training today was fun! haha... we did 1.6km run wif the caterpillar drill. it was cool. then went into the gym to do stretches and stuff? pretty slack and thankfully somebody said push up. means we jus gotta do 40s worth of it at our own pace and not the pyramid one. :D after drills we went to play captain's ball play-alike. hahaha. errs... school today was okay? except lectures were boring and econs tutorial was slack. hehh... besides tat nothing much really happened except we (the guys) had lots of laughter today. we were kinda wild, high and inattentive at times. heehee... other than tat nothing major. ooh lenny koh is the running man! :DD he's funny. okayokay nothing left. wanna go do some work. byebye!

man here's the.. (star...) 7:59 PM

Saturday, January 19, 2008

i had weird dreams last night. or rather one of them happened this morning. cos i woke up at 9am to answer nature's call and then back to sleeping till 1pm. hahaha! okay i noe i'm a lazy bum but i've got reasons for tat. i'm tired after a week of schooling. but still, i guess i still like tjc! :D and of cos before i go into wad i dreamt about, i wanna say tat i'm surprised and happy that my arm and leg muscles aren't aching or wdv. except my right shoulder due to carrying my bag for long hours ytd. and of cos my tail bone area cos of sit ups. anyway these are good signs. the pain isn't bad anyway. oh i dreamt that i've got 14 points for olevels. crap! i wanna get as low and not 14. i remembered freaking out during the entire dream. haha... firstly becos my 14 is below expectation and secondly, i wont make it to tjc. :( afterall it's jus a dream and i've one more week to go. haha! well most probably till thursday? i hate this feeling. dang! and my other dream was abt my friends. or rather mainly kevin koh? i dreamt abt the good times we shared, obviously not including the both of us but other ppl as a group. good days, good days. :DD and when i woke up, i was like 'crap, he's in uk and the rest are like lost.' so i felt a little sad this morning. ohno! this afternoon. hahaha! cos it's 1pm. hmmm... lets get on wif life. i'm figuring out how i can sit down seriously to do maths. cos there's a class test next week. hopefully it clashes wif olevel results day. hahaha! bad boy! too bad :P okay i guess i've nothing left to say. so yup, byebye!

p.s for my close friends (hopefully u all noe who u are): i love you people! :DD but where have you all gone? :(

man here's the.. (star...) 5:59 PM

Friday, January 18, 2008

today's main focus i shal write on will be training. we started off wif stretches as usual and my most hated thing came. push ups! dang! but i managed to do a few. so yeah, good improvement for a jus recovered swimmer i guess. so we set off for trg. obviously i cant pull during paddles. cos my recovery from push ups really suck to the core. haii... in the end did warm up, paddles and kicking. tat's when the punishment came. mr alex loh caught as slacking and of all sets, we were at our last two which we went really slow for 50m free kick. :( not all but only those doing was called out of the pool and mr loh counted up to 50 in like a few seconds? so tat's how much push ups we need to do. before starting we were made to hang on in tat position for a few minutes under cold wind! wlao eh... then we did a few and i couldn't make it. i will get a relapse if i continued. so mr loh took my push ups and split between shermen, jun hong, samuel and nic goh. gosh!! i was super guilty. but wad really moved me was the team spirit the others showed. the 3 girls and aldrick came out of the pool, despite being spared from punishment and joined in. so to ease the guilt, i jus stayed in push up position for as long as i could. sobsob... anyway tat's all over. after training, mostly j1s went to makan. wif this graduated senior and jonathan, j2, came to join us later. ate at parkway parade foodcourt? after tat set off back home. it was a freaking long journey. really glad to be back home. awaiting for the weekend to arrive. anyway, i haven't really think of wad to do through to midnight. but then most likely, SLEEP. :D hopefully i dun suffer any major muscle aches tmrw or worst, TEAR. really will tear oso. :P

man here's the.. (star...) 10:49 PM

Thursday, January 17, 2008

went to school today. and i hated maths maybe just for today. cos the teacher told me off? it's like wth. i'm like quiet during maths? jus becos i did my work in that small ex book bought during orientation she say me. tell me do on foolscap. -.-" and then caught my eating chewing gum. hahaha! tat part was funny. anyway chinese was lame as usual. cold rather. as in the teacher's supposedly jokes were air-coned! hahaha! then came group pe at the end of the day. gosh! running leh and i didn't bring extra t-shirt or wdv to change into after the run. nevertheless i got on wif life and didn't let tat bother me. so i'm fine now. :D i went to bugis and was the latest to reach there. errs... wyman, dan, weilong, leong yi and zhuang an came. we went to makan at some american restaurant called HIP DINER USA. food was not bad. i pretty like the fruity freeze peach. leong and i ordered one each while the rest jus made do wif ice water. not my prob. :P okayokay the interesting part came after paying the $133.71 bill. we got 4 sets of $15vouchers and as we all noe, there were six of us. so we decided to have a run against luck to who should receive the vouchers. meaning 2 ppl will not get it. we o-ya-pei-ya-som and then wyman, zza and me got into a group. leong, dan and weilong another. so we had another few o-ya-pei-ya-som within the 2 groups and poor wyman and... shit some other person lost. so too bad. after tat we decided to catch a movie. titled cloverfield. i wanna tell everyone to catch this movie. cos this is the worst, most digusting. pathetic movie one can ever find on this planet. seriously. from the start to the end. it was like crap crap crap crap. so ppl dun be influenced wif wad i say abt this movie. jus watch and get conned by the trailer. nono seriously, go catch it. i wanna introduce stupid movies to ppl. really. it's worth watching cos it's damn lame, pathetic, stupid, disgusting. so please please please watched it. you will get a good laugh at the end of the movie. hahahaha! so the end point is tat zza got the blame for bringing us to watch tat movie. and of cos wymand went saying 'should have gone to K'. -.-" it's more expensive and we will end like dunno wad time? LEONG AND I GOT SCHOOL TO ATTEND TMRW! (hahahaha!) okayokay i still got chem prac which the teacher changed to tutorial tmrw. so i gotta hurry complete a few more pages of tutorial hw. eeee... i cant stand writing my way into the night. it's 11pm already. :((

man here's the.. (star...) 11:00 PM

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

okay currently, i think jc life sucks! firstly i got switched to cg6, which actually is for ppl wif triple science. so lessons end super super late and wednesday is like the earliest? but hey, everyone end wednesdays as early too. so not fair. and of cos tmrw's lessons are freaking yucky! and the worst feeling is tat not everyone, including me is certain of remaining in tjc. so i'm feeling not exactly settled? cos u feel tat at the end of the day, u like it or not, u may end up somewhere else. :( i need another break. but too bad, the earth continues to revolve and i continue to pass everyday we deep deep thoughts. my muscles are still aching as a result of monday's trg. wlao. i guess i haven't really recovered from injury which i sustained last december. :( sobsob. i didn't study at all today. dang! but i most certainly will later. hmm... friends at tjc are still cool afterall. haha! and i think everyone is nice, or at least okay. heehee... i ain't wanna enter politics in school for as long as i go. even if i've to put up a facade jus to prevent falling into one, i will. as long as i dun have to spend much time wif tat person. heeha! okayokay i guess i've nothing left to say. so probably end here. and ohoh i miss kevin! :DD (crap i'm not gay!) i'm straight. :DD

man here's the.. (star...) 7:30 PM

Monday, January 14, 2008

reached home at around 9.30pm today. late again i noe. haha! alright anyway today i started off wif medical at st medical service near paya lebar airbase. damn! i didn't clear everything and gotta go back 2 weeks later. -.-" the ear test fail luh. hopefully it's really due to my flu. sian... i wasted 3 hours of my life there. stupid! so i missed alot today. maths and econ lectures and econ tutorial. argh!!!!! well had land trg in school. hated the push ups and pull ups! brought back bad memories. now arms are aching. right one to be exact. hopefully history dun repeat itself. :D
okay i've since soccer trg today, so many ppl join. so even if i join no point. so difficult to train. haha! errs... i supposed trg was okay today? after tat went to makan wif a few of them. then waited for bus 87 at bedok interchange for a real long time and 119 at hougang area for as long. i kinda like the bus 87 trip from bedok back near home. though the journey may be very very long. but i kinda use tat as a time for reflection? hahaha! okayokay i got homework i think. and not even touched. so byebye now! goodnight!

man here's the.. (star...) 9:41 PM

Sunday, January 13, 2008

i've got a medical at syfc tmrw and i'm down wif a pretty bad flu. school resumes tmrw and i've to go late. meaning i may at least have to miss econs and maths lecture. crap! two subjects which i cant really do. or rather all subjects. hahahaha! i wanna buy my street soccer boots tmrw. i probably go to some big sport shop to buy man! today at raffles city nothing at all. hmm... queenesway? but it's far from tjc. errs... where else? and i oso cant decide which shoes to buy. sian... anyway i wanna go do some stuffs now. bye!

man here's the.. (star...) 7:46 PM

Saturday, January 12, 2008

was it just being sensitive and ignoreing or critics will do me good and be able to move on with life? well... i noe i'm not the kind which usually respond to critics cos i find ignoring them more worth it then entertaining. but why am i feeling like this now? could it be becos wad he said was true? or wad others said are too. damn i nvr stopped being bothered the moment i stepped into that place. a place full of competitors and at the end of the day, probably backstabbers i supposed? life's full of misery and endless mystery. whywhywhy? i'm confused. i jus spoke to mum about it and she told me not to get bother by it. but how can? as in it's too early for such stuffs to occur. too fast to sudden. how happening it can get. a listening ear, a caring shoulder and one sweet smile please. someone out there.

man here's the.. (star...) 1:22 PM

Friday, January 11, 2008

here it goes... in a world of sports when the boss doesn't admire you, is there any meaning staying on? no yeah? well... tat's sad. hahaha! and things go on too quickly already i think? 2 jus less than a month and i'm starting to feel a little up and down at times? okay i must make a private decision. where's the next destination?

man here's the.. (star...) 11:36 PM

Thursday, January 10, 2008

i started off the day wif a bad bad cold. and headache as well. sigh... i slept like 8 plus last night? and woke up at abt 5.45am to go to school. cos gonggong has to fetch me sister first then me next. when i reached school, i had to go to the toilet. total times is 2. crap. indigestion probably? anyway my interview wif syfc has passed! and i'm seriously an undecisive person? i wanna keep up my commitment to swimming, but at the same time i wanna join soccer. yeah it seems alright to have 2 pdps but then remember if my medical on monday pass, i will have like 3 CCAs? dang! dilemma dilemma! aiya maybe i should let tjc do the planning for me? and today i forgot to bring notes for maths lecture. so dumb. however, no difference cos i wont be able to concentrate either. hahaha! well... for all 3 lectures, i couldn't exactly concentrate. so i probably do some recap later bah. tmrw there is soccer trials and i'm not sure if i'n allowed to go cos i've got swimming trg? haii... i'm still feeling sick. hopefully tmrw will be a better day. errs... wad else arh, nothing much exciting happened in school today. average day. hmm... okay i shall end here. byebye!

man here's the.. (star...) 5:44 PM

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

today was an awesome day for me. well guess to a large extend bah. firstly there were no major talks today in the morning. so there wasn't any boredom. hahaha! then i left school at 12.30pm and head for syfc for interview wif my fellow tjcian kenneth kwek. though i think i didn't do well for the interview, i shall await for a call. if there is then i'm in. if not i have to find another way to be dream bound. hahaha! i went back to school wif kenneth, cos his father fetched us. so i started off walking around like 5mins then went to play football wif the ppl who are playing luh obviously. hahaha! aiya i'm seriously tired and dun wanna elaborate. goodnight! tump!

man here's the.. (star...) 8:13 PM

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

had morning assemble today, as a TJCian. hahaha! it was the quietest morning assembly ever? the once so sporting tjc seems faded. haha! nobody sung national anthem. boring. had 2 talks. pe and library. one expression... yawns....... then i only had one lesson today and tat is physics. i love science somehow. :D school rules say tat no tjcians can leave the school only after 12.30pm. so i went to explore the school wif my fellow swimming and mshs mate, samuel tan. then we went library study leh. after dismissal, went bedok interchange makan wif samuel. hmm... then boarded 87, alone. there was this spastic primary-age kid on board. i wont go into details wad he was dng, cos nothing he did disturbed me. but still.
the turning point for today is tat i trained at aps. hahahaha! in like 6 months? dunno luh. it was pretty slack. and probably tmrw i will attend school trg? sian... scared the ppl there all damn pro. hahaha! okay i've nothing to say now. so yeah, going off. byebye!

p.s amanda chew jia ying!!! send me the photos leh. wlao! hahaha! :D

man here's the.. (star...) 9:28 PM

Monday, January 7, 2008

this are just pictures taken last week. OG5 rocks! hahaha! school today was pretty cool. though lectures, which i had for the first time, was a little boring. -.-"zzzz... but we played soccer today. can tell nobody really played their best man. cos everyone was in uniform. hahaha! ooh, i bought my tjc polo T's and speedo pullover. yay! and i changed my atm card to a doubly awesome one. hiphiphooray! wait the sad part for today was i didn't understand a single shit during lecture. so i probably look through luh. hopefully this wont go on sia! hahahaha! aiya anyway today spend alot of money. so must control a bit. scully no more money for school left. anyway gtg now. nothing much to post. errs... pcme h2, my appeal got through.
roy loves GOD! <33

man here's the.. (star...) 7:06 PM

Sunday, January 6, 2008

a little add on for yesterday's post. errs... this isn't the entire guy group in og5 but yeah.
anyway i'm in cg 17/08? so different from kk and jovian. woah sian... hahaha! i bought my new crumple bag today, of course i'm happy. hahaha! my fourth but 2nd one at present. i couldn't find tat speedo pullover today. dang!
school starts tmrw and lectures for the first time probably? hahaha! muscles aching again. damn it. hopefully injury doesn't come back. cos it sucks! hahaha! duh. nothing interesting luh. jus tat i woke up real late today? okay bye! :DD

man here's the.. (star...) 7:34 PM

Saturday, January 5, 2008


okayokay... so orientation ends today! hahaha! errs. went to tjc at 9am. rehearsal lor. then went eat 'brunch' at parkway parade. but i left early cos gotta to to youth flying club. got joyride today. hmm.. but in the end, rain luh, so nvr. sigh.... anyway after tat mum picked me from syfc and headed back to tjc. tat's when everything starts. errs... lets see, cos o-night was starting? and i was supposed to act as 'shrimp' lol! clan master of slithas. dang! so daphne and dyanna had to put make up on me. so embarrassing! hmmm... well but for the fun of it, okayokay luh. heehee! skit over the last part was great. no photos yet but hopefully will receive them soon. okay i'm tired now, end here luh. byebye!

tjc rock!

man here's the.. (star...) 11:30 PM

Friday, January 4, 2008


today's orientation was good. hahaha! i went to schoo late. actually not really luh. then we had games today oso! we lost all 3. believe it anot? however, for the first game, diana threw 5 so we swop points wif the winner. hahaha! so we were indirectly the winner? then after tat was skit rehearsal. we didn't really intend of gng through? as in there was audition? within each clan. best one will represent the clan. and of all ppl, we thought we did the worst. but... we got chosen. results were out after mass dance practice. best part was evening time. took a bus wif whole og to suntec city, fountain of wealth. great atmosphere. i paired wif diana for dance and then found out she's glenn sim's gf. hahaha! freaky coincidental. cos glenn turned up there. yeah and wdv luh. around 8.30pm i left, though not everything was over. but still, i had fun! :D

obviously i left early for a reason. i went to changi airport send kevin off! :'(( he has really gone to the uk to study. crap. i'm seriously gonna miss him! hahaha! merrill and amanda went too luh. and poor amanda cried. well... anyway it was a really pleasant farewell. and yup i will miss him and wait for him to come back to singapore! yay!! hahahahaha! aiya tat's abt all, tmrw still needa go TJC!!! :DD so yup goodnight goodnight. ooh oso today, i met yo! really prettier in person. haha! no no bad intentions. really luh. dang!

man here's the.. (star...) 11:18 PM

Thursday, January 3, 2008

kevin koh yi meng. one of my best buddies in the world? yeahyeah wdv, anyway he's leaving for UK tmrw! all the best man bro! ooh so u're gng to birmingham! okayokay have fun enjoying the four seasons and please tell me when u'll be cmg back! keep in contact via msn, skype etc. :DD
okay tat's a picture when i first make friends wif him at APSC! okayokay i noe i was pretty blind to have made friends wif him. lmao!! but not like he's my lover, so looks doesn't really matter. dang! kevin dun cry. it's alright. hahahaha! well... so no more 4C or wdv crap shyte stuff but nvrmind, at least wif shared certain good as well as bad memories together yeah? hahahaha! okayokay i supposed that's all for today's post. as in tat's all cos there will be wad happened today in school...
had amazing race or wdv name they gave to this game. and we bloody hell walked alot today. alot alot! it was alright i guess? errs... we spent the day at tmpanese(forgot the spelling, opps!).
then when back, had mass dance practice. tmrw we'll be performing at suntec fountain of wealth. omGOSH! i dun even noe the steps. hewck! lmao! then wad else? errs... aiya basically like tat. i wanna go shower shower now. byebyebye!

man here's the.. (star...) 6:41 PM

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

school's back again. this time for me, a totally different environment. errs... i think first day was kinda crappy? hmm... it makes me dislike tjc? hahahaha! well well... maybe i need time to adapt. but honestly, i cant wait to switch to study mood, instead of orientation. cos i think it's a waste of time. teehee! i reached tjc like 8am or a few minutes later? and the entire thing ended like around 6pm? 1/2 an hour later than planned. wad filled the whole day was jus cheers cheers cheers and more cheers. so noisy to cut short. hmph. it's totally a play thing i guess? and tmrw we be having treasure hunt and stuff? so it will be away from school. yup. then the following night will be mass dance at suntec the fountain? hmm... aiya, i post abt it when the day comes man. feeling rather tired. cos i gotta come home myself. journey took more than an hour man. yuck! okayokay off to rest and do the subect combination now. byebye!

man here's the.. (star...) 8:34 PM

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

wow!! i didn't noe sengkang celebrated the countdown and wad's more, wif fireworks... hahaha! nono this cant be the fireworks from marina, how can it be? so close to my home. furthermore, i've witnessed the marina fireworks north east from the view of my room's window. this firework pic taken was in the west direction. yeah... cool man! hahahaha! so i didn't have to travel all the way to marina to get a good look at fireworks. got it from my room. wif aircon on. good. alright new year, 2008. hello guys. so wad will i be doing today? not sure man! hopefully can find interesting stuffs to do! 3 cheers to wednesday! school's starting. hahahahaha! well... excited but not so excited. cos i wont noe wad it would be like? alright who cares man. hmmm... i'll try post more often this year? yup, and oso happy new year guys! now wad i await will be chinese new year. hahaha. i dun have to explain why yeah? LOL! okayokay i shall end, probably blog later again if something interesting happens? :D byebye!

man here's the.. (star...) 12:09 AM

STAR details :P

i'm the coolest for the fact that i live in God's amazing grace
ooh.. && i enjoy teasing people
eheh i'm not some bully luh. look at my size! heehee!
december 1991
seventeen not eighteen, not nineteen
child of God
mugger 55%
slacker 35%
everything else 10%
lame-ness, random-ness
manchester united
cristiano ronaldo
temasek junior college
i don't like closet muggers!!
cos they mug and BOJIO us... boohooloo!
woahsian bojio






  • January 2008
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